code-423n4 / 2022-07-golom-findings

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Some setters' timelock can be bypassed #698

Open code423n4 opened 2 years ago

code423n4 commented 2 years ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


MED - Function could be impacted

As the timelock does not work as supposed to work, the owner of the contract can bypass timelock.

Proof of Concept

The first poc shows to bypass timelock for GolomTrader::setDistributor. The same logic applies for the RewardDistributor::addVoteEscrow.

  1. The setDistributor was called once in the beforeEach block to set the initial distributor. For this exploit to work, the setDistributor should be called only once. If setDistributor was called more than once, one can set the distributor to zero address (with timelock like in the GolomToken case, then set to a new distributor after that)
  2. reset distributor to zero address without timelock by calling executeSetDistributor
  3. set a new distributor without timelock by calling setDistributor
  4. Rinse and repeat: as long as setDistributor is not called multiple times in row, the owner can keep setting distributor without timelock.

A little bit different variation of timelock bypass was found in the GolomToken. Although the owner should wait for the timelock to set the minter to zero address, but after that, the owner can set to the new minter without waiting for a timelock. Since the meaning of timelock is to let people know the new minter's implementation, if the owner can bypass that, the timelock is almost meaningless. The exploitation steps: the second proof of concept

  1. call setMineter with zero address
  2. wait for the timelock
  3. call executeSetMineter to set the minter to zero address
  4. now the onwer can call setMineter with any address and call executeSetMinter without waiting for the timelock

The owner can call executeSetdistributor even though there is no pendingDistributor set before. Also, setDistributor sets the new distributor without timelock when the existing distributor's address is zero.

// GolomTrader
// almost identical logic was used in `RewardDistributor` to addVoteEscrow
// similar logic was used in `GolomToken` to `setMineter`

444     function setDistributor(address _distributor) external onlyOwner {
445         if (address(distributor) == address(0)) {
446             distributor = Distributor(_distributor);
447         } else {
448             pendingDistributor = _distributor;
449             distributorEnableDate = block.timestamp + 1 days;
450         }
451     }
453     /// @notice Executes the set distributor function after the timelock
454     function executeSetDistributor() external onlyOwner {
455         require(distributorEnableDate <= block.timestamp, 'not allowed');
456         distributor = Distributor(pendingDistributor);
457     }

Tools Used


Recommended Mitigation Steps

To mitigate, execute functions can check whether pendingDistributor is not zero. It will ensure that the setters are called before executing them, as well as prevent to set to zero addresses.

0xsaruman commented 2 years ago

call setMineter with zero address wait for the timelock

This alone will trigger awareness that something malicious is happening and since timelock is there people have time to get out.

0xsaruman commented 2 years ago

the second POC is valid

0xsaruman commented 2 years ago

removed all secondary time locks in the contract and only using the primary timelock that will be behind the owner.

0xsaruman commented 2 years ago