code-423n4 / 2022-06-notional-coop-findings

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Rounding Issues In Certain Functions #155

Open code423n4 opened 2 years ago

code423n4 commented 2 years ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


Per EIP 4626's Security Considerations (

Finally, ERC-4626 Vault implementers should be aware of the need for specific, opposing rounding directions across the different mutable and view methods, as it is considered most secure to favor the Vault itself during calculations over its users:

  • If (1) it’s calculating how many shares to issue to a user for a certain amount of the underlying tokens they provide or (2) it’s determining the amount of the underlying tokens to transfer to them for returning a certain amount of shares, it should round down.
  • If (1) it’s calculating the amount of shares a user has to supply to receive a given amount of the underlying tokens or (2) it’s calculating the amount of underlying tokens a user has to provide to receive a certain amount of shares, it should round up.

Thus, the result of the previewMint and previewWithdraw should be rounded up.


The current implementation of convertToShares function will round down the number of shares returned due to how solidity handles Integer Division. ERC4626 expects the returned value of convertToShares to be rounded down. Thus, this function behaves as expected.

function convertToShares(uint256 assets) public view override returns (uint256 shares) {
    uint256 supply = totalSupply();
    if (supply == 0) {
        // Scales assets by the value of a single unit of fCash
        uint256 unitfCashValue = _getPresentValue(uint256(Constants.INTERNAL_TOKEN_PRECISION));
        return (assets * uint256(Constants.INTERNAL_TOKEN_PRECISION)) / unitfCashValue;

    return (assets * totalSupply()) / totalAssets();

ERC 4626 expects the result returned from previewWithdraw function to be rounded up. However, within the previewWithdraw function, it calls the convertToShares function. Recall earlier that the convertToShares function returned a rounded down value, thus previewWithdraw will return a rounded down value instead of round up value. Thus, this function does not behave as expected.

function previewWithdraw(uint256 assets) public view override returns (uint256 shares) {
    if (hasMatured()) {
        shares = convertToShares(assets);
    } else {
        // If withdrawing non-matured assets, we sell them on the market (i.e. borrow)
        (uint16 currencyId, uint40 maturity) = getDecodedID();
        (shares, /* */, /* */) = NotionalV2.getfCashBorrowFromPrincipal(

previewWithdraw and previewMint functions rely on NotionalV2.getfCashBorrowFromPrincipal and NotionalV2.getDepositFromfCashLend functions. Due to the nature of time-boxed contest, I was unable to verify if NotionalV2.getfCashBorrowFromPrincipal and NotionalV2.getDepositFromfCashLend functions return a rounded down or up value. If a rounded down value is returned from these functions, previewWithdraw and previewMint functions would not behave as expected.


Other protocols that integrate with Notional's fCash wrapper might wrongly assume that the functions handle rounding as per ERC4626 expectation. Thus, it might cause some intergration problem in the future that can lead to wide range of issues for both parties.

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Ensure that the rounding of vault's functions behave as expected. Following are the expected rounding direction for each vault function:

previewMint returns the amount of assets that would be deposited to mint specific amount of shares. Thus, the amount of assets must be rounded up, so that the vault won't be shortchanged.

previewWithdraw returns the amount of shares that would be burned to withdraw specific amount of asset. Thus, the amount of shares must to be rounded up, so that the vault won't be shortchanged.

Following is the OpenZeppelin's vault implementation for rounding reference:

Alternatively, if such alignment of rounding could not be achieved due to technical limitation, at the minimum, document this limitation in the comment so that the developer performing the integration is aware of this.

jeffywu commented 2 years ago

Duplicate #143

gzeoneth commented 2 years ago

Judging this and all duplicate regarding EIP4626 implementation as High Risk. EIP4626 is aimed to create a consistent and robust implementation patterns for Tokenized Vaults. A slight deviation from 4626 would broke composability and potentially lead to loss of fund (POC in can be an example). It is counterproductive to implement EIP4626 but does not conform to it fully. Especially it does seems that most of the time deposit would be successful but not withdraw, making it even more dangerous when an immutable consumer application mistakenly used the wfcash contract.