code-423n4 / 2022-07-ens-findings

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QA Report #238

Open code423n4 opened 2 years ago

code423n4 commented 2 years ago

1. Use safeTransferFrom instead of transferFrom for ERC721 transfers

OpenZeppelin’s documentation discourages the use of transferFrom(), use safeTransferFrom() whenever possible.

File: contracts\wrapper\NameWrapper.sol
230:         // transfer the token from the user to this contract
231:         registrar.transferFrom(registrant, address(this), tokenId);
233:         // transfer the ens record back to the new owner (this contract)
234:         registrar.reclaim(tokenId, address(this));

File: contracts\wrapper\NameWrapper.sol
335:     function unwrapETH2LD(
336:         bytes32 labelhash,
337:         address newRegistrant,
338:         address newController
339:     ) public override onlyTokenOwner(_makeNode(ETH_NODE, labelhash)) {
340:         _unwrap(_makeNode(ETH_NODE, labelhash), newController);
341:         registrar.transferFrom(
342:             address(this),
343:             newRegistrant,
344:             uint256(labelhash)
345:         );
346:     }

2. call() should be used instead of transfer() on an address payable

Sometimes this kind of issue is considered as Medium risk.

The use of the deprecated transfer() function for an address will inevitably make the transaction fail when:

Additionally, using higher than 2300 gas might be mandatory for some multisig wallets.

File: contracts\ethregistrar\ETHRegistrarController.sol
182:         if (msg.value > (price.base + price.premium)) {
183:             payable(msg.sender).transfer(
184:                 msg.value - (price.base + price.premium)
185:             );
186:         }

File: contracts\ethregistrar\ETHRegistrarController.sol
203:         if (msg.value > price.base) {
204:             payable(msg.sender).transfer(msg.value - price.base);
205:         }

File: contracts\ethregistrar\ETHRegistrarController.sol
210:     function withdraw() public {
211:         payable(owner()).transfer(address(this).balance);
212:     }

3. Unbounded loops with external calls

File: contracts\ethregistrar\ETHRegistrarController.sol
125:     function register(
126:         string calldata name,
131:         bytes[] calldata data,
135:     ) public payable override {
167:         _setRecords(resolver, keccak256(bytes(name)), data);
249:     function _setRecords(
250:         address resolver,
251:         bytes32 label,
252:         bytes[] calldata data
253:     ) internal {
254:         // use hardcoded .eth namehash
255:         bytes32 nodehash = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(ETH_NODE, label));
256:         for (uint256 i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {

File: contracts\ethregistrar\BulkRenewal.sol
50:     function renewAll(string[] calldata names, uint256 duration)
51:         external
52:         payable
53:         override
54:     {
55:         ETHRegistrarController controller = getController();
56:         for (uint256 i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {

4. Wrong Comment

File: contracts\wrapper\NameWrapper.sol
367:     /**
368:      * @notice Sets fuses of a name
369:      * @param node namehash of the name
370:      * @param fuses fuses to burn (cannot burn PARENT_CANOT_CONTROL)
371:      */
373:     function setFuses(bytes32 node, uint32 fuses)


5. Wrong comparison result when the length is longer than 32

File: contracts\dnssec-oracle\BytesUtils.sol
44:     function compare(bytes memory self, uint offset, uint len, bytes memory other, uint otheroffset, uint otherlen) internal pure returns (int) {
45:         uint shortest = len;
46:         if (otherlen < len)
47:         shortest = otherlen;
49:         uint selfptr;
50:         uint otherptr;
52:         assembly {
53:             selfptr := add(self, add(offset, 32))
54:             otherptr := add(other, add(otheroffset, 32))
55:         }
56:         for (uint idx = 0; idx < shortest; idx += 32) {
57:             uint a;
58:             uint b;
59:             assembly {
60:                 a := mload(selfptr)
61:                 b := mload(otherptr)
62:             }
63:             if (a != b) {
64:                 // Mask out irrelevant bytes and check again
65:                 uint mask;
66:                 if (shortest > 32) {
67:                     mask = type(uint256).max;
68:                 } else {
69:                     mask = ~(2 ** (8 * (32 - shortest + idx)) - 1);
70:                 }
71:                 int diff = int(a & mask) - int(b & mask);
72:                 if (diff != 0)
73:                 return diff;
74:             }
75:             selfptr += 32;
76:             otherptr += 32;
77:         }
79:         return int(len) - int(otherlen);
80:     }

The comparison will be wrong when then shortest > 32 because the mask is wrong. For example when the parameters are 01234567890123456789012345678901xaxa, 0, 35 01234567890123456789012345678901xaxb, 0, 35, the result should be zero because they are same with the first 35 characters. For the 2nd iteration of L56, the shortest is greater than 32, and the mask will be type(uint256).max and it will mask all values and this will result to diff != 0.

66:                 if (shortest - idx > 32) {
67:                     mask = type(uint256).max;

5. Wrong comparison result when the self is longer than other

File: contracts\dnssec-oracle\BytesUtils.sol
115:     function equals(bytes memory self, uint offset, bytes memory other) internal pure returns (bool) {
116:         return self.length >= offset + other.length && equals(self, offset, other, 0, other.length);
117:     }

When self.length > offset + other.length, the result can be true. For example when the parameters are hello1, 1, ello, the result should be false because ello1 is different from ello. But the result will be true with this function because the equals function will compare the string within the len.

auditor0517 commented 2 years ago

I think L5 issue "Wrong comparison result when the length is longer than 32" is same as #78.

Also the next issue "Wrong comparison result when the self is longer than other" is the duplicate of #118.