code-423n4 / 2022-09-nouns-builder-findings

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QA Report #278

Open code423n4 opened 2 years ago

code423n4 commented 2 years ago

[NAZ-L1] Signature Malleability of EVM's ecrecover()

Severity: Low Context: Governor.sol#L236, ERC721Votes.sol#L167

Description: The function calls the Solidity ecrecover() function directly to verify the given signatures. However, the ecrecover() EVM opcode allows malleable (non-unique) signatures and thus is susceptible to replay attacks.

Although a replay attack seems not possible here since the nonce is increased each time, ensuring the signatures are not malleable is considered a best practice.

Recommendation: Use the ecrecover function from OpenZeppelin's ECDSA library for signature verification. (Ensure using a version > 4.7.3 for there was a critical bug >= 4.1.0 < 4.7.3).

[NAZ-L2] Value Range Validity

Severity Low Context: Auction.sol#L77-L78, Auction.sol#L307-L335, Governor.sol#L61-L64, Governor.sol#L564-L592, Governor.sol#L211-L231

Description: These functions doesn't have any checks to ensure that the variables being set is within some kind of value range.

Recommendation: Each variable input parameter updated should have it's own value range checks to ensure their validity.

[NAZ-L3] Missing Equivalence Checks In Setters

Severity: Low Context: MetadataRenderer.sol#L347-L367, Auction.sol#L307-L335, Governor.sol#L564-L602, Governor.sol#L211-L231

Description: Setter functions are missing checks to validate if the new value being set is the same as the current value already set in the contract. Such checks will showcase mismatches between on-chain and off-chain states.

Recommendation: This may hinder detecting discrepancies between on-chain and off-chain states leading to flawed assumptions of on-chain state and protocol behavior.

[NAZ-L4] Missing Zero-address Validation

Severity: Low Context: Manager.sol#L62-L66, Token.sol#L46-L47, MetadataRenderer.sol#L32, MetadataRenderer.sol#L47-L49, Auction.sol#L39, Auction.sol#L55-L57, Governor.sol#L60, Treasury.sol#L33

Description: Lack of zero-address validation on address parameters may lead to transaction reverts, waste gas, require resubmission of transactions and may even force contract redeployments in certain cases within the protocol.

Recommendation: Consider adding explicit zero-address validation on input parameters of address type.

[NAZ-L5] receive() Function Should Emit An Event

Severity: Low Context: Treasury.sol#L269

Description: Consider emitting an event inside this function with msg.sender and msg.value as the parameters. This would make it easier to track incoming ether transfers.

Recommendation: Consider adding events to the receive() functions.

[NAZ-L6] Missing Events In Initialize Functions

Severity: Low Context: Manager.sol#L80, Token.sol#L43, MetadataRenderer.sol#L45, Auction.sol#L54, Governor.sol#L57, Treasury.sol#L43

Description: None of the initialize functions emit init-specific events. They all however have the initializer modifier (from Initializable) so that they can be called only once. Off-chain monitoring of calls to these critical functions is not possible.

Recommendation: It is recommended to emit events in your initialization functions.

[NAZ-N1] Array length mismatch

Severity: Informational Context: MetadataRenderer.sol#L92-L93, Governor.sol#L99-L101, Governor.sol#L117-L119, Governor.sol#L325-L327, Treasury.sol#L102-L104, Treasury.sol#L142-L144

Description: These fail to perform input validation on arrays to verify the lengths match. A mismatch could lead to an exception or undefined behavior.

Recommendation: Perform input validation on the arrays to verify that the lengths match.

[NAZ-N2] Unindexed Event Parameters

Severity Informational Context: IManager.sol#L21, IManager.sol#L26, IManager.sol#L31, IToken.sol#L21, IPropertyIPFSMetadataRenderer.sol#L16-L28, IAuction.sol#L22-L50, IGovernor.sol#L29-L57, ITreasury.sol#L16-L28

Description: Parameters of certain events are expected to be indexed so that they’re included in the block’s bloom filter for faster access. Failure to do so might confuse off-chain tooling looking for such indexed events.

Recommendation: Consider adding the indexed keyword to event parameters that should include it.

[NAZ-N3] Use Underscores for Number Literals

Severity: Informational Context: Auction.sol#L354

Description: There are multiple occasions where certain numbers have been hardcoded, either in variables or in the code itself. Large numbers can become hard to read.

Recommendation: Consider using underscores for number literals to improve its readability.

[NAZ-N4] Code Structure Deviates From Best-Practice

Severity: Informational Context: Manager.sol#L180, Token.sol#L143, MetadataRenderer.sol#L91, Auction.sol#L244, Governor.sol#L116, Treasury.sol#L116, ERC1967Upgrade.sol#L83, UUPS.sol#L47, ERC721.sol#L54, ERC721Votes.sol#L126

Description: The best-practice layout for a contract should follow the following order: state variables, events, modifiers, constructor and functions. Function ordering helps readers identify which functions they can call and find constructor and fallback functions easier. Functions should be grouped according to their visibility and ordered as: constructor, receive function (if exists), fallback function (if exists), external, public, internal, private. Functions should then further be ordered with view functions coming after the non-view labeled ones.

Recommendation: Consider adopting recommended best-practice for code structure and layout.

[NAZ-N5] Code Contains Empty Blocks

Severity: Informational Context: Manager.sol#L209, Treasury.sol#L269, ERC721.sol#L57, ERC721.sol#L239, ERC721.sol#L249

Description: It's best practice that when there is an empty block, to add a comment in the block explaining why it's empty.

Recommendation: Consider adding /* Comment on why */ to the empty blocks.

[NAZ-N6] Line Length

Severity: Informational Context: Manager.sol#L113, Manager.sol#L167-L170, IManager.sol#L55, Token.sol#L268, IToken.sol#L86, MetadataRenderer.sol#L55, MetadataRenderer.sol#L206, MetadataRenderer.sol#L243, MetadataRenderer.sol#L259, IPropertyIPFSMetadataRenderer.sol#L63, Governor.sol#L27, Governor.sol#L362-L363, TreasuryStorageV1.sol#L11, TreasuryStorageV1.sol#L15, ERC721.sol#L134, ERC721.sol#L166, ERC721.sol#L184, ERC721Votes.sol#L10, ERC721Votes.sol#L21, ERC721Votes.sol#L162

Description: Max line length must be no more than 120 but many lines are extended past this length.

Recommendation: Consider cutting down the line length below 120.

[NAZ-N7] Function && Variable Naming Convention

Severity Informational Context: Manager.sol#L40, Manager.sol#L43, Manager.sol#L49, ManagerStorageV1.sol#L10, TokenStorageV1.sol#L11, TokenStorageV1.sol#L15, TokenStorageV1.sol#L19, MetadataRenderer.sol#L25, MetadataRendererStorageV1.sol#L11, MetadataRendererStorageV1.sol#L14, MetadataRendererStorageV1.sol#L17, MetadataRendererStorageV1.sol#L20, Auction.sol#L28, Auction.sol#L31, AuctionStorageV1.sol#L12, Governor.sol#L34, GovernorStorageV1.sol#L11, GovernorStorageV1.sol#L15, GovernorStorageV1.sol#L19, Treasury.sol#L25, ERC721.sol#L26, ERC721.sol#L30, ERC721.sol#L38, ERC721.sol#L47, ERC721Votes.sol#L29, ERC721Votes.sol#L33, ERC721Votes.sol#L37, ERC721Votes.sol#L78

Description: The linked variables do not conform to the standard naming convention of Solidity whereby functions and variable names(local and state) utilize the mixedCase format unless variables are declared as constant in which case they utilize the UPPER_CASE_WITH_UNDERSCORES format. Private variables and functions should lead with an _underscore.

Recommendation: Consider naming conventions utilized by the linked statements are adjusted to reflect the correct type of declaration according to the Solidity style guide.

[NAZ-N8] Spelling Errors

Severity: Informational Context: Manager.sol#L113 (responsiblity=> responsibility), Token.sol#L104 (receive => receive), TokenTypesV1.sol#L13 (metadatarenderer => metadataRenderer), IGovernor.sol#L74 (calldatas => calldata)

Description: Spelling errors in comments can cause confusion to both users and developers.

Recommendation: Consider checking all misspellings to ensure they are corrected.

[NAZ-N9] Multiple Solidity Pragma

Severity: Informational Context: All Contracts

Description: It is better to use one Solidity compiler version across all contracts instead of different versions with different bugs and security checks.

Recommendation: Consider ensuring all pragma versions are the same one.

[NAZ-N10] Floating Pragma

Severity: Informational Context: ./proxy

Description: Contracts should be deployed with the same compiler version and flags that they have been tested with thoroughly. Locking the pragma helps to ensure that contracts do not accidentally get deployed using, for example, an outdated compiler version that might introduce bugs that affect the contract system negatively.

Recommendation: Consider locking the pragma version.

[NAZ-N11] Older Version Pragma

Severity: Informational Context: All Contracts

Description: Using very old versions of Solidity prevents benefits of bug fixes and newer security checks. Using the latest versions might make contracts susceptible to undiscovered compiler bugs.

Recommendation: Consider using the most recent version.

GalloDaSballo commented 2 years ago

[NAZ-L1] Signature Malleability of EVM's ecrecover()

R in this case because the malleability cannot be used for anything as the setting is idempotent (using second sig does nothing)

[NAZ-L2] Value Range Validity


[NAZ-L3] Missing Equivalence Checks In Setters


[NAZ-L4] Missing Zero-address Validation


[NAZ-L5] receive() Function Should Emit An Event

I'm not convinced by this without an explanation

[NAZ-L6] Missing Events In Initialize Functions


[NAZ-N1] Array length mismatch

Will cause a revert later, valid NC

 [NAZ-N2] Unindexed Event Parameters


[NAZ-N3] Use Underscores for Number Literals

Really minor, NC

[NAZ-N4] Code Structure Deviates From Best-Practice

I don't understand this one, I think it's best if you show how to improve the code next time

[NAZ-N5] Code Contains Empty Blocks


[NAZ-N6] Line Length


[NAZ-N7] Function && Variable Naming Convention


[NAZ-N8] Spelling Errors


[NAZ-N9] Multiple Solidity Pragma & Floating & Old


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