code-423n4 / 2022-08-olympus-findings

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QA Report #500

Open code423n4 opened 2 years ago

code423n4 commented 2 years ago

Misspell of comment

        // Cache numbe of observations to save gas.
        uint32 numObs = numObservations;

Recommended Mitigation Steps

-       // Cache numbe of observations to save gas.
+       // Cache number of observations to save gas.
        uint32 numObs = numObservations;

One step key roles change

Proof of Concept

        } else if (action_ == Actions.ChangeExecutor) {
            executor = target_;
        } else if (action_ == Actions.ChangeAdmin) {
            admin = target_;

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Consider utilizing two-step ownership transferring process (proposition and acceptance in the separate actions) with a noticeable delay between the steps to enforce the transparency and stability of the system.

Non-current compiler version

Proof of Concept

pragma solidity 0.8.15;

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Update to 0.8.16 as a bug was fixed in 0.8.15

Hardcoded multiplier

Proof of Concept

            (, int256 ohmEthPriceInt, , uint256 updatedAt, ) = _ohmEthPriceFeed.latestRoundData();
            // Use a multiple of observation frequency to determine what is too old to use.
            // Price feeds will not provide an updated answer if the data doesn't change much.
            // This would be similar to if the feed just stopped updating; therefore, we need a cutoff.
            if (updatedAt < block.timestamp - 3 * uint256(observationFrequency))
                revert Price_BadFeed(address(_ohmEthPriceFeed));

Hardcoded boundaries

Proof of Concept

    /// @notice Set the wall and cushion spreads.
    /// @notice Access restricted to activated policies.
    /// @param  cushionSpread_ - Percent spread to set the cushions at above/below the moving average, assumes 2 decimals (i.e. 1000 = 10%).
    /// @param  wallSpread_ - Percent spread to set the walls at above/below the moving average, assumes 2 decimals (i.e. 1000 = 10%).
    /// @dev    The new spreads will not go into effect until the next time updatePrices() is called.
    function setSpreads(uint256 cushionSpread_, uint256 wallSpread_) external permissioned {
        // Confirm spreads are within allowed values
        if (
            wallSpread_ > 10000 ||
            wallSpread_ < 100 ||
            cushionSpread_ > 10000 ||
            cushionSpread_ < 100 ||
            cushionSpread_ > wallSpread_
        ) revert RANGE_InvalidParams();

Different threshold bases, which are hardcoded (non-critical)

Amount calculations can become incorrect with a range of impacts up to fund loss and insolvency if the values hard coded across the implementation mix up on future development.

Proof of Concept

Numerical bases differ and are hardcoded across the logic:

    /// @notice Submit an on chain governance proposal.
    /// @param  instructions_ - an array of Instruction objects each containing a Kernel Action and a target Contract address.
    /// @param  title_ - a human-readable title of the proposal — i.e. "OIP XX - My Proposal Title".
    /// @param  proposalURI_ - an arbitrary url linking to a human-readable description of the proposal - i.e. Snapshot, Discourse, Google Doc.
    function submitProposal(
        Instruction[] calldata instructions_,
        bytes32 title_,
        string memory proposalURI_
    ) external {
        if (VOTES.balanceOf(msg.sender) * 10000 < VOTES.totalSupply() * SUBMISSION_REQUIREMENT)
            revert NotEnoughVotesToPropose();

        if (
            (totalEndorsementsForProposal[proposalId_] * 100) <
            VOTES.totalSupply() * ENDORSEMENT_THRESHOLD
        ) {
            revert NotEnoughEndorsementsToActivateProposal();

    /// @notice Execute the currently active proposal.
    function executeProposal() external {
        uint256 netVotes = yesVotesForProposal[activeProposal.proposalId] -
        if (netVotes * 100 < VOTES.totalSupply() * EXECUTION_THRESHOLD) {
            revert NotEnoughVotesToExecute();

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Consider unifying the bases and introducing the bp constant, for example:

    /// @notice The amount of votes a proposer needs in order to submit a proposal as a percentage of total supply (in basis points).
    /// @dev    This is set to 1% of the total supply.
    uint256 public constant SUBMISSION_REQUIREMENT = 100;

    /// @notice Amount of time a submitted proposal has to activate before it expires.
    uint256 public constant ACTIVATION_DEADLINE = 2 weeks;

    /// @notice Amount of time an activated proposal must stay up before it can be replaced by a new activated proposal.
    uint256 public constant GRACE_PERIOD = 1 weeks;

-   /// @notice Endorsements required to activate a proposal as percentage of total supply.
+   /// @notice Endorsements required to activate a proposal as percentage of total supply, in basis points.
-   uint256 public constant ENDORSEMENT_THRESHOLD = 20;
+   uint256 public constant ENDORSEMENT_THRESHOLD = 2000;

-   /// @notice Net votes required to execute a proposal on chain as a percentage of total supply.
+   /// @notice Net votes required to execute a proposal on chain as a percentage of total supply, in basis points.
-   uint256 public constant EXECUTION_THRESHOLD = 33;
+   uint256 public constant EXECUTION_THRESHOLD = 3300;

+   /// @notice Basis point base.
+   uint256 public constant BP_BASE = 10000;

    /// @notice Submit an on chain governance proposal.
    /// @param  instructions_ - an array of Instruction objects each containing a Kernel Action and a target Contract address.
    /// @param  title_ - a human-readable title of the proposal — i.e. "OIP XX - My Proposal Title".
    /// @param  proposalURI_ - an arbitrary url linking to a human-readable description of the proposal - i.e. Snapshot, Discourse, Google Doc.
    function submitProposal(
        Instruction[] calldata instructions_,
        bytes32 title_,
        string memory proposalURI_
    ) external {
-       if (VOTES.balanceOf(msg.sender) * 10000 < VOTES.totalSupply() * SUBMISSION_REQUIREMENT)
+       if (VOTES.balanceOf(msg.sender) * BP_BASE < VOTES.totalSupply() * SUBMISSION_REQUIREMENT)
            revert NotEnoughVotesToPropose();

        if (
-           (totalEndorsementsForProposal[proposalId_] * 100) <
+           (totalEndorsementsForProposal[proposalId_] * BP_BASE) <
            VOTES.totalSupply() * ENDORSEMENT_THRESHOLD
        ) {
            revert NotEnoughEndorsementsToActivateProposal();

    /// @notice Execute the currently active proposal.
    function executeProposal() external {
        uint256 netVotes = yesVotesForProposal[activeProposal.proposalId] -
-       if (netVotes * 100 < VOTES.totalSupply() * EXECUTION_THRESHOLD) {
+       if (netVotes * BP_BASE < VOTES.totalSupply() * EXECUTION_THRESHOLD) {
            revert NotEnoughVotesToExecute();

_addObservation comments aren't fully correct (low)

_addObservation() low and high cases comments state more restrictive logic:

        /// Observation is positive if the current price is greater than the MA
        uint32 observe = _config.regenObserve;
        Regen memory regen = _status.low;
        if (currentPrice >= movingAverage) {

        /// Observation is positive if the current price is less than the MA
        regen = _status.high;
        if (currentPrice <= movingAverage) {

Recommended Mitigation Steps

-       /// Observation is positive if the current price is greater than the MA
+       /// Observation is positive if the current price not less than the MA
        uint32 observe = _config.regenObserve;
        Regen memory regen = _status.low;
        if (currentPrice >= movingAverage) {

-       /// Observation is positive if the current price is less than the MA
+       /// Observation is positive if the current price is not greater than the MA
        regen = _status.high;
        if (currentPrice <= movingAverage) {

thresholdFactor isn't included to the WallUp and WallDown events

regenerate() makes a thresholdFactor effective after the change, but this isn't broadcasted in WallUp, i.e. the change is in fact performed silently.

Proof of Concept

regenerate() omits new threshold in the broadcast, while it's both new capacity_ and new thresholdFactor can be made effective at that moment:

    /// @notice Regenerate a side of the range to a specific capacity.
    /// @notice Access restricted to activated policies.
    /// @param  high_ - Specifies the side of the range to regenerate (true = high side, false = low side).
    /// @param  capacity_ - Amount to set the capacity to (OHM tokens for high side, Reserve tokens for low side).
    function regenerate(bool high_, uint256 capacity_) external permissioned {
        uint256 threshold = (capacity_ * thresholdFactor) / FACTOR_SCALE;

        emit WallUp(high_, block.timestamp, capacity_);

As it's only regenerate() makes current thresholdFactor effective after the change:

    /// @dev    The new threshold factor will not go into effect until the next time regenerate() is called for each side of the wall.
    function setThresholdFactor(uint256 thresholdFactor_) external permissioned {

WallDown depends on the capacity_ vs threshold situation, but also does not emit the current threshold:

            // If the new capacity is below the threshold, deactivate the wall if they are currently active
            if (capacity_ < _range.high.threshold && {
                // Set wall to inactive
       = false;
                _range.high.lastActive = uint48(block.timestamp);

                emit WallDown(true, block.timestamp, capacity_);

            // If the new capacity is below the threshold, deactivate the wall if they are currently active
            if (capacity_ < _range.low.threshold && {
                // Set wall to inactive
       = false;
                _range.low.lastActive = uint48(block.timestamp);

                emit WallDown(false, block.timestamp, capacity_);

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Consider adding the thresholds to enhance transparency:

-       emit WallUp(high_, block.timestamp, capacity_);
+       emit WallUp(high_, block.timestamp, capacity_, threshold);
            // If the new capacity is below the threshold, deactivate the wall if they are currently active
            if (capacity_ < _range.high.threshold && {
                // Set wall to inactive
       = false;
                _range.high.lastActive = uint48(block.timestamp);

-               emit WallDown(true, block.timestamp, capacity_);
+               emit WallDown(true, block.timestamp, capacity_, _range.high.threshold);

            // If the new capacity is below the threshold, deactivate the wall if they are currently active
            if (capacity_ < _range.low.threshold && {
                // Set wall to inactive
       = false;
                _range.low.lastActive = uint48(block.timestamp);

-               emit WallDown(false, block.timestamp, capacity_);
+               emit WallDown(false, block.timestamp, capacity_, _range.low.threshold);

-   event WallUp(bool high_, uint256 timestamp_, uint256 capacity_);
-   event WallDown(bool high_, uint256 timestamp_, uint256 capacity_);
+   event WallUp(bool high_, uint256 timestamp_, uint256 capacity_, uint256 threshold_);
+   event WallDown(bool high_, uint256 timestamp_, uint256 capacity_, uint256 threshold_);