code-423n4 / 2022-07-axelar-findings

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QA Report #73

Open code423n4 opened 2 years ago

code423n4 commented 2 years ago

[NAZ-L1] receive() Function Should Emit An Event

Severity: Low Context: DepositReceiver.sol#L29, AxelarDepositServiceProxy.sol#L13

Description: Consider emitting an event inside this function with msg.sender and msg.value as the parameters. This would make it easier to track incoming ether transfers.

Recommendation: Add events to the receive() functions.

[NAZ-L2] Local Variable Shadowing

Severity: Low Context: AxelarDepositService.sol#L19 (both gateway && wrappedSymbol)

Description: These Variables shadow state variables. As a result, the use of them locally might be incorrect.

Recommendation: Rename the local variables that shadow another component.

[NAZ-N1] Code Contains Empty Blocks

Severity Informational Context: AxelarDepositServiceProxy.sol#L13, AxelarAuthWeighted.sol#L101

Description: It's best practice that when there is an empty block, to add a comment in the block exmplaining why it's empty.

Recommendation: Consider adding /* Comment on why */ to the empty block.

[NAZ-N2] Variable Naming Convention

Severity Informational Context: AxelarGateway.sol#L45-L46

Description: The linked variables do not conform to the standard naming convention of Solidity whereby functions and variable names(local, state and immutable) utilize the mixedCase format unless variables are declared as constant in which case they utilize the UPPER_CASE_WITH_UNDERSCORES format.

Recommendation: Naming conventions utilized by the linked statements are adjusted to reflect the correcttype of declaration according to the Solidity style guide.

[NAZ-N3] Missing Use of solhint-disable-next-line

Severity: Informational Context:AxelarGateway.sol#L157, AxelarGateway.sol#L229, AxelarGateway.sol#L320, AxelarGateway.sol#L344, AxelarGateway.sol#L461, AxelarGateway.sol#L615, AxelarAuthWeighted.sol#L101

Description: solhint-disable-next-line is used elsewhere for small linter errors and can be used here to disable these errors.

Recommendation: Consider adding solhint-disable-next-line.

[NAZ-N4] Commented Out Code

Severity: Informational Context: AxelarGateway.sol#L22-L24

Description: There is commented code that makes the code messy and unneeded.

Recommendation: Remove the commented out code.

[NAZ-N5] Floating Pragma

Severity: Informational Context: IAxelarGasService.sol, IAxelarDepositService.sol, IAxelarAuthWeighted.sol, IDepositBase.sol

Description: Contracts should be deployed with the same compiler version and flags that they have been tested with thoroughly. Locking the pragma helps to ensure that contracts do not accidentally get deployed using, for example, an outdated compiler version that might introduce bugs that affect the contract system negatively.

Recommendation: Lock the pragma version.

[NAZ-N6] Missing or Incomplete NatSpec

Severity: Informational Context: All Contracts

Description: Some functions are missing @notice/@dev NatSpec comments for the function, @param for all/some of their parameters and @return for return values. Given that NatSpec is an important part of code documentation, this affects code comprehension, auditability and usability.

Recommendation: Add in full NatSpec comments for all functions to have complete code documentation for future use.

re1ro commented 2 years ago


Receive is used when unwrapping WETH and that ether is processed. No need to emit anything. Dup #3


Good spot.









It's intentional. We want to avoid reusing storage slots in future. So we keep deprecated prefixed commented


Floating Pragma is only for interfaces, so they can be imported by other projects



GalloDaSballo commented 2 years ago

[NAZ-L1] receive() Function Should Emit An Event

NC, also pretty random rule imo

 [NAZ-L2] Local Variable Shadowing

Valid Refactoring since it happens in the constructor

[NAZ-N1] Code Contains Empty Blocks

Disagree in this case

[NAZ-N2] Variable Naming Convention

Disputed, immutable variables are treated like contacts

[NAZ-N3] Missing Use of solhint-disable-next-line


[NAZ-N4] Commented Out Code


[NAZ-N5] Floating Pragma


[NAZ-N6] Missing or Incomplete NatSpec


2R 4NC