code-423n4 / 2022-10-inverse-findings

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QA Report #523

Open code423n4 opened 2 years ago

code423n4 commented 2 years ago

[L] There is no two way transfer on setting Governance setGov() and setting Operator setOperator()

In Market.sol there is a modifier named onlyGov which control the market crucial function. To update this onlyGov address, there is only one function setGov() without two step transfer pattern. This can cause a problem if the function is being set with wrong gov address because it can't revert the value. Consider to use two step transfer patter for this kind of ownership function.

there is also an instance of this issue, setOperator inside BorrowController.sol contract

File: Market.sol
130:     function setGov(address _gov) public onlyGov { gov = _gov; }

File: BorrowController.sol
26:     function setOperator(address _operator) public onlyOperator { operator = _operator; }

[L] Borrow function does not check if amount > 0

In Market.sol contract, borrowInternal() function, the amount value is not being check if it's greater than 0. Thus if function call with 0 amount, the transfer will process with 0 transfer token, which is a waste of gas, it's better to check condition and revert.

File: Market.sol
389:     function borrowInternal(address borrower, address to, uint amount) internal {
390:         require(!borrowPaused, "Borrowing is paused");
391:         if(borrowController != IBorrowController(address(0))) {
392:             require(borrowController.borrowAllowed(msg.sender, borrower, amount), "Denied by borrow controller");
393:         }
394:         uint credit = getCreditLimitInternal(borrower);
395:         debts[borrower] += amount;
396:         require(credit >= debts[borrower], "Exceeded credit limit");
397:         totalDebt += amount;
398:         dbr.onBorrow(borrower, amount);
399:         dola.transfer(to, amount);
400:         emit Borrow(borrower, amount);
401:     }

[L] No upper bound for replenishmentPriceBps in DBR.sol contract

File: DBR.sol
62:     function setReplenishmentPriceBps(uint newReplenishmentPriceBps_) public onlyOperator {
63:         require(newReplenishmentPriceBps_ > 0, "replenishment price must be over 0");
64:         replenishmentPriceBps = newReplenishmentPriceBps_;
65:     }

[L] Pay function is not check for availability of token

In GovTokenEscrow.sol and SimpleERC20Escrow.sol contracts, the pay() function is not checking if the balance of the token inside the contract is enough to transfer based on the amount input. (Unlike INVEscrow.sol)

File: SimpleERC20Escrow.sol
36:     function pay(address recipient, uint amount) public {
37:         require(msg.sender == market, "ONLY MARKET");
38:         token.transfer(recipient, amount);
39:     }

File: GovTokenEscrow.sol
43:     function pay(address recipient, uint amount) public {
44:         require(msg.sender == market, "ONLY MARKET");
45:         token.transfer(recipient, amount);
46:     }

[NC] Open TODO comment

For production, there should not be any TODO left on the code

File: INVEscrow.sol
34:     constructor(IXINV _xINV) {
35:         xINV = _xINV; // TODO: Test whether an immutable variable will persist across proxies
36:     }

[NC] Inconsistency of using uint vs uint256

Even though both is similar but it's good to have standard for quality code example:

File: DBR.sol
14:     uint256 public _totalSupply;
15:     address public operator;
16:     address public pendingOperator;
17:     uint public totalDueTokensAccrued;
18:     uint public replenishmentPriceBps;

File: DBR.sol
121:         uint debt = debts[user];
122:         uint accrued = (block.timestamp - lastUpdated[user]) * debt / 365 days;

[NC] Maximum line length is 120 characters

There are some of code > 120 characters per line in (Market.sol, Oracle.sol)

[NC] No emit event on setReplenishmentPriceBps

It's best to emit an event if function change some settings

c4-judge commented 1 year ago

0xean marked the issue as grade-b