code-423n4 / 2022-09-frax-findings

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QA Report #391

Open code423n4 opened 2 years ago

code423n4 commented 2 years ago

1. Address(0) check in submitAndGive() in frxETHMinter.sol


submitAndGive() expects recipient address. It is a good practice to check for address(0) to protect from unnecessary complications. Consider adding require(recipient != address(0));

2. Withheld ratio can be set to 100%


In the setWithholdRatio function, the withhold ratio can be set to 100%, When the ratio is 100%, if someone makes a very large ETH deposit then the entirity of the ETH will be added to currentWithheldETH and non will be added for validators.

It is recommended to set the withHeld ratio is limited to some reasonable amount rather than 100%.

3. Public Constants are not necessary


Some constants used for internal calculation are made public. It is recommended to set them to private since they dont need to be exposed through public funcitons. This also increases codesize.

4. The minters_array will contain more elements than the number of minters


When calling removeMinter, the minter is not removed from minters_array, instead it is replaced by zero address. this will cause the array to grow very large as more minters are added and removed.

5. Operation on an unbounded loop


It is generally recommended to put a reasonable limit on the loop size rather than having unbounded loop as argument on a function.