code-423n4 / 2022-09-artgobblers-findings

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QA Report #78

Open code423n4 opened 1 year ago

code423n4 commented 1 year ago

Non-Critical Issues List

Number Issues Details Context
[N-01] Include return parameters in NatSpec comments 14
[N-02] 0 address check 9
[N-03] Long lines are not suitable for the Solidity Style Guide 1
[N-04] Inconsistent NatSpec desciption

Total 4 issues

Low Risk Issues List

Number Issues Details Context
[L-01] Add to blacklist function
[L-02] Missing supportsInterface 3
[L-03] Lock pragmas to specific compiler version
[L-04] Avoid shadowing inherited state variables 1

Total 4 issues

[N-01] Include return parameters in NatSpec comments

Context: Pages.sol#L265 Pages.sol#L239 Pages.sol#L219 ArtGobblers.sol#L872 ArtGobblers.sol#L866 ArtGobblers.sol#L839 ArtGobblers.sol#L757 ArtGobblers.sol#L693 ArtGobblers.sol#L509 Functions with all return in GobblersERC1155B.sol Functions with all return in GobblersERC721.sol Functions with all return in PagesERC721.sol ChainlinkV1RandProvider.sol#L62 Functions with all return in SignedWadMath.sol

Description: It is recommended that Solidity contracts are fully annotated using NatSpec for all public interfaces (everything in the ABI). It is clearly stated in the Solidity official documentation. In complex projects such as Defi, the interpretation of all functions and their arguments and returns is important for code readability and auditability.

If Return parameters are declared, you must prefix them with "/// @return".

Some code analysis programs do analysis by reading NatSpec details, if they can't see the "@return" tag, they do incomplete analysis.

Recommendation: Include return parameters in NatSpec comments

Current Code:


    /// @notice Returns a page's URI if it has been minted.
    /// @param pageId The id of the page to get the URI for.
    function tokenURI(uint256 pageId) public view virtual override returns (string memory) {
        if (pageId == 0 || pageId > currentId) revert("NOT_MINTED");

        return string.concat(BASE_URI, pageId.toString());

Recommendation Code:

    /// @notice information about what a function does
    /// @param pageId The id of the page to get the URI for.
    /// @return Returns a page's URI if it has been minted 
    function tokenURI(uint256 pageId) public view virtual override returns (string memory) {
        if (pageId == 0 || pageId > currentId) revert("NOT_MINTED");

        return string.concat(BASE_URI, pageId.toString());

[N-02] 0 address check

Context: ArtGobblers.sol#L294 ArtGobblers.sol#L295 ArtGobblers.sol#L292 ArtGobblers.sol#L293 ArtGobblers.sol#L296 Goo.sol#L82 Pages.sol#L160 Pages.sol#L161 Pages.sol#L162

Description: Also check of the address to protect the code from 0x0 address problem just in case. This is best practice or instead of suggesting that they verify address != 0x0, you could add some good natspec comments explaining what is valid and what is invalid and what are the implications of accidentally using an invalid address.

Recommendation: like this ; if (_team == address(0)) revert ADDRESS_ZERO();

[N-03] Long lines are not suitable for the Solidity Style Guide

Context: ArtGobblers.sol#L499

Description: It is generally recommended that lines in the source code should not exceed 80-120 characters. Today's screens are much larger, so in some cases it makes sense to expand that. The lines above should be split when they reach that length, as the files will most likely be on GitHub and GitHub always uses a scrollbar when the length is more than 164 characters.


Recommendation: Multiline output parameters and return statements should follow the same style recommended for wrapping long lines found in the Maximum Line Length section.


[N-04] Inconsistent Natspec description

Description: One of the Pages.sol contract constructor arguments is address _community and NatSpec explanation : "/// @param _community Address of the community reserve"

One of the ArtGobblers.sol contract constructor arguments is address _community and NatSpec explanation : "/// @param _community Address of the community reserve"

However, the addresses defined during these two constructor a deploy are different.

Recommendation: Update comments or addresses.

[L-01] Add to blacklist function

Description: Cryptocurrency mixing service, Tornado Cash, has been blacklisted in the OFAC. A lot of blockchain companies, token projects, NFT Projects have blacklisted all Ethereum addresses owned by Tornado Cash listed in the US Treasury Department's sanction against the protocol. In addition, these platforms even ban accounts that have received ETH on their account with Tornadocash.

Some of these Projects; USDC ( Flashbots ( ) Aave ( Uniswap Balancer Infura Alchemy Opensea dYdX

Details on the subject;

For this reason, every project in the Ethereum network must have a blacklist function, this is a good method to avoid legal problems in the future, apart from the current need.

Transactions from the project by an account funded by Tonadocash or banned by OFAC can lead to legal problems.Especially American citizens may want to get addresses to the blacklist legally, this is not an obligation

If you think that such legal prohibitions should be made directly by validators, this may not be possible:

The ban on Tornado Cash makes little sense, because in the end, no one can prevent people from using other mixer smart contracts, or forking the existing ones. It neither hinders cybercrime, nor privacy.

Here is the most beautiful and close to the project example; Manifold

Manifold Contract

     modifier nonBlacklistRequired(address extension) {
         require(!_blacklistedExtensions.contains(extension), "Extension blacklisted");

Recommended Mitigation Steps add to Blacklist function and modifier.

[L-02] Missing supportsInterface

Context: GobblersERC1155B.sol#L124 GobblersERC721.sol#L149 PagesERC721.sol#L162

Description: ERC721TokenReceiver interface ID is missing in supportInterface

 function supportsInterface(bytes4 _interfaceId) external pure returns (bool) {
            _interfaceId == 0x01ffc9a7 || // ERC165 Interface ID
            _interfaceId == 0x80ac58cd || // ERC721 Interface ID
            _interfaceId == 0x5b5e139f; // ERC721Metadata Interface ID


 function supportsInterface(bytes4 _interfaceId) external pure returns (bool) {
            _interfaceId == 0x01ffc9a7 || // ERC165 Interface ID
            _interfaceId == 0x80ac58cd || // ERC721 Interface ID
            _interfaceId == 0x150b7a02 || // ERC721TokenReceiver Interface ID
            _interfaceId == 0x5b5e139f; // ERC721Metadata Interface ID

[L-03] Lock pragmas to specific compiler version

Description: Pragma statements can be allowed to float when a contract is intended for consumption by other developers, as in the case with contracts in a library or EthPM package. Otherwise, the developer would need to manually update the pragma in order to compile locally.

Recommendation: Ethereum Smart Contract Best Practices - Lock pragmas to specific compiler version. solidity-specific/locking-pragmas

[L-04] Avoid shadowing inherited state variables

Context: ArtGobblers.sol#L730

Description: In ArtGobblers.sol#L730 , there is a local variable named owner, but there is a state varible named owner in the inherited Owned.sol with the same name. This use causes compilers to issue warnings, negatively affecting checking and code readability.

function gobble(
        uint256 gobblerId,
        address nft,
        uint256 id,
        bool isERC1155
    ) external {
        address owner = getGobblerData[gobblerId].owner;
        // Codes...

Recommendation: Avoid using variables with the same name, including inherited in the same contract, if used, it must be specified in the NatSpec comments.


[S-01] Gobblers NFTs are "Art Gobblers themselves are fully animated ERC1155 NFTs." it is mentioned as ERC721 using GobblersERC721.sol file in the project, documents should be corrected

[S-02] The getTargetSaleTime function in the VRGDA.sol file does not have a body, the reason for this preference is not clear, at least it should broadcast br emit

function getTargetSaleTime(int256 sold) public view virtual returns (int256);

[S-03] For code readability, add real numbers as comments with "//" next to scientific notation. Recommendation;

 GobblersERC721("Art Gobblers", "GOBBLER")
            69.42e18, // Target price.                // 69420000000000000000
            0.31e18, // Price decay percent.     // 310000000000000000
            // Max gobblers mintable via VRGDA. 
            0.0023e18 // Time scale.                 // 2300000000000000

[S-04] Natspec comments are missing the return tag, add it as in all other functions. ArtGobblers.sol#L509

[S-05] For code readability, make sure what the numbers look like below, at least specify "//" in comments Recommendation;

MAX_SUPPLY       = 10000;

[S-06] ChainlinkV1RandProvider.sol file tests could not be seen, because it is an external call, rinkeby tests must be done and added to the project. The Virtual Test environment is insufficient for such tests.

GalloDaSballo commented 1 year ago

[N-01] Include return parameters in NatSpec comments

Really not a fan, but valid NC

[N-02] 0 address check


[N-03] Long lines are not suitable for the Solidity Style Guide


[N-04] Inconsistent Natspec description

Not convinced

[L-01] Add to blacklist function

Disagree, the Sponsor will release the project and let it live on it's own

[L-02] Missing supportsInterface

Per discussion about using safeTransfer, this is Refactoring R

[L-03] Lock pragmas to specific compiler version


[L-04] Avoid shadowing inherited state variables

Valid Low




The finding is nice, but invalid, basically you're supposed to inherit LogisticVRGDA not the base Contract, these child contract do implement the function meaning ArtGobblers also does






Disagree as I think having constants build as derivate of other constants is fine


Disagree as Sponsor can put out of scope at their discretion

Overall an interesting report

GalloDaSballo commented 1 year ago

2L 1R 6NC