code-423n4 / 2022-09-nouns-builder-findings

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Upgraded Q -> M from 657 [1664812795523] #734

Closed code423n4 closed 1 year ago

code423n4 commented 1 year ago

Judge has assessed an item in Issue #657 as Medium risk. The relevant finding follows:

GalloDaSballo commented 1 year ago

int8 underflow in src/token/Token.sol:99 function _addFounders(IManager.FounderParams[] calldata _founders) internal { // Cache the number of founders uint256 numFounders = _founders.length;

    // Used to store the total percent ownership among the founders
    uint256 totalOwnership;

    unchecked {
        // For each founder:
        for (uint256 i; i < numFounders; ++i) {
            // Cache the percent ownership
            uint256 founderPct = _founders[i].ownershipPct;

            // Continue if no ownership is specified
            if (founderPct == 0) continue;

            // Update the total ownership and ensure it's valid
            if ((totalOwnership += uint8(founderPct)) > 100) revert INVALID_FOUNDER_OWNERSHIP();

            // Compute the founder's id
            uint256 founderId = settings.numFounders++;

            // Get the pointer to store the founder
            Founder storage newFounder = founder[founderId];

            // Store the founder's vesting details
            newFounder.wallet = _founders[i].wallet;
            newFounder.vestExpiry = uint32(_founders[i].vestExpiry);
            newFounder.ownershipPct = uint8(founderPct);

            // Compute the vesting schedule
            uint256 schedule = 100 / founderPct;

            // Used to store the base token id the founder will recieve
            uint256 baseTokenId;

            // For each token to vest:
            for (uint256 j; j < founderPct; ++j) {
                // Get the available token id
                baseTokenId = _getNextTokenId(baseTokenId);

                // Store the founder as the recipient
                tokenRecipient[baseTokenId] = newFounder;

                emit MintScheduled(baseTokenId, founderId, newFounder);

                // Update the base token id
                (baseTokenId += schedule) % 100;

        // Store the founders' details
        settings.totalOwnership = uint8(totalOwnership);
        settings.numFounders = uint8(numFounders);

When a malicious founder supplies a founderPct bigger than 2^8, he can bypass the check against if ((totalOwnership += uint8(founderPct)) > 100) revert INVALID_FOUNDER_OWNERSHIP();

GalloDaSballo commented 1 year ago

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