code-423n4 / 2022-08-olympus-findings

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QA Report #415

Open code423n4 opened 2 years ago

code423n4 commented 2 years ago

Olympus DAO QA Report


Risk Title
L00 Operator: incorrect accounting for fee-on-transfer reserve token
L01 BondCallback: incorrect accounting if quoteToken is rebase token
L02 PRICE: unsafe cast for numObservations
L03 Operator: unsafe cast for decimals
L04 BondCallback: operator is not set constructor
L05 Operator: missing check for configParmas[0] (cushionFactor) in the constructor
L06 Kernel: misplaced zero address check for changeKernel
L07 Kernel: missing zero address check for executor and admin
L08 INSTR, Governance: upon module's upgrade, all instruction data should be carried over to the new modules
L09 BondCallback, Operator: upon module's upgrade, the token approval should be revoked
L10 RANGE, PRICE: unused import of FullMath
L11 Heart: if the _issueReward fails the heart beat will revert
L12 PRICE: stale price


L00 Operator: incorrect accounting for fee-on-transfer reserve token

If the reserve token is fee-to-transfer token and the user is buying ohm, the Operator::swap will incorrectly assume the amountIn_ value is transferred, which fails to consider the fees. If the fee is rounded up, the attacker can purchase ohm without giving any assets to the treasury. It may not be profitable for the attacker, but it may cause devaluing of the ohm. However, the loss will be limited to the capacity.

// Operator::swap
// if(tokenIn_ == reserve) : buying ohm
329             /// Transfer reserves to treasury
330             reserve.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(TRSRY), amountIn_);

L01 BondCallback: incorrect accounting if quoteToken is rebase token

If the quoteToken is rebase token, the priorBalances may change due to rebasing or airdrop. It may result to an incorrect accounting. However, whether it is exploitable depends on the Bond market's logic. With the current logic, it just checks whether the balance is increased more than the inputAmount_, so it is harder to exploit, compare to the alternative logic of using the difference in balances as the input amount. However, it also introduces the possibility of paying the users less than they deserve.

// Callback::callback
113         // Check that quoteTokens were transferred prior to the call
114         if (quoteToken.balanceOf(address(this)) < priorBalances[quoteToken] + inputAmount_)
115             revert Callback_TokensNotReceived();

L02 PRICE: unsafe cast for numObservations

The movingAverageDuration and observationFrequency are uint48. So movingAverageDuration / observationFrequency may overflow when casted to uint32. In the below snippet, line 281, the array will be set based on the uint256 value, but the numObservations is casted down to uint32. It may result in different numObservations and the length of observations array. However, given the large numbers, the attempt to set such a large number as the parameters will likely to fail with "out of gas" error, since the length of the array observations is ridiculously large in this case. Yet, it is probably safe to set some upper limit for the numObservations or use safeCast.

// modules/PRICE::constructor
  97         numObservations = uint32(movingAverageDuration_ / observationFrequency_);

// modules/PRICE::changeObservationFrequency
  280         // Store blank observations array of new size
  281         observations = new uint256[](newObservations);
  283         // Set initialized to false and update state variables
  284         initialized = false;
  285         lastObservationTime = 0;
  286         _movingAverage = 0;
  287         nextObsIndex = 0;
  288         observationFrequency = observationFrequency_;
  289         numObservations = uint32(newObservations);

L03 Operator: unsafe cast for decimals

In the Operator::_activate decimal values were casted to int8 and uint8 back and forth. Since there is no check, those values can potentially overflow/underflow. However, if it happens the exponent in the line 376 will like to revert due to too large numbers. Besides, if the price decimals are that big, this may not be the biggest problem to face.

// policies/Operator.sol::_activate

372             int8 scaleAdjustment = int8(ohmDecimals) - int8(reserveDecimals) + (priceDecimals / 2);

375             uint256 oracleScale = 10**uint8(int8(PRICE.decimals()) - priceDecimals);
376             uint256 bondScale = 10 **
377                 uint8(
378                     36 + scaleAdjustment + int8(reserveDecimals) - int8(ohmDecimals) - priceDecimals
379                 );

L04 BondCallback: operator is not set constructor

If the operator is not set, the callback function will revert so, it is crucial to set the operator before any operation. However, it was not set in the constructor, but should be set separately by calling setOperator.

L05 Operator: missing check for configParmas[0] (cushionFactor) in the constructor

The Operator::constructor does not check the condition of the cushionFactor. Below is the condition for the cushionFactor checked in the Operator::setCushionFactor.

// Operator::setCushionFactor

516     function setCushionFactor(uint32 cushionFactor_) external onlyRole("operator_policy") {
517         /// Confirm factor is within allowed values
518         if (cushionFactor_ > 10000 || cushionFactor_ < 100) revert Operator_InvalidParams();
520         /// Set factor
521         _config.cushionFactor = cushionFactor_;
523         emit CushionFactorChanged(cushionFactor_);
524     }

L06 Kernel: misplaced zero address check for changeKernel

Currently, the check for the Kernel to be a contract (also not to be the zero address), is in the current Kernel implementation. However, no modules and policies have the logic to ensure this as they inherit from KernelAdapter, which will just set the new kernel without a question. This will work well as long as the new Kernel has the similar logic to check the next Kernel's integrity. However, if the logic is forgotten, there is no other safe guard to ensure that the next kernel is not a zero address and is a contract. Since Kernel is absolutely needed for this system's functionality, there is no possible case that the Kernel should be the zero address. Therefore, it is probably safe to add the checking logic to the KernelAdapter, so every module and policy will check for the next Kernel. It costs more gas since the check is done multiple times, but still arguably it is worth the cost, since Kernel is core part of the system and it will not updated very often.

// KernelAdapter::changeKernel
 76     function changeKernel(Kernel newKernel_) external onlyKernel {
 77         kernel = newKernel_;
 78     }

// Kernel::executeAction
254         } else if (action_ == Actions.MigrateKernel) {
255             ensureContract(target_);
256             _migrateKernel(Kernel(target_));
257         }

L07 Kernel: missing zero address check for executor and admin

The executor and admin are not checked for the zero address when set by the Kernel::executeAction.

// Kernel::executeAction
250         } else if (action_ == Actions.ChangeExecutor) {
251             executor = target_;
252         } else if (action_ == Actions.ChangeAdmin) {
253             admin = target_;

L08 INSTR, Governance: upon module's upgrade, all instruction data should be carried over to the new modules

The Governance's logic will break if the INSTR module is upgraded to a new contract without having the same instructions data, since the proposalId's the Governance is using are bound to the INSTR module.

L09 BondCallback, Operator: upon module's upgrade, the token approval should be revoked

The BondCallback and Operator approves ohm to the MINTR module in the configureDependencies. However, there is no logic to revoke those approvals (e.i. approve to zero). In the case of the MINTR has some bugs, it may be desirable to be able to revoke the approvals.

// Operator::configureDependencies
167         ohm.safeApprove(address(MINTR), type(uint256).max);

L10 RANGE, PRICE: unused import of FullMath

The modules RANGE and PRICE imports FullMath, but it is not used.

// modules/PRICE.sol
 22 contract OlympusPrice is Module {
 23     using FullMath for uint256;

L11 Heart: if the issueReward fails the heart beat will revert

If the _issueReward reverts, for example, because the token balance is too low, the beat will as well revert, due to the safeTransfer. One might consider not to revert even in the case the _issueReward reverts.

L12 PRICE: stale price

There is no indicator whether the price information is up-to-date. If the price information is not properly updated, the other contracts will keep using the data resulting in incorrect prices for swap.

0xean commented 1 year ago

L07 - should be NC L08 - should be NC L10 - should be NC L12 - should be NC