code-423n4 / 2022-08-fiatdao-findings

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Delegatees can Trap Delegator Tokens by Extending their own Lock Period #202

Closed code423n4 closed 2 years ago

code423n4 commented 2 years ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


An account with a short lock can delegate to an account with the same length of lock. The delegatee can then call increaseUnlockTime() to increase their lock time all the way to maximum. There is nothing the delegator can do to avoid this. The delegator's tokens would then be effectively locked by their delegatee, who could continue to extend every week. The only way for the delegator to release themselves is to extend their lock time to match the delegatee's and then undelegate. This could significantly harm that user, forcing them to keep tokens locked for much longer than intended. It could also significantly harm the protocol, which may have to deal with many unhappy, trapped users and the resulting reputational harm. Note also that the delegatee has a financial incentive to perpetrate this exploit, especially if they believe the delegator will not notice for a long time: it increases the delegatee's voting power. With a short lock period, a delegatee could potentially allow their lock to expire, transfer out the majority of their own tokens, and then recreate the maximum length lock, gaining the voting power of the dellegator for a long period without locking many of their own tokens.

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Add a field to the struct LockedBalance to store a timestamp: LockedBalance.delegatedEnd When an account delegates, record the expiry timestamp of the delegatee's lock in the delegator's LockedBalance.delegatedEnd. Then use LockedBalance.delegatedEnd in the tests within delegate(): if LockedBalance.delegatedEnd < block.timestamp, undelegation should be allowed.

Proof of Concept

diff --git a/test/votingEscrowTest.ts b/test/votingEscrowTrappedTest.ts
index 7d3163d..6f6ccf3 100644
--- a/test/votingEscrowTest.ts
+++ b/test/votingEscrowTrappedTest.ts
@@ -139,357 +139,17 @@ describe("VotingEscrow Tests", function () {

-  describe("Blocklist checker", async () => {
-    it("Blocklist EOA fails", async () => {
-      await createSnapshot(provider);
-      expect(await blocklist.isBlocked(alice.address)).to.equal(false);
-      expect(await blocklist.isBlocked(bob.address)).to.equal(false);
-      tx = blocklist.block(alice.address);
-      await expect(tx)"Only contracts");
-    });
-    it("Blocklist contract succeeds", async () => {
-      const lockTime = 4 * WEEK + (await getTimestamp());
-      expect(await blocklist.isBlocked(contract.address)).to.equal(false);
-      await contract.createLock(ve.address, lockAmount, lockTime);
-      await blocklist.block(contract2.address);
-      expect(await blocklist.isBlocked(contract2.address)).to.equal(true);
-    });
-    it("Only owner can blocklist", async () => {
-      tx = blocklist.connect(bob).block(contract.address);
-      await expect(tx)"Only manager");
-      await restoreSnapshot(provider);
-    });
-  });
-  describe("EOA flow", async () => {
-    it("Alice and Bob lock FDT in ve", async () => {
+  describe("C4 POCs", async () => {
+    it("Alice and Bob lock FDT in ve for the same time", async () => {
       await createSnapshot(provider);
       const lockTime = 4 * WEEK + (await getTimestamp());

       await ve.connect(alice).createLock(lockAmount, lockTime);
       await ve.connect(bob).createLock(lockAmount, lockTime);
-    it("Alice and Bob attempt to withdraw before lock end, fail", async () => {
-      tx = ve.connect(alice).withdraw();
-      await expect(tx)"Lock not expired");
-      tx = ve.connect(bob).withdraw();
-      await expect(tx)"Lock not expired");
-    });
-    it("Alice attempts to quit lock, succeeds with penalty", async () => {
-      // Increase time to 2 weeks to lock end
-      await increaseTimeTo((await ve.lockEnd(alice.address)).sub(WEEK * 2));
-      await ve.connect(alice).quitLock();
-      // Penalty is ~ 3.84% (2/52*100)
-      assertBNClosePercent(
-        await fdtMock.balanceOf(alice.address),
-        initialFDTuserBal.sub(lockAmount.mul(2).div(MAXTIME)),
-        "0.4"
-      );
-    });
-    it("Check accumulated penalty and collect", async () => {
-      const lockAmount = utils.parseEther("100");
-      expect(await ve.penaltyAccumulated()).gt(0);
-      const penaltyAccumulated = await ve.penaltyAccumulated();
-      await ve.collectPenalty();
-      expect(await ve.penaltyAccumulated()).to.equal(0);
-      expect(await fdtMock.balanceOf(treasury.address)).to.equal(
-        penaltyAccumulated
-      );
-    });
-    it("Bob increase his unlock time", async () => {
-      const lockTime = 10 * WEEK + (await getTimestamp());
-      await ve.connect(bob).increaseUnlockTime(lockTime);
-    });
-    it("Alice locks again after locked expired, succeed", async () => {
-      await increaseTime(5 * WEEK);
-      const lockTime = 4 * WEEK + (await getTimestamp());
-      await ve.connect(alice).createLock(lockAmount, lockTime);
-    });
-    it("Admin unlocks ve contracts", async () => {
-      tx = ve.connect(alice).withdraw();
-      await expect(tx)"Lock not expired");
-      await ve.unlock();
-      expect(await ve.maxPenalty()).to.equal(0);
-    });
-    it("Alice and Bob attempt to quit lock, succeeds without penalty", async () => {
-      await ve.connect(alice).quitLock();
-      assertBNClosePercent(
-        await fdtMock.balanceOf(alice.address),
-        initialFDTuserBal.sub(lockAmount.mul(2).div(MAXTIME)),
-        "0.4"
-      );
-      await ve.connect(bob).quitLock();
-      expect(await fdtMock.balanceOf(bob.address)).to.equal(initialFDTuserBal); // because bob did not quit lock previously but deposited twice
-      expect(await ve.penaltyAccumulated()).to.equal(0);
-      await restoreSnapshot(provider);
-    });
-  });
-  describe("Malicious contracts flow", async () => {
-    it("2 contracts lock FDT in ve", async () => {
-      await createSnapshot(provider);
-      const lockTime = 4 * WEEK + (await getTimestamp());
-      // contract 1
-      await contract.createLock(ve.address, lockAmount, lockTime);
-      expect(await ve.balanceOf(contract.address)).not.eq(0);
-      expect(await ve.balanceOfAt(contract.address, await getBlock())).not.eq(
-        0
-      );
-      // contract 2
-      await contract2.createLock(ve.address, lockAmount, lockTime);
-      expect(await ve.balanceOf(contract2.address)).not.eq(0);
-      expect(await ve.balanceOfAt(contract2.address, await getBlock())).not.eq(
-        0
-      );
-    });
-    it("Blocklisted contract CANNOT increase amount of tokens", async () => {
-      // = await Deployer.deploy(ve.address);
-      await blocklist.block(contract.address);
-      expect(await fdtMock.balanceOf(contract.address)).to.equal(
-        initialFDTuserBal.sub(lockAmount)
-      );
-      await expect(
-        contract.increaseAmount(ve.address, lockAmount)
-      )"Blocked contract");
-      expect(await fdtMock.balanceOf(contract.address)).to.equal(
-        initialFDTuserBal.sub(lockAmount)
-      );
-    });
-    it("Blocklisted contract CANNOT increase locked time", async () => {
-      expect(await fdtMock.balanceOf(contract.address)).to.equal(
-        initialFDTuserBal.sub(lockAmount)
-      );
-      await expect(
-        contract.increaseUnlockTime(
-          ve.address,
-          (await getTimestamp()) + 10 * WEEK
-        )
-      )"Blocked contract");
-      expect(await fdtMock.balanceOf(contract.address)).to.equal(
-        initialFDTuserBal.sub(lockAmount)
-      );
-    });
-    it("Blocklisted contract can quit lock", async () => {
-      await increaseTime(ONE_WEEK);
-      expect(await fdtMock.balanceOf(contract.address)).to.equal(
-        initialFDTuserBal.sub(lockAmount)
-      );
-      await contract.quitLock(ve.address);
-      assertBNClosePercent(
-        await fdtMock.balanceOf(contract.address),
-        initialFDTuserBal.sub(lockAmount.mul(2 * WEEK).div(MAXTIME)),
-        "0.5"
-      );
-      // expect(await fdtMock.balanceOf(contract.address)).to.equal(
-      //   initialFDTuserBal.sub(lockAmount.div(2))
-      // );
-    });
-    it("Admin unlocks ve contracts", async () => {
-      await ve.unlock();
-      expect(await ve.maxPenalty()).to.equal(0);
-    });
-    it("Allowed contract can quit lock without penalty", async () => {
-      // not blocklisted contract
-      await contract2.quitLock(ve.address);
-      expect(await fdtMock.balanceOf(contract2.address)).to.equal(
-        initialFDTuserBal
-      );
-      await restoreSnapshot(provider);
-    });
-  });
-  describe("Blocked contracts undelegation", async () => {
-    it("2contracts lock FDT in ve", async () => {
-      await createSnapshot(provider);
-      const lockTime = 4 * WEEK + (await getTimestamp());
-      const lockTime2 = 2 * WEEK + (await getTimestamp());
-      // contract 1
-      await contract.createLock(ve.address, lockAmount, lockTime);
-      expect(await ve.balanceOf(contract.address)).not.eq(0);
-      expect(await ve.balanceOfAt(contract.address, await getBlock())).not.eq(
-        0
-      );
-      // contract 2
-      await contract2.createLock(ve.address, lockAmount, lockTime);
-      expect(await ve.balanceOf(contract2.address)).not.eq(0);
-      expect(await ve.balanceOfAt(contract2.address, await getBlock())).not.eq(
-        0
-      );
-      // contract 3
-      await contract3.createLock(ve.address, lockAmount, lockTime);
-      expect(await ve.balanceOf(contract3.address)).not.eq(0);
-      expect(await ve.balanceOfAt(contract3.address, await getBlock())).not.eq(
-        0
-      );
-    });
-    it("Admin blocklists malicious contracts", async () => {
-      // contract 2 delegates first
-      await contract2.delegate(ve.address, contract.address);
-      await blocklist.block(contract2.address);
-    });
-    it("Blocked contract gets UNDELEGATED", async () => {
-      await contract.delegate(ve.address, contract3.address);
-      expect((await ve.locked(contract.address)).delegatee).to.equal(
-        contract3.address
-      );
-      await blocklist.block(contract.address);
-      expect((await ve.locked(contract.address)).delegatee).to.equal(
-        contract.address
-      );
-    });
-    it("CANNOT delegate to a blocked Contract", async () => {
-      // contract 3  cannot delegate to contract
-      await expect(
-        contract3.delegate(ve.address, contract.address)
-      )"Blocked contract");
-      await blocklist.block(contract2.address);
-    });
-    it("Blocked contract CANNOT delegate to another user", async () => {
-      //contract 3 is not blocked
-      expect(await blocklist.isBlocked(contract3.address)).to.equal(false);
-      // contract 1 is blocked
-      await expect(
-        contract.delegate(ve.address, contract3.address)
-      )"Blocked contract");
-    });
-    it("Blocked contract is already undelegated", async () => {
-      expect((await ve.locked(contract.address)).delegatee).to.equal(
-        contract.address
-      );
-      // contract 1 is blocked
-      await expect(
-        contract.delegate(ve.address, contract.address)
-      )"Blocked contract");
-    });
-    it("Blocklisted contract CANNOT increase amount of tokens", async () => {
-      expect(await fdtMock.balanceOf(contract.address)).to.equal(
-        initialFDTuserBal.sub(lockAmount)
-      );
-      await expect(
-        contract.increaseAmount(ve.address, lockAmount)
-      )"Blocked contract");
-      expect(await fdtMock.balanceOf(contract.address)).to.equal(
-        initialFDTuserBal.sub(lockAmount)
-      );
-    });
-    it("Blocklisted contract CANNOT increase locked time", async () => {
-      expect(await fdtMock.balanceOf(contract.address)).to.equal(
-        initialFDTuserBal.sub(lockAmount)
-      );
-      await expect(
-        contract.increaseUnlockTime(
-          ve.address,
-          (await getTimestamp()) + 10 * WEEK
-        )
-      )"Blocked contract");
-      expect(await fdtMock.balanceOf(contract.address)).to.equal(
-        initialFDTuserBal.sub(lockAmount)
-      );
-    });
-    it("Blocklisted contract can quit lock", async () => {
-      await increaseTime(ONE_WEEK);
-      expect(await fdtMock.balanceOf(contract.address)).to.equal(
-        initialFDTuserBal.sub(lockAmount)
-      );
-      await contract.quitLock(ve.address);
-      assertBNClosePercent(
-        await fdtMock.balanceOf(contract.address),
-        initialFDTuserBal.sub(lockAmount.mul(2 * WEEK).div(MAXTIME)),
-        "0.5"
-      );
-    });
-    it("Blocked contracts can withdraw", async () => {
-      await increaseTime(ONE_WEEK.mul(10));
-      // blocked contract can still
-      await contract2.withdraw(ve.address);
-      await restoreSnapshot(provider);
-    });
-  });
-  describe("Delegation flow", async () => {
-    it("Alice creates a lock", async () => {
-      await createSnapshot(provider);
-      const lockTime = 4 * WEEK + (await getTimestamp());
-      await ve.connect(alice).createLock(lockAmount, lockTime);
-      const block = await getBlock();
-      expect(await ve.balanceOfAt(alice.address, block)).to.above(0);
-      expect(await ve.balanceOfAt(bob.address, block)).to.equal(0);
-    });
-    it("Bob creates a lock, Alice delegates to Bob", async () => {
-      const lockTime = 5 * WEEK + (await getTimestamp());
+    it("Alice delegates her lock to Bob, increasing his voting power", async () => {
       // pre lock balances
       let block = await getBlock();
-      expect(await ve.balanceOfAt(alice.address, block)).to.above(0);
-      expect(await ve.balanceOfAt(bob.address, block)).to.equal(0);
-      // bob creates lock
-      await ve.connect(bob).createLock(lockAmount, lockTime);
-      block = await getBlock();
       const preBalance = await ve.balanceOfAt(bob.address, block);

@@ -501,360 +161,48 @@ describe("VotingEscrow Tests", function () {
       expect(await ve.balanceOfAt(alice.address, block)).to.equal(0);
       expect(await ve.balanceOfAt(bob.address, block)).to.above(preBalance);
-    it("Bob extends his lock beyond Alice's lock, succeeds", async () => {
-      const lockTime = 6 * WEEK + (await getTimestamp());
-      // pre delegation balances
-      let block = await getBlock();
-      expect(await ve.balanceOfAt(alice.address, block)).to.equal(0);
-      const preBalance = await ve.balanceOfAt(bob.address, block);
-      expect(preBalance).to.above(0);
-      // Bob extends lock
+    it("Bob now extends his lock", async () => {
+      const lockTime = 20 * WEEK + (await getTimestamp());
       await ve.connect(bob).increaseUnlockTime(lockTime);
-      block = await getBlock();
-      expect(await ve.balanceOfAt(alice.address, block)).to.equal(0);
-      expect(await ve.balanceOfAt(bob.address, block)).to.above(preBalance);
+    it("Alice cannot withdraw, quit or undelegate", async () => {
+      await expect(
+        ve.connect(alice).delegate(alice.address)
+      )"Only delegate to longer lock");

-    it("Contract creates a lock, Bob delegates to contract", async () => {
-      const lockTime = 7 * WEEK + (await getTimestamp());
-      // create lock
-      await contract.createLock(ve.address, lockAmount, lockTime);
-      let block = await getBlock();
-      expect(await ve.balanceOfAt(contract.address, block)).to.above(0);
-      // delegate to contract
-      await ve.connect(bob).delegate(contract.address);
-      block = await getBlock();
-      expect(await ve.balanceOfAt(alice.address, block)).to.equal(0);
-      expect(await ve.balanceOfAt(bob.address, block)).to.above(0);
-      expect(await ve.balanceOfAt(contract.address, block)).to.above(0);
-    });
-    it("Alice re-delegates to contract", async () => {
-      let block = await getBlock();
-      expect(await ve.balanceOfAt(alice.address, block)).to.equal(0);
-      expect(await ve.balanceOfAt(bob.address, block)).to.above(0);
-      // re-delegation to contract
-      await ve.connect(alice).delegate(contract.address);
-      block = await getBlock();
-      expect(await ve.balanceOfAt(alice.address, block)).to.equal(0);
-      expect(await ve.balanceOfAt(bob.address, block)).to.equal(0);
-      expect(await ve.balanceOfAt(contract.address, block)).to.above(0);
-    });
-    it("Alice's lock ends before Contract's, Alice cannot delegate back to herself", async () => {
-      tx = ve.connect(alice).delegate(alice.address);
-      await expect(tx)"Only delegate to longer lock");
-      const block = await getBlock();
-      expect(await ve.balanceOfAt(alice.address, block)).to.equal(0);
-      expect(await ve.balanceOfAt(bob.address, block)).to.equal(0);
-      expect(await ve.balanceOfAt(contract.address, block)).to.above(0);
-    });
-    it("Alice extends her lock", async () => {
-      const lockTime = 8 * WEEK + (await getTimestamp());
-      await ve.connect(alice).increaseUnlockTime(lockTime);
-      const block = await getBlock();
-      // expect(await ve.lockEnd(alice.address)).to.equal(
-      //   Math.trunc(lockTime / WEEK) * WEEK
-      // );
-    });
-    it("Alice's lock ends after Contract's, Alice can delegate back to herself", async () => {
-      // pre undelegation
-      let block = await getBlock();
-      const balance_before_contract = await ve.balanceOfAt(
-        contract.address,
-        block
-      );
-      expect(balance_before_contract).to.above(0);
-      // undelegate
-      await ve.connect(alice).delegate(alice.address);
-      // post undelegation
-      block = await getBlock();
-      expect(await ve.balanceOfAt(alice.address, block)).to.above(0);
-      expect(await ve.balanceOfAt(bob.address, block)).to.equal(0);
-      expect(await ve.balanceOfAt(contract.address, block)).to.above(0);
-    });
-    it("Alice's lock is not delegated, Alice can quit", async () => {
-      // pre quit
-      let block = await getBlock();
-      expect(await fdtMock.balanceOf(alice.address)).to.equal(
-        initialFDTuserBal.sub(lockAmount)
-      );
-      expect(await ve.balanceOfAt(alice.address, block)).to.above(0);
-      expect(await ve.balanceOfAt(bob.address, block)).to.equal(0);
-      expect(await ve.balanceOfAt(contract.address, block)).to.above(0);
-      // alice quits
-      await ve.connect(alice).quitLock();
-      // post quit
-      block = await getBlock();
-      assertBNClosePercent(
-        await fdtMock.balanceOf(alice.address),
-        initialFDTuserBal.sub(lockAmount.mul(7 * WEEK).div(MAXTIME)),
-        "0.5"
-      );
-      expect(await ve.balanceOfAt(alice.address, block)).to.equal(0);
-      expect(await ve.balanceOfAt(bob.address, block)).to.equal(0);
-      expect(await ve.balanceOfAt(contract.address, block)).to.above(0);
-    });
-    it("Bob's lock is delegated, Bob cannot quit", async () => {
-      // pre quit
-      let block = await getBlock();
-      expect(await fdtMock.balanceOf(bob.address)).to.equal(
-        initialFDTuserBal.sub(lockAmount)
-      );
-      expect(await ve.balanceOfAt(bob.address, block)).to.equal(0);
-      // Bob attempts to quit
-      tx = ve.connect(bob).quitLock();
-      await expect(tx)"Lock delegated");
-      // post quit
-      block = await getBlock();
-      expect(await fdtMock.balanceOf(bob.address)).to.equal(
-        initialFDTuserBal.sub(lockAmount)
-      );
-      expect(await ve.balanceOfAt(bob.address, block)).to.equal(0);
-    });
-    it("Bob extends lock and undelegates", async () => {
-      // pre undelegation
-      let block = await getBlock();
-      expect(await ve.balanceOfAt(bob.address, block)).to.equal(0);
-      const preBalance = await ve.balanceOfAt(contract.address, block);
-      expect(preBalance).to.above(0);
-      // Bob extends and undelegates
-      await ve
-        .connect(bob)
-        .increaseUnlockTime(7 * WEEK + (await getTimestamp()));
-      await ve.connect(bob).delegate(bob.address);
-      // post undelegation
-      block = await getBlock();
-      expect(await ve.balanceOfAt(bob.address, block)).to.above(0);
-      const postBalance = await ve.balanceOfAt(contract.address, block);
-      expect(postBalance).to.above(0);
-      expect(postBalance).to.below(preBalance);
-    });
-    it("Bob's lock is not delegated, Bob can quit", async () => {
-      // pre quit
-      let block = await getBlock();
-      expect(await fdtMock.balanceOf(bob.address)).to.equal(
-        initialFDTuserBal.sub(lockAmount)
-      );
-      expect(await ve.balanceOfAt(bob.address, block)).to.above(0);
-      // alice quits
-      await ve.connect(bob).quitLock();
-      // post quit
-      block = await getBlock();
-      assertBNClosePercent(
-        await fdtMock.balanceOf(bob.address),
-        initialFDTuserBal.sub(lockAmount.mul(6 * WEEK).div(MAXTIME)),
-        "0.5"
+      await expect(ve.connect(alice).withdraw())
+        "Lock not expired"
-      expect(await ve.balanceOfAt(bob.address, block)).to.equal(0);
-    });

-    it("Contract extends lock beyond Bob's lock, ", async () => {
-      const lockTimeContract = 30 * WEEK + (await getTimestamp());
-      await contract.increaseUnlockTime(ve.address, lockTimeContract);
-      await increaseTime(8 * WEEK);
-      // pre delegation
-      const block = await getBlock();
-      assertBNClosePercent(
-        await fdtMock.balanceOf(bob.address),
-        initialFDTuserBal.sub(lockAmount.mul(7 * WEEK).div(MAXTIME)),
-        "0.5"
+      await expect(ve.connect(alice).quitLock())
+        "Lock delegated"
-      expect(await ve.balanceOfAt(bob.address, block)).to.equal(0);

-    it("Bob attempts to lock again, succeeds, Bob can delegate to contract", async () => {
-      const lockTime = 10 * WEEK + (await getTimestamp());
-      // bob creates a new lock
-      await ve.connect(bob).createLock(lockAmount, lockTime);
-      let block = await getBlock();
-      const preBalance = await ve.balanceOfAt(contract.address, block);
-      expect(preBalance).to.above(0);
-      await ve.connect(bob).delegate(contract.address);
-      // post delegation
-      block = await getBlock();
-      assertBNClosePercent(
-        await fdtMock.balanceOf(bob.address),
-        initialFDTuserBal
-          .sub(lockAmount.mul(7 * WEEK).div(MAXTIME))
-          .sub(lockAmount),
-        "0.5"
-      );
-      expect(await ve.balanceOfAt(bob.address, block)).to.equal(0);
-      const postBalance = await ve.balanceOfAt(contract.address, block);
-      expect(postBalance).to.above(preBalance);
-      // const block = await getBlock();
-      // expect(await ve.lockEnd(contract.address)).to.equal(
-      //   Math.trunc(lockTime / WEEK) * WEEK
-      // );
-    });
+    it("Alice's lock expires, she cannot withdraw, quit or undelegate", async () => {
+      await increaseTime(5 * WEEK);
+      await expect(
+        ve.connect(alice).delegate(alice.address)
+      )"Delegatee lock expired");

-    it("Contract's lock is not delegated, contract can quit and but lose delegated balance", async () => {
-      // pre quit
-      let block = await getBlock();
-      expect(await fdtMock.balanceOf(contract.address)).to.equal(
-        initialFDTuserBal.sub(lockAmount)
+      await expect(ve.connect(alice).withdraw())
+        "Lock delegated"
-      const preBalance = await ve.balanceOfAt(contract.address, block);
-      expect(preBalance).to.above(0);
-      // contract quits
-      await contract.quitLock(ve.address);
-      // post quit
-      block = await getBlock();

-      // Contract locked for 30 weeks, then we advanced 8 weeks
-      assertBNClosePercent(
-        await fdtMock.balanceOf(contract.address),
-        initialFDTuserBal.sub(lockAmount.mul(21 * WEEK).div(MAXTIME)),
-        "0.5"
+      await expect(ve.connect(alice).quitLock())
+        "Lock expired"
-      const postBalance = await ve.balanceOfAt(contract.address, block);
-      expect(postBalance).to.equal(0);
-      expect(postBalance).to.below(preBalance);
-      expect(await ve.balanceOfAt(bob.address, block)).to.equal(0);

-    it("Bob's lock ends before Contract's, Bob cannot delegate back to himself", async () => {
-      tx = ve.connect(bob).delegate(bob.address);
-      await expect(tx)"Only delegate to longer lock");
-      const block = await getBlock();
-      expect(await ve.balanceOfAt(bob.address, block)).to.equal(0);
-      // Contract has no voting power
-      expect(await ve.balanceOfAt(contract.address, block)).to.equal(0);
-    });
-    it("Bob extends his lock", async () => {
-      const lockTime = 50 * WEEK + (await getTimestamp());
+    it("Bob maximises his lock", async () => {
+      const lockTime = 52 * WEEK + (await getTimestamp());
       await ve.connect(bob).increaseUnlockTime(lockTime);
-      const block = await getBlock();
-      // expect(await ve.lockEnd(bob.address)).to.equal(
-      //   Math.trunc(lockTime / WEEK) * WEEK
-      // );

-    it("Bob's lock ends after Contract's, Bob can delegate back to himself", async () => {
-      // pre undelegation
-      let block = await getBlock();
-      expect(await ve.balanceOfAt(bob.address, block)).to.equal(0);
-      expect(await ve.balanceOfAt(contract.address, block)).to.equal(0);
-      // undelegate
-      await ve.connect(bob).delegate(bob.address);
-      // post undelegation
-      block = await getBlock();
-      expect(await ve.balanceOfAt(bob.address, block)).to.above(0);
-      expect(await ve.balanceOfAt(contract.address, block)).to.equal(0);
-      await restoreSnapshot(provider);
-    });
-  });
-  describe("Quitlock flow", async () => {
-    it("Alice, Bob, Charlie, David and Eve lock FDT in ve", async () => {
-      await createSnapshot(provider);
-      // MAXTIME => 1 year
-      const lockTime1 = MAXTIME + (await getTimestamp());
-      const lockTime2 = MAXTIME / 2 + (await getTimestamp());
-      // 1 year lock
-      await ve.connect(alice).createLock(lockAmount, lockTime1);
-      await ve.connect(bob).createLock(lockAmount, lockTime1);
-      await ve.connect(charlie).createLock(lockAmount, lockTime1);
-      // 6 month lock
-      await ve.connect(david).createLock(lockAmount, lockTime2);
-      await ve.connect(eve).createLock(lockAmount, lockTime2);
-    });
-    it("Alice and David quitlocks after ~3 months", async () => {
-      await increaseTime(ONE_WEEK.mul(13));
-      await ve.connect(alice).quitLock();
-      // Alice would have ~39 weeks left
-      assertBNClosePercent(
-        await fdtMock.balanceOf(alice.address),
-        initialFDTuserBal.sub(lockAmount.mul(ONE_WEEK.mul(39)).div(MAXTIME)),
-        "0.5"
-      );
-      // David would have ~13 weeks left
-      await ve.connect(david).quitLock();
-      assertBNClosePercent(
-        await fdtMock.balanceOf(david.address),
-        initialFDTuserBal.sub(lockAmount.mul(ONE_WEEK.mul(13)).div(MAXTIME)),
-        "0.5"
-      );
-    });
-    it("Bob and Eve quitlocks after ~ 4 months", async () => {
-      await increaseTime(ONE_WEEK.mul(4));
-      await ve.connect(bob).quitLock();
-      // Bob would have ~35 weeks left
-      assertBNClosePercent(
-        await fdtMock.balanceOf(bob.address),
-        initialFDTuserBal.sub(lockAmount.mul(ONE_WEEK.mul(35)).div(MAXTIME)),
-        "0.5"
-      );
-      // David would have ~9 weeks left
-      await ve.connect(eve).quitLock();
-      assertBNClosePercent(
-        await fdtMock.balanceOf(eve.address),
-        initialFDTuserBal.sub(lockAmount.mul(ONE_WEEK.mul(9)).div(MAXTIME)),
-        "0.5"
-      );
-    });
-    it("Charlie quitlocks after ~ 9 months", async () => {
-      await increaseTime(ONE_WEEK.mul(21));
-      await ve.connect(charlie).quitLock();
-      // Charlie would have ~14 weeks left
-      assertBNClosePercent(
-        await fdtMock.balanceOf(charlie.address),
-        initialFDTuserBal.sub(lockAmount.mul(ONE_WEEK.mul(14)).div(MAXTIME)),
-        "0.5"
-      );
-    });
-    it("Alice locks again, then penalty is taken away,she withdraws without penalty", async () => {
-      const aliceBalBefore = await fdtMock.balanceOf(alice.address);
-      await ve
-        .connect(alice)
-        .createLock(lockAmount, (await getTimestamp()) + MAXTIME);
-      await ve.unlock();
-      await ve.connect(alice).quitLock();
-      expect(await fdtMock.balanceOf(alice.address)).to.equal(aliceBalBefore);
+    it("To escape, Alice must also maximise her lock and then undelegate", async () => {
+      const lockTime = 52 * WEEK + (await getTimestamp());
+      await ve.connect(alice).increaseUnlockTime(lockTime);
+      await ve.connect(alice).delegate(alice.address);
lacoop6tu commented 2 years ago

This is an expected behaviour and part of the mechanism

gititGoro commented 2 years ago

Rounding down to the nearest week protects the delegator from a kick-the-can-down-the-road griefing attack by the delegate. Marking invalid.