code-423n4 / 2022-08-foundation-findings

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Gas Optimizations #246

Open code423n4 opened 2 years ago

code423n4 commented 2 years ago

See the markdown file with the details of this report here.

HardlyDifficult commented 2 years ago

Don't initialize variables with default values.

Invalid. This optimization technique is no longer applicable with the current version of Solidity.

Cache Array Length Outside of Loop

May be theoretically valid, but won't fix. I tested this: gas-reporter and our gas-stories suite is reporting a small regression using this technique. It also hurts readability a bit so we wouldn't want to include it unless it was a clear win.

++i costs less than i++

Agree and will fix.

Custom errors

Agree but won't fix at this time. We use these in the market but not in collections. Unfortunately custom errors are still not as good of an experience for users (e.g. on etherscan). We used them in the market originally because we were nearing the max contract size limit and this was a good way to reduce the bytecode. We'll consider this in the future as tooling continues to improve.


No impact. We made the recommended change and ran gas-reporter for our entire test suite. 0 impact detected. Even if there were a small benefit, we feel this hurts readability and would not be worth trivial savings.

Using private rather than public for constants to saves gas.

Agree but won't fix. For ease of use and consistency we will continue to expose some constants publicly.

Use != 0 instead of > 0

Invalid. We tested the recommendation and got the following results:

createNFTDropCollection gas reporter results:
  using > 0 (current):
    - 319246  ·     319578  ·      319361
  using != 0 (recommendation):
    -  319252  ·     319584  ·      319367
  impact: +6 gas