code-423n4 / 2022-08-foundation-findings

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Gas Optimizations #187

Open code423n4 opened 2 years ago

code423n4 commented 2 years ago

Table of Contents

  1. PercentSplitETH.sol (Out of Scope)
  2. BytesLibrary.sol (Out of Scope)
  3. NFTCollectionFactory.sol
  4. NFTDropCollection.sol
  5. MarketFees.sol
  6. NFTDropMarketFixedPriceSale.sol
  7. SequentialMintCollection.sol
  8. Use custom errors instead of require
  9. CollectionRoyalties.sol
  10. = 0 assignment can be avoided for default values

1. contracts/PercentSplitETH.sol (Out of Scope)

Can be improved a lot. Since out of scope, did not allocate time to write a report here.

2. contracts/libraries/BytesLibrary.sol (Out of Scope)

2.1 replaceAtIf function

We can avoid abi.encodePacked and also the loop in replaceAtIf function, by implementing it in an assembly block. Also note that the assertion and replacement each can be done at once. So the lines 21-32 can be changed to:

assembly {
    // 0x14 = 0x20 - 0x0c = 12 index to the right of `startLocation`
    // so that `dataChunk` has the right most 20 bytes as the potential
    // `expectedAddress`.
    let dataPtr := add(data, add(0x14, startLocation))
    let dataChunk := mload(dataPtr)
    if (eq(expectedAddress, and(dataChunk, expectedAddress))) {
        // the 12 left most bytes of `maskedDataChunk` will be the same as
        // `dataChunk` and the rest would be 0.
        let maskedDataChunk = and(
        mstore(dataPtr, or(
    } else {
        // 0x370d3a6a00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
        // is the bytes32 right padded signature of BytesLibrary_Expected_Address_Not_Found()
        mstore(0, 0x370d3a6a00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)
        revert(0, 0x20)

2.2 startsWith function

Again, we can avoid the loop, and also multiple memory reads. Here is the implementation using assembly blocks:

function startsWith(bytes memory callData, bytes4 functionSig) internal pure returns (bool doesStartsWith) {
  // A signature is 4 bytes long
  if (callData.length < 4) {
    return false;

  assembly {
    // peek 4 bytes after the memory pointer
    let callDataChunk := mload(add(callData, 4))
    doesStartsWith := eq(
      and(callDataChunk, functionSig),

startsWith is only used in contracts/PercentSplitETH.sol for the external function proxyCall. So the gas savings would be noticed there.

3. contracts/NFTCollectionFactory.sol

3.1 adminUpdateNFTCollectionImplementation function

The unchecked block in adminUpdateNFTCollectionImplementation can be rewritten as

unchecked {
  // Version cannot overflow 256 bits.
-  versionNFTCollection++;
+  ++versionNFTCollection;

Also the versionNFTCollection.toString() which is passed to INFTCollectionInitializer(_implementation).initialize can be factored out into a variable to avoid the toString() conversion twice.

string memory version = versionNFTCollection.toString();

// The implementation is initialized when assigned so that others may not claim it as their own.
    string.concat("NFT Collection Implementation v", version),
    string.concat("NFTv", version)

4. contracts/NFTDropCollection.sol

The loop (L181-L186) in mintCountTo of NFTDropCollection can be gas optimized by moving the loop condition inside the loop block:

for (uint256 i = firstTokenId; ; ) { 
  _mint(to, i);
  unchecked {
    if (i > latestTokenId) {

By moving the condition inside and modifying it to i > latestTokenId instead of i <= latestTokenId, the compiler would translate it into only one comparison (gt) versus two (lt or eq). Therefore, it would say gas.

Note: with this change, the loop would run at least once, but this would also be the case in the original code, since

$$ \text{firstTokenId} = \text{latestTokenId} + 1 \le \text{latestTokenId} + \text{count} = \text{latestTokenId'} $$

And this is because since we are passed line 172, we know that count is greater than 0.

5. contracts/mixins/shared/MarketFees.sol

The unchecked loop block in the _distributeFunds (line 126-135) can be optimized by caching creatorRecipients.length, it will avoid multiple mloads per iteration. So here is how it would look like after modification (also note the @audit comments):

unchecked {
  uint256 i; //@audit we don't need to assign 0, since 0 is the default value.
  uint256 creatorRecipientsLength = creatorRecipients.length;
  for (; i < creatorRecipientsLength; ) {
    // Sum the total creator rev from shares
    // creatorShares is in ETH so creatorRev will not overflow here.
    creatorRev += creatorShares[i];

The same type of optimization can be applied to the for loop block in getFeesAndRecipients function on line 198-200

uint256 i; //@audit we don't need to assign 0, since 0 is the default value.
uint256 creatorSharesLength = creatorShares.length;
for (; i < creatorSharesLength; ) {
  creatorRev += creatorShares[i];

internalGetImmutableRoyalties function

address payable[] memory recipients, uint256[] memory splitPerRecipientInBasisPoints can be combined into 1 dynamic array, it would save memory and therefore gas. IGetRoyalties would also need to be modified.

6. contracts/mixins/nftDropMarket/NFTDropMarketFixedPriceSale.sol

In mintFromFixedPriceSale we can cache saleConfig.limitPerAccount (line 180) on the stack which has been used 3 times. This would remove 2 extra mloads.

FixedPriceSaleConfig memory saleConfig = nftContractToFixedPriceSaleConfig[nftContract];
uint256 limitPerAccount = uint256(saleConfig.limitPerAccount); //@audit use this variable from this point on instead of `saleConfig.limitPerAccount`

7. contract/mixins/collections/SequentialMintCollection.sol

In _updateMaxTokenId we can change the condition in the 3rd require from


require(latestTokenId <= _maxTokenId, "SequentialMintCollection: Max token ID must be >= last mint");


require(!(latestTokenId > _maxTokenId), "SequentialMintCollection: Max token ID must be >= last mint");


- latestTokenId <= _maxTokenId
+ !(latestTokenId > _maxTokenId)

Since EVM doesn't have a less than or equal opcode the compiler has to translate that into 2 comparisons LT and EQ which both require 2 stack items and both results have to be true to pass. We can save gas here by using GT and negate the result by NOT opcode which would only require the result on the stack from GT.

8. Use custom errors instead of require

The following require statements can be turned into custom errors to save gas. The list of locations require statement can be changed to custom errors:

  1. MinterRole.sol - L22
  2. ContractFactory.sol - L22
  3. ContractFactory.sol - L31
  4. AdminRole.sol - 20
  5. OZAccessControlUpgradeable.sol - L137
  6. OZAccessControlUpgradeable.sol - L152
  7. NFTCollection.sol - L158
  8. NFTCollection.sol - L263-L264
  9. NFTCollection.sol - L268
  10. NFTCollection.sol - L327
  11. NFTCollectionFactory.sol - L173
  12. NFTCollectionFactory.sol - L182
  13. NFTCollectionFactory.sol - L203
  14. NFTCollectionFactory.sol - L227
  15. NFTCollectionFactory.sol - L262
  16. NFTDropCollection.sol - L88
  17. NFTDropCollection.sol - L93
  18. NFTDropCollection.sol - L130-L131
  19. NFTDropCollection.sol - L172
  20. NFTDropCollection.sol - L179
  21. NFTDropCollection.sol - L238
  22. PercentSplitETH.sol - L130-L131
  23. PercentSplitETH.sol - L136
  24. PercentSplitETH.sol - L148
  25. PercentSplitETH.sol - L191-L195
  26. PercentSplitETH.sol - L216
  27. AddressLibrary.sol - L31
  28. SequentialMintCollection.sol - L58
  29. SequentialMintCollection.sol - L63
  30. SequentialMintCollection.sol - L74
  31. SequentialMintCollection.sol - L87-L89
  32. AdminRole.sol - L19

9. contracts/mixins/collections/CollectionRoyalties.sol

In CollectionRoyalties, the functions getFeeRecipients, getFeeBps, getRoyalties only return arrays of length 1. It would be best to redesign some contracts so that these return values can be instead just values and not arrays. This would prevent using memory and the gas costs associated with using memory (MLOAD, MSTORE, and memory expansion gas costs).

10. = 0 assignment can be avoided for default values

Since value types have by default the value of 0, explicit 0 assignment can be avoided which actually would require more gas.


- uint256 i = 0;
+ uint256 i;

List of locations where this change can be applied:

  1. PercentSplitETH.sol - L115
  2. PercentSplitETH.sol - L135
  3. PercentSplitETH.sol - L320
  4. BytesLibrary.sol - L25
  5. BytesLibrary.sol - L44
  6. MarketFees.sol - L126
  7. MarketFees.sol - L198
  8. MarketFees.sol - L484
HardlyDifficult commented 2 years ago

Great report with a few well considered recs. Thanks

replaceAtIf function

Won't fix. While this may save a bit of gas, we reserve the use of assembly to areas where it would provide significant benefit or accomplish something that's otherwise not possible with Solidity alone.

startsWith function

We are looking into a variation of based this suggestion to realize some benefits while limiting the use of assembly.

adminUpdateNFTCollectionImplementation function

Agree, will fix

  1. contracts/NFTDropCollection.sol

This is an interesting suggestion, have not seen this one before. I'm inclined to leave it as-is though for readability.

  1. contracts/mixins/shared/MarketFees.sol

May be theoretically valid, but won't fix. I tested this: gas-reporter and our gas-stories suite is reporting a small regression using this technique. It also hurts readability a bit so we wouldn't want to include it unless it was a clear win.

internalGetImmutableRoyalties function

IGetRoyalties is an interface used by some external NFT contracts and marketplaces. So we are unable to change the return type.

  1. contracts/mixins/nftDropMarket/NFTDropMarketFixedPriceSale.sol

True, but the savings would only apply to reverting scenarios it seems. Thinking we'll keep it as-is for simplicity.

  1. contract/mixins/collections/SequentialMintCollection.sol

Valid, but it's small savings and I prefer the current form for readability.

Custom errors

Agree but won't fix at this time. We use these in the market but not in collections. Unfortunately custom errors are still not as good of an experience for users (e.g. on etherscan). We used them in the market originally because we were nearing the max contract size limit and this was a good way to reduce the bytecode. We'll consider this in the future as tooling continues to improve.

. contracts/mixins/collections/CollectionRoyalties.sol

Agree, but these are here for compatibility with other marketplaces. We cannot change them since they are defacto standards. Our marketplace will only hit .royaltyInfo so the rec wouldn't apply there.

Don't initialize variables with default values.

Invalid. This optimization technique is no longer applicable with the current version of Solidity.