code-423n4 / 2022-07-yield-findings

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QA Report #100

Open code423n4 opened 2 years ago

code423n4 commented 2 years ago
Overview Risk Rating Number of issues
Low Risk 2
Non-Critical Risk 3

Table of Contents

1. Low Risk Issues

1.1. Missing address(0) checks

Consider adding an address(0) check for immutable variables:

File: Witch.sol
59:     ICauldron public immutable cauldron;
71:     constructor(ICauldron cauldron_, ILadle ladle_) {
+ 72:     require(cauldron_ != address(0));
72:         cauldron = cauldron_;
73:         ladle = ladle_;
74:     }

1.2. Unsafe casting may overflow

SafeMath and Solidity 0.8.* handles overflows for basic math operations but not for casting. Even if the comment says "Overflow is fine", consider using OpenZeppelin's SafeCast library to prevent unexpected behaviors here:

Witch.sol:217:        emit Auctioned(vaultId, uint32(block.timestamp));
Witch.sol:241:                start: uint32(block.timestamp), // Overflow is fine
Witch.sol:582:            elapsed = uint32(block.timestamp) - uint256(auction_.start); // Overflow on block.timestamp is fine
File: Witch.sol
302:         // Find out how much debt is being repaid
303:         uint128 artIn = uint128(
304:             cauldron.debtFromBase(auction_.seriesId, maxBaseIn)
305:         );

2. Non-Critical Issues

2.1. Typos

Witch.sol:213:    /// Useful as a method so it can be overriden by specialised witches that may need to do extra accounting or notify 3rd parties
Witch.sol:267:    /// Useful as a method so it can be overriden by specialised witches that may need to do extra accounting or notify 3rd parties
Witch.sol:462:    /// Useful as a method so it can be overriden by specialised witches that may need to do extra accounting or notify 3rd parties
Witch.sol:385:    /// @dev transfers funds from the ilkJoin to the liquidator (and potentially the auctioneer if they're differente people)
Witch.sol:520:    /// @dev quoutes hoy much ink a liquidator is expected to get if it repays an `artIn` amount

2.2. Open TODOS

Consider resolving the TODOs before deploying.

Witch.sol:577:        // TODO: Replace this contract before then 😰

2.3. Use a constant instead of duplicating the same string or replace the following revert strings with Errors

Witch.sol:255:        require(auction_.start > 0, "Vault not under auction");
Witch.sol:300:        require(auction_.start > 0, "Vault not under auction");
Witch.sol:358:        require(auction_.start > 0, "Vault not under auction");
Witch.sol:416:        require(auction_.start > 0, "Vault not under auction");
Witch.sol:365:        require(liquidatorCut >= minInkOut, "Not enough bought");
Witch.sol:313:        require(liquidatorCut >= minInkOut, "Not enough bought");
Witch.sol:328:            require(baseJoin != IJoin(address(0)), "Join not found");
Witch.sol:395:            require(ilkJoin != IJoin(address(0)), "Join not found");
alcueca commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the typos, read the README, learn how to take a joke.

@bbonanno, we have an unnecessary cast on L303, though.

ultrasecreth commented 2 years ago

specialised is not a typo, it's British English :)