code-423n4 / 2022-08-olympus-findings

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QA Report #452

Open code423n4 opened 2 years ago

code423n4 commented 2 years ago

QA Report


Issue Instances
1 Immutable addresses lack zero address address(0) checks 6
2 Setters should check the input value and revert if it's the zero address or zero 2
3 Event should be emitted in setters 6
4 Named return variables not used anywhere in the function 1
5 Related data should be grouped in a struct 8


1- Missing zero address address(0) checks :

Constructors should check the address written in an immutable address variable is not the zero address

Impact - Low Risk

Proof of Concept

Instances include:

File: src/Kernel.sol

kernel = kernel_;

File: src/modules/MINTR.sol

ohm = OHM(ohm_);

File: src/modules/RANGE.sol

ohm = tokens_[0];

reserve = tokens_[1];

File: src/policies/Operator.sol

ohm = tokens_[0];

reserve = tokens_[1];


Add non-zero address checks in the constructors for the instances aforementioned.

2- Setters should check the input value and revert if it's the zero address or zero :

Setters should check the input values and revert if it's the zero address or zero.

Impact - Low Risk

Proof of Concept

Instances include:

File: src/Kernel.sol

function changeKernel(Kernel newKernel_)

File: src/policies/Heart.sol

function setRewardTokenAndAmount(ERC20 token, uint256 reward)


Add non-zero checks - address or uint - to the setters aforementioned.

3- Event should be emitted in setters :

Setters should emit an event so that Dapps can detect important changes to storage.

Impact - Low Risk

Proof of Concept

Instances include:

File: src/Kernel.sol

function changeKernel(Kernel newKernel_)

function setActiveStatus(bool activate_)

File: src/policies/BondCallback.sol

function setOperator(Operator operator_)

File: src/policies/Operator.sol

function setBondContracts(IBondAuctioneer auctioneer, IBondCallback callback)

File: src/policies/VoterRegistration.sol

function issueVotesTo(address wallet, uint256 amount)

function revokeVotesFrom(address wallet, uint256 amount)


Emit an event in the functions aforementioned.

4- Named return variables not used anywhere in the function :

Named return variable should be used inside the function or if not they should be removed to avoid confusion.


Proof of Concept

Instances include:

File: src/policies/BondCallback.sol

returns (uint256 in, uint256 out)


Either use the named return variables or remove them.

5- Related data should be grouped in a struct :

When there are mappings that use the same key value, having separate fields is error prone, for instance in case of deletion or with future new fields.


Proof of Concept

Instances include:

File: src/policies/Governance.sol

96      mapping(uint256 => ProposalMetadata) public getProposalMetadata;
99      mapping(uint256 => uint256) public totalEndorsementsForProposal;
102     mapping(uint256 => mapping(address => uint256)) public userEndorsementsForProposal;
105     mapping(uint256 => bool) public proposalHasBeenActivated;
108     mapping(uint256 => uint256) public yesVotesForProposal;
111     mapping(uint256 => uint256) public noVotesForProposal;
114     mapping(uint256 => mapping(address => uint256)) public userVotesForProposal;
117     mapping(uint256 => mapping(address => bool)) public tokenClaimsForProposal;


Group the related data in a struct and use one mapping:

struct Proposal {
        ProposalMetadata metadata;
        uint256 totalEndorsementsForProposal;
        uint256 yesVotesForProposal;
        uint256 noVotesForProposal;
        bool proposalHasBeenActivated;
        mapping(address => uint256) userEndorsementsForProposal;
        mapping(address => uint256) userVotesForProposal;
        mapping(address => bool) tokenClaimsForProposal;

And it would be used as a state variable :

mapping(uint256 => Proposal) public proposals;
0xLienid commented 2 years ago

While all are technically valid and the named return is useful, checking zero addresses, setter checks, etc are unnecessary additions in a permissioned system where we can control the inputs.