code-423n4 / 2022-08-olympus-findings

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In `Governance.sol`, it might be impossible to activate a new proposal forever after failed to execute the previous active proposal. #376

Open code423n4 opened 2 years ago

code423n4 commented 2 years ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


Currently, if users vote for the active proposal, the VOTES are transferred to the contract so that users can't vote or endorse other proposals while the voted proposal is active.

And the active proposal can be replaced only when the proposal is executed successfully or another proposal is activated after GRACE_PERIOD.

But activateProposal() requires at least 20% endorsements here, so it might be impossible to activate a new proposal forever if the current active proposal involves more than 80% of total votes.

Proof of Concept

The below scenario would be possible.

  1. Proposal 1 was submitted and activated successfully.
  2. Let's assume 81% of the total votes voted for this proposal. Yes = 47%, No = 34%
  3. This proposal can't be executed for this requirement because 47% - 34% = 13% < 33%.
  4. Currently the contract contains more than 81% of total votes and users have at most 19% in total.
  5. Also users can't reclaim their votes among 81% while Proposal 1 is active.
  6. So even if a user who has 1% votes submits a new proposal, it's impossible to activate because of this require().
  7. So it's impossible to delete Proposal 1 from an active proposal and there won't be other active proposal forever.

Tools Used

Solidity Visual Developer of VSCode

Recommended Mitigation Steps

I think we should add one more constant like EXECUTION_EXPIRE = 2 weeks so that voters can reclaim their votes after this period even if the proposal is active.

I am not sure we can use the current GRACE_PERIOD for that purpose.

So reclaimVotes() should be modified like below.

function reclaimVotes(uint256 proposalId_) external {
    uint256 userVotes = userVotesForProposal[proposalId_][msg.sender];

    if (userVotes == 0) {
        revert CannotReclaimZeroVotes();

    if (proposalId_ == activeProposal.proposalId) {
        if (block.timestamp < activeProposal.activationTimestamp + EXECUTION_EXPIRE) //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
            revert CannotReclaimTokensForActiveVote();

    if (tokenClaimsForProposal[proposalId_][msg.sender] == true) {
        revert VotingTokensAlreadyReclaimed();

    tokenClaimsForProposal[proposalId_][msg.sender] = true;

    VOTES.transferFrom(address(this), msg.sender, userVotes);
csanuragjain commented 2 years ago

Seems like duplicate of

fullyallocated commented 2 years ago

This is probably the best response for this issue.

0xean commented 2 years ago

using this as the primary issue.