code-423n4 / 2022-08-fiatdao-findings

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`increaseUnlockTime` missing `_checkpoint` for delegated values #318

Open code423n4 opened 2 years ago

code423n4 commented 2 years ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details

[PNM-001] increaseUnlockTime missing _checkpoint for delegated values.



In the VotingEscrow contract, users can increase their voting power by:

Specifically, when users are delegated by other users through the delegate function, the delegated user gains control over the delegate funds from the delegating user.

The delegated user can further increase this power by increasing the time that the delegated funds are locked by calling increaseUnlockTime, resulting in ALL the delegated funds controlled by the delegated user, including those that do not originate from the delegated user, being used to increase the voting power of the user.

The issue lies in the following scenario: If user A delegates to user B, and then user B delegates to user C, user B loses the ability to extend his or her voting power by increaseUnlockTime due to a missing _checkpoint operation. If user B calls the increaseUnlockTime function, the _checkpoint operation will not proceed, as user B is delegating to user C. However, B still owns delegated funds, in the form of the funds delegated from user A. Therefore, user B should still gain voting power from increaseUnlockTime, even though user B is delegating.

PoC / Attack Scenario

Assume three users, Alice, Bob, and Carol, who each possess locks with 10 units of delegate value. Also assume that the unlock time is 1 week.

Suggested Fix

Move the _checkpoint outside of the if statement on line 514.

lacoop6tu commented 2 years ago

As most of wardens reported in duplicated, this is Medium finding 2 — Med: Assets not at direct risk, but the function of the protocol or its availability could be impacted, or leak value with a hypothetical attack path with stated assumptions, but external requirements.