code-423n4 / 2022-09-party-findings

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splitRecipient resulting voting power tend to be overstated #355

Closed code423n4 closed 1 year ago

code423n4 commented 1 year ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details

When burn() computes the contributor's share via _getFinalContribution() and contributor = splitRecipient it transfers the whole share to the splitRecipient in advance, even when not all the voting power were allocated.

I.e. some contributors might not burn and the total voting power can be less than getFinalPrice() dictates (there will not be any funds shortage as those who didn't burned still have their ETH in the contract). This way splitRecipient always receives at least `splitBps` of voting power and sometimes more, proportionally to the count of the contributors who didn't burned.

As an example, suppose half of contributors in ETH terms forget to burn, so the half of the voting power isn't minted, but splitRecipient has burned and received twice voting power in bps terms.

Proof of Concept

_getFinalContribution() gives the whole voting power to the splitRecipient at once, even if other participants didn't burned:

        votingPower = ((1e4 - splitBps_) * ethUsed) / 1e4;
        if (splitRecipient_ == contributor) {
            // Split recipient is also the contributor so just add the split
            // voting power.
            votingPower += (splitBps_ * totalEthUsed + (1e4 - 1)) / 1e4; // round up

I.e. this allocation is done in advance, assuming that all the totalEthUsed = _getFinalPrice() be burned.

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Consider allocating splitBps_ of voting power actually minted to the splitRecipient on each burn of other contributors.

It can be either in push (every contributor pays for splitRecipient allocation) or in pull (splitRecipient calls in and receives current share; multiple burning calls must be allowed in this case for splitRecipient).

merklejerk commented 1 year ago

We don't see this as a real problem. The passing threshold for governance is still based on total (minted and unminted) voting power, so getting voting power earlier than others doesn't offer any real advantage.

dmitriia commented 1 year ago

It's more a matter of the relative voting powers of the parties. In these terms splitRecipient will have somewhat oversized voting power proportionally to the share of the unminted total.

merklejerk commented 1 year ago

Yeah, but governance still operates against total possible voting power (minted + unminted), so I don't get how it would matter? Passing a proposal only depends on getting some fixed % of the total possible voting power. Their ability to unilaterally pass a proposal does not change regardless of when they burn. There are no "no" votes in the system so votes do not directly compete.

dmitriia commented 1 year ago

It boils down to the expected behavior. Suppose split recipient has the cut equal to the passing threshold. In the current situation he can unilateraly pass anything, no contributors needed. He can do it instantly, say back-running the state changing transaction that enables the burning.

What is proposed updates the logic so the presence of all others is required. In the same situation the recipient can still go alone, but only after all contributors has checked in and had the opportunity to propose something on their own.

What is desired?

merklejerk commented 1 year ago

We actually do want this current behavior. In V1 we witnessed many people contributing to crowdfunds and never returning to claim their fractions (v1 just went straight to fractional). That's why we now ask contributors to choose a delegate upon contribute and allow anyone to burn a contributor's crowdfund token-- so governance isn't held up by absent members. The suggestion doesn't require the presence of other contributors either, since anyone can burn anyone's contribution token for voting power. So if we built up the split recipient's total VP piecemeal, as suggested, then the split recipient would just have to burn everyone's tokens on their behalf. It's the same end result but wasting much more gas.

HardlyDifficult commented 1 year ago

Interesting discussion but it seems this is not an issue. Closing as invalid.