code-423n4 / 2022-06-putty-findings

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Gas Optimizations #234

Open code423n4 opened 2 years ago

code423n4 commented 2 years ago


unckecked{} and ++i can be used in for-loops to reduce gas cost of execution and deployment cost.

This does slightly reduced code readability but could be beneficial if large arrays are expected to be used.


for (uint256 i = 0; i < orders.length;) {
    positionIds[i] = fillOrder(orders[i], signatures[i], floorAssetTokenIds[i]);

    unchecked {

Locations where this can be implemented

[1. File: PuttyV2.sol#L556]()

[2. File: PuttyV2.sol#L598]()

[3. File: PuttyV2.sol#L615]()

[4. File: PuttyV2.sol#L641]()

[5. File: PuttyV2.sol#L651]()

[6. File: PuttyV2.sol#L662]()

[7. File: PuttyV2.sol#L674]()

[8. File: PuttyV2.sol#L732]()

[9. File: PuttyV2.sol#L746]()

Ordering require() statements from least gas to most gas when possible will make failing cheaper on average.

These four require statements can be placed at the start of fillorder()

[1. File: PuttyV2.sol#L275-293]()

// check duration is valid
require(order.duration < 10_000 days, "Duration too long");

// check order has not expired
require(block.timestamp < order.expiration, "Order has expired");

// check base asset exists
require(order.baseAsset.code.length > 0, "baseAsset is not contract");

// check floor asset token ids length is 0 unless the order type is call and side is long
order.isCall && order.isLong
    ? require(floorAssetTokenIds.length == order.floorTokens.length, "Wrong amount of floor tokenIds")
    : require(floorAssetTokenIds.length == 0, "Invalid floor tokens length");

like so

// check duration is valid
require(order.duration < 10_000 days, "Duration too long");

// check order has not expired
require(block.timestamp < order.expiration, "Order has expired");

// check base asset exists
require(order.baseAsset.code.length > 0, "baseAsset is not contract");

// check floor asset token ids length is 0 unless the order type is call and side is long
order.isCall && order.isLong
    ? require(floorAssetTokenIds.length == order.floorTokens.length, "Wrong amount of floor tokenIds")
    : require(floorAssetTokenIds.length == 0, "Invalid floor tokens length");

bytes32 orderHash = hashOrder(order);

// check signature is valid using EIP-712
require(SignatureChecker.isValidSignatureNow(order.maker, orderHash, signature), "Invalid signature");

// check order is not cancelled
require(!cancelledOrders[orderHash], "Order has been cancelled");

// check msg.sender is allowed to fill the order
require(order.whitelist.length == 0 || isWhitelisted(order.whitelist, msg.sender), "Not whitelisted");

The same can be done for the below require statements in exercise()

[2. File: PuttyV2.sol#L398-406]()

// check position is long
require(order.isLong, "Can only exercise long positions");

// check floor asset token ids length is 0 unless the position type is put
    ? require(floorAssetTokenIds.length == order.floorTokens.length, "Wrong amount of floor tokenIds")
    : require(floorAssetTokenIds.length == 0, "Invalid floor tokenIds length");