code-423n4 / 2022-09-quickswap-findings

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QA Report #314

Open code423n4 opened 2 years ago

code423n4 commented 2 years ago

1. changeFeeConfiguration summation overflow

There is a function changeFeeConfiguration in DataStorageOperator contract. It contains the following logic:

/// @inheritdoc IDataStorageOperator
function changeFeeConfiguration(AdaptiveFee.Configuration calldata _feeConfig) external override {
  require(msg.sender == factory || msg.sender == IAlgebraFactory(factory).owner());

  require(uint256(_feeConfig.alpha1) + uint256(_feeConfig.alpha2) + uint256(_feeConfig.baseFee) <= type(uint16).max, 'Max fee exceeded');
  require(_feeConfig.gamma1 != 0 && _feeConfig.gamma2 != 0 && _feeConfig.volumeGamma != 0, 'Gammas must be > 0');

  feeConfig = _feeConfig;
  emit FeeConfiguration(_feeConfig);

Because in solidity compiler version 0.7.6 there is no arithmetic operations checks there is a problem of overflow when counting uint256(_feeConfig.alpha1) + uint256(_feeConfig.alpha2) + uint256(_feeConfig.baseFee). Because of this, there is no strict validation of the _feeConfig parameters.

2. algebraMintCallback return value

There is a function algebraMintCallback in IAlgebraMintCallback interface. It is reasonable to add some special return value as an expected output of this function. This will protect the contract from calling fallback function which is not supposed to be used in such manner. As an example, such logic is implemented in ERC721TokenReceiver interface in EIP-721 Non-Fungible Token Standard.

3. reinitialization or initialization with zero initialPrice

There is a function initialize in AlgebraPool contract. It contains the following logic:

/// @inheritdoc IAlgebraPoolActions
function initialize(uint160 initialPrice) external override {
  require(globalState.price == 0, 'AI');
  // getTickAtSqrtRatio checks validity of initialPrice inside
  int24 tick = TickMath.getTickAtSqrtRatio(initialPrice);

  uint32 timestamp = _blockTimestamp();
  IDataStorageOperator(dataStorageOperator).initialize(timestamp, tick);

  globalState.price = initialPrice;
  globalState.unlocked = true;
  globalState.tick = tick;

  emit Initialize(initialPrice, tick);

It is better to have a separate variable that indicates was the contract initialized or not, and a special check on a such variable inside of this function. This is so because of the possibility of incorrect initialization with zero initialPrice and the possibility of changing the globalState.price to zero value (with reinitialization after such state).

4. access checks in view functions

Functions getSingleTimepoint, getTimepoints, getAverages and getFee from DataStorageOperator contract have an access check in onlyPool modifier. However, all of them are view functions so it is reasonable to remove such access checks as they do not protect any "secret" information from other contracts.

0xVolosnikov commented 2 years ago
  1. Please note that sum of these params is strictly less than max(uint256) because of their type
  2. During this callback, the pool should receive tokens. This won't happen on a fallback.
  3. It is impossible to initialize with 0 price since: "// getTickAtSqrtRatio checks validity of initialPrice inside". The pool logic ensures that the price never goes to zero.