code-423n4 / 2022-06-notional-coop-findings

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QA Report #209

Open code423n4 opened 2 years ago

code423n4 commented 2 years ago

1. salt is supposed to be an arbitrary value not 0 make it an arbitrary value and if not arbitrary it can lead to replay attacks.

2. no emits  after important functions 

_burn function,redeem,redeemToassets and after the transfer calls  in wfcashlogic.sol

3. Event is missing indexed fields

each event should use three indexed fields if there are there or more fields

4. best practice to make brownie config file to make notional-wrapped fcash its .yml to .yaml

brownie docs says the cofig file should be called brownie-config.yaml

5. using a old version of solidity can be prone to bugs and no overflow check

6 . using ^0.8.0 you can use one version for deloyment and diffrent version for testing which can cause issues.

instances include:

mitigation: use =0.8.x and version but lock the version of solidity


code is little hard to read because of comments , remove the comments.

instances include: in wfcashbase.sol instead (IERC20 underlyingToken, /* */) = getUnderlyingToken(); instead (IERC20 assetToken, /* */, /* */) = getAssetToken(); instead : (token, /* */) = getUnderlyingToken() instead :(token, /* */, /* */) = getAssetToken(); use: (IERC20 underlyingToken) = getUnderlyingToken(); use:(IERC20 assetToken) = getAssetToken(); use: (token,,)=getAssetToken(); use: (token,,)=getUnderlyingToken()

8 . typos

should be: reentracy
in wfcashLogic.sol:222 and those 3 redeem function
make it :Updatable in notionalTradeModule.sol