code-423n4 / 2022-06-notional-coop-findings

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DOS set token through erc777 hook #168

Open code423n4 opened 2 years ago

code423n4 commented 2 years ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


The wfCash is an erc777 token. ERC777.sol#L376-L380 Users can get the control flow before sending token and after receiving tokens. This creates attack vectors that require extra caution in designing modules. Any combination of modules may lead to a possible exploit. To elaborate on the dangerousness of the re-entrancy attack, a possible scenario is presented.

Before the exploit, we first elaborate on three attack vectors:

  1. DebtIssuanceModule.sol#L131-L141 The issuance module would pull tokens from the sender before minting setToken. Assume there are three compoenents in this set. 1. CDai. 2. wfCash In the _callTokensToSend, the setToken has received cdai and the totalSupply is still the same.

  2. nonReentrant does not protect cross-contract re-entrancy. This means, that during the issue of issuance module, users can trigger other modules' functions.

  3. Restricted functions with onlyManagerAndValidSet modifier may be triggered by the exploiter as well. Manager of a setToken is usually a manager contract. Assume it's a multisig-wallet, the exploiter can front-run the execute transaction and replay the payload during his exploit. Note, a private transaction from flash-bot can still be front-run. Please refer to the uncle bandit risk

Given the above attack vectors, the exploiter have enough weapons to exploit the setToken at a propriate time. Note that different combination of modules may have different exploit paths. As long as the above attack vectors remain, the setToken is vulnerable.

Assume a setToken with CompoundLeverageModule, NotionalTradeModule and BasicIssuanceModule with the following positions: 1. CDAI: 100 2. wfCash-DAI 100 and totalSupply = 100. The community decides to remove the compoundLeverageModule from the set token. Since notionalTradeModule can handle cDAI, the community vote to just call removeModule to remove compoundLeverageModule. The exploiter has the time to build an exploit and wait the right timing to come.

  1. The exploiter listen the manager multisig wallet.
  2. Exploiter issue 10 setToken.
  3. During the _callTokensToSend of wfcash, the totalSupply = 100, CDAI = 110, wfCash-DAI = 110.
  4. Call sync of CompoundLeverageModule. _getCollateralPosition get _cToken.balanceOf(address(_setToken)) = 110 and totalSupply = 100 and update the DefaultUnit of CETH 1,1X.
  5. Replay multisig wallet's payload and remove compoundLeverageModule.
  6. The setToken can no longer issue / redeem as it would raise undercollateralized error. Further, setValuer would give a pumped valuation that may cause harm to other protocols.

Proof of Concept

POC The exploit is quite lengthy. Please check the Attack.sol for the main exploit logic.

    function register() public {
        _ERC1820_REGISTRY.setInterfaceImplementer(address(this), _TOKENS_SENDER_INTERFACE_HASH, address(this));
        _ERC1820_REGISTRY.setInterfaceImplementer(address(this), _TOKENS_SENDER_INTERFACE_HASH, address(this));

    function attack(uint256 _amount) external {
        cToken.approve(address(issueModule), uint256(-1));
        wfCash.approve(address(issueModule), uint256(-1));
        issueModule.issue(setToken, _amount, address(this));

    function tokensToSend(
        address operator,
        address from,
        address to,
        uint256 amount,
        bytes calldata userData,
        bytes calldata operatorData
    ) external {
        compoundModule.sync(setToken, false);

Tools Used

Manual inspection.

Recommended Mitigation Steps

The design choice of wfcash being an ERC777 seems unnecessary to me. Over the past two years, ERC777 leads to so many exploits. IMBTC-UNISWAP CREAM-AMP I recommend the team using ERC20 instead.

If the SetToken team considers supporting ERC777 necessary, I recommend implementing protocol-wide cross-contract reentrancy prevention. Please refer to Rari-Capital. Comptroller.sol#L1978-L2002

Note that, Rari was exploited given this reentrancy prevention. Simply making nonReentrant cross-contact prevention may not be enough. I recommend to setToken protocol going through every module and re-consider whether it's re-entrancy safe.

ckoopmann commented 2 years ago

@jeffywu : What do you think ? Can we drop the ERC777 interface from wfCash (it's not used by the NotionalTradeModule afaik). If not, I'll have to review this issue in more details and see if we need a mitigation on our side.

Note that the issue mostly references the DebtIssuanceModule which we probably wont / cant change unless there is a major vulnerability.

jeffywu commented 2 years ago

@ckoopmann I think we can just drop ERC777