A user can choose to pay the option premium and strike with native ETH. In this case, the received ETH is converted to WETH.
However, if a user accidentally sends ETH to the fillOrder or exercise function without having WETH as the order.baseAsset, the sent ETH funds are lost and can not be recovered.
Proof of Concept
There are 2 ways to accidentally lose ETH as a taker:
Filling a short position with order.baseAsset != weth, taker accidentally sends ETH to fillOrder
// transfer premium to whoever is short from whomever is long
if (order.isLong) {
ERC20(order.baseAsset).safeTransferFrom(order.maker, msg.sender, order.premium);
} else {
// handle the case where the user uses native ETH instead of WETH to pay the premium
if (weth == order.baseAsset && msg.value > 0) {
// check enough ETH was sent to cover the premium
require(msg.value == order.premium, "Incorrect ETH amount sent");
// convert ETH to WETH and send premium to maker
// converting to WETH instead of forwarding native ETH to the maker has two benefits;
// 1) active market makers will mostly be using WETH not native ETH
// 2) attack surface for re-entrancy is reduced
IWETH(weth).deposit{value: msg.value}();
IWETH(weth).transfer(order.maker, msg.value);
} else { // @audit-info as `order.baseAsset != weth` and msg.value > 0, this else branch is taken and sent ETH is lost
ERC20(order.baseAsset).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, order.maker, order.premium);
Filling a long put position with order.baseAsset != weth, taker accidentally sends ETH to fillOrder
// handle the case where the taker uses native ETH instead of WETH to deposit the strike
if (weth == order.baseAsset && msg.value > 0) {
// check enough ETH was sent to cover the strike
require(msg.value == order.strike, "Incorrect ETH amount sent");
// convert ETH to WETH
// we convert the strike ETH to WETH so that the logic in exercise() works
// - because exercise() assumes an ERC20 interface on the base asset.
IWETH(weth).deposit{value: msg.value}();
} else { // @audit-info as `order.baseAsset != weth` and msg.value > 0, this else branch is taken and sent ETH is lost
ERC20(order.baseAsset).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), order.strike);
There are 2 ways to accidentally lose ETH:
Exercising a call option with order.baseAsset != weth, exerciser accidentally sends ETH to exercise
if (order.isCall) {
// -- exercising a call option
// transfer strike from exerciser to putty
// handle the case where the taker uses native ETH instead of WETH to pay the strike
if (weth == order.baseAsset && msg.value > 0) {
// check enough ETH was sent to cover the strike
require(msg.value == order.strike, "Incorrect ETH amount sent");
// convert ETH to WETH
// we convert the strike ETH to WETH so that the logic in withdraw() works
// - because withdraw() assumes an ERC20 interface on the base asset.
IWETH(weth).deposit{value: msg.value}();
} else { // @audit-info as `order.baseAsset != weth` and msg.value > 0, this else branch is taken and sent ETH is lost
ERC20(order.baseAsset).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), order.strike);
// transfer assets from putty to exerciser
_transferFloorsOut(order.floorTokens, positionFloorAssetTokenIds[uint256(orderHash)]);
Exercising a put option, exerciser accidentally sends ETH to exercise
} else {
// -- exercising a put option
// @audit-info there is no check for msg.value == 0, accidentally sent ETH is lost
// save the floor asset token ids to the short position
uint256 shortPositionId = uint256(hashOppositeOrder(order));
positionFloorAssetTokenIds[shortPositionId] = floorAssetTokenIds;
// transfer strike from putty to exerciser
ERC20(order.baseAsset).safeTransfer(msg.sender, order.strike);
// transfer assets from exerciser to putty
_transferERC20sIn(order.erc20Assets, msg.sender);
_transferERC721sIn(order.erc721Assets, msg.sender);
_transferFloorsIn(order.floorTokens, floorAssetTokenIds, msg.sender);
Tools Used
Manual review
Recommended mitigation steps
Add checks to enforce msg.value == 0 where appropriate (see @audit-info annotations).
// transfer premium to whoever is short from whomever is long
if (order.isLong) {
ERC20(order.baseAsset).safeTransferFrom(order.maker, msg.sender, order.premium);
} else {
// handle the case where the user uses native ETH instead of WETH to pay the premium
if (weth == order.baseAsset && msg.value > 0) {
// check enough ETH was sent to cover the premium
require(msg.value == order.premium, "Incorrect ETH amount sent");
// convert ETH to WETH and send premium to maker
// converting to WETH instead of forwarding native ETH to the maker has two benefits;
// 1) active market makers will mostly be using WETH not native ETH
// 2) attack surface for re-entrancy is reduced
IWETH(weth).deposit{value: msg.value}();
IWETH(weth).transfer(order.maker, msg.value);
} else {
require(msg.value == 0, "ETH accidentally sent"); // @audit-info add check
ERC20(order.baseAsset).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, order.maker, order.premium);
// filling short put: transfer strike from maker to contract
if (!order.isLong && !order.isCall) {
ERC20(order.baseAsset).safeTransferFrom(order.maker, address(this), order.strike);
return positionId;
// filling long put: transfer strike from taker to contract
if (order.isLong && !order.isCall) {
// handle the case where the taker uses native ETH instead of WETH to deposit the strike
if (weth == order.baseAsset && msg.value > 0) {
// check enough ETH was sent to cover the strike
require(msg.value == order.strike, "Incorrect ETH amount sent");
// convert ETH to WETH
// we convert the strike ETH to WETH so that the logic in exercise() works
// - because exercise() assumes an ERC20 interface on the base asset.
IWETH(weth).deposit{value: msg.value}();
} else {
require(msg.value == 0, "ETH accidentally sent"); // @audit-info add check
ERC20(order.baseAsset).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), order.strike);
return positionId;
if (order.isCall) {
// -- exercising a call option
// transfer strike from exerciser to putty
// handle the case where the taker uses native ETH instead of WETH to pay the strike
if (weth == order.baseAsset && msg.value > 0) {
// check enough ETH was sent to cover the strike
require(msg.value == order.strike, "Incorrect ETH amount sent");
// convert ETH to WETH
// we convert the strike ETH to WETH so that the logic in withdraw() works
// - because withdraw() assumes an ERC20 interface on the base asset.
IWETH(weth).deposit{value: msg.value}();
} else {
require(msg.value == 0, "ETH accidentally sent"); // @audit-info add check
ERC20(order.baseAsset).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), order.strike);
// transfer assets from putty to exerciser
_transferFloorsOut(order.floorTokens, positionFloorAssetTokenIds[uint256(orderHash)]);
} else {
// -- exercising a put option
require(msg.value == 0, "ETH accidentally sent"); // @audit-info add check
// save the floor asset token ids to the short position
uint256 shortPositionId = uint256(hashOppositeOrder(order));
positionFloorAssetTokenIds[shortPositionId] = floorAssetTokenIds;
// transfer strike from putty to exerciser
ERC20(order.baseAsset).safeTransfer(msg.sender, order.strike);
// transfer assets from exerciser to putty
_transferERC20sIn(order.erc20Assets, msg.sender);
_transferERC721sIn(order.erc721Assets, msg.sender);
_transferFloorsIn(order.floorTokens, floorAssetTokenIds, msg.sender);
Lines of code
https://github.com/code-423n4/2022-06-putty/blob/3b6b844bc39e897bd0bbb69897f2deff12dc3893/contracts/src/PuttyV2.sol#L322-L340 https://github.com/code-423n4/2022-06-putty/blob/3b6b844bc39e897bd0bbb69897f2deff12dc3893/contracts/src/PuttyV2.sol#L350-L361 https://github.com/code-423n4/2022-06-putty/blob/3b6b844bc39e897bd0bbb69897f2deff12dc3893/contracts/src/PuttyV2.sol#L422-L443 https://github.com/code-423n4/2022-06-putty/blob/3b6b844bc39e897bd0bbb69897f2deff12dc3893/contracts/src/PuttyV2.sol#L443-L457
Vulnerability details
A user can choose to pay the option premium and strike with native ETH. In this case, the received ETH is converted to
.However, if a user accidentally sends ETH to the
function without havingWETH
as theorder.baseAsset
, the sent ETH funds are lost and can not be recovered.Proof of Concept
There are 2 ways to accidentally lose ETH as a taker:
Filling a short position with
order.baseAsset != weth
, taker accidentally sends ETH tofillOrder
Filling a long put position with
order.baseAsset != weth
, taker accidentally sends ETH tofillOrder
There are 2 ways to accidentally lose ETH:
Exercising a call option with
order.baseAsset != weth
, exerciser accidentally sends ETH toexercise
Exercising a put option, exerciser accidentally sends ETH to
Tools Used
Manual review
Recommended mitigation steps
Add checks to enforce
msg.value == 0
where appropriate (see@audit-info