code-423n4 / 2022-10-inverse-findings

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QA Report #527

Open code423n4 opened 2 years ago

code423n4 commented 2 years ago


Missing checks for address(0x0) when assigning values to address state variables

File: /src/Market.sol
77:        gov = _gov;
78:        lender = _lender;
79:        pauseGuardian = _pauseGuardian;
80:        escrowImplementation = _escrowImplementation;

File: /src/Oracle.sol
32:        operator = _operator;

File: /src/Fed.sol
39:        gov = _gov;
40:        chair = _chair;

File: /src/BorrowController.sol
14:        operator = _operator;

File: /src/DBR.sol
39:        operator = _operator;

File: /src/escrows/GovTokenEscrow.sol
34:        beneficiary = _beneficiary;

File: /src/escrows/INVEscrow.sol
48:        beneficiary = _beneficiary;

Constants should be defined rather than using magic numbers

There are several occurrences of literal values with unexplained meaning .Literal values in the codebase without an explained meaning make the code harder to read, understand and maintain, thus hindering the experience of developers, auditors and external contributors alike.

Developers should define a constant variable for every magic value used , giving it a clear and self-explanatory name.

File: /src/Market.sol

//@audit: 10000
74:        require(_collateralFactorBps < 10000, "Invalid collateral factor");

//@audit: 10000
75:        require(_liquidationIncentiveBps > 0 && _liquidationIncentiveBps < 10000, "Invalid liquidation incentive");

//@audit: 10000
76:        require(_replenishmentIncentiveBps < 10000, "Replenishment incentive must be less than 100%");

//@audit: 10000
150:        require(_collateralFactorBps < 10000, "Invalid collateral factor");

//@audit: 10000
162:        require(_liquidationFactorBps > 0 && _liquidationFactorBps <= 10000, "Invalid liquidation factor");

//@audit: 10000
173:        require(_replenishmentIncentiveBps > 0 && _replenishmentIncentiveBps < 10000, "Invalid replenishment incentive");

//@audit: 10000
184:        require(_liquidationIncentiveBps > 0 && _liquidationIncentiveBps + liquidationFeeBps < 10000, "Invalid liquidation incentive");

//@audit: 10000
195:        require(_liquidationFeeBps > 0 && _liquidationFeeBps + liquidationIncentiveBps < 10000, "Invalid liquidation fee");

//@audit: 10000
336:        return collateralValue * collateralFactorBps / 10000;

//@audit: 10000
346:        return collateralValue * collateralFactorBps / 10000;

//@audit: 10000
360:        uint minimumCollateral = debt * 1 ether / oracle.getPrice(address(collateral), collateralFactorBps) * 10000 / collateralFactorBps;

//@audit: 10000
377:        uint minimumCollateral = debt * 1 ether / oracle.viewPrice(address(collateral), collateralFactorBps) * 10000 / collateralFactorBps;

//@audit: 10000
563:        uint replenishmentCost = amount * dbr.replenishmentPriceBps() / 10000;

//@audit: 10000
564:        uint replenisherReward = replenishmentCost * replenishmentIncentiveBps / 10000;

//@audit: 10000
583:        return debt * liquidationFactorBps / 10000;

//@audit: 10000
595:        require(repaidDebt <= debt * liquidationFactorBps / 10000, "Exceeded liquidation factor");

//@audit: 10000
598:        liquidatorReward += liquidatorReward * liquidationIncentiveBps / 10000;

//@audit: 10000
606:            uint liquidationFee = repaidDebt * 1 ether / price * liquidationFeeBps / 10000;

File: /src/Oracle.sol

//@audit: 36
87:            uint8 decimals = 36 - feedDecimals - tokenDecimals;

//@audit: 10
88:            uint normalizedPrice = price * (10 ** decimals);

//@audit: 10000
95:            uint newBorrowingPower = normalizedPrice * collateralFactorBps / 10000;

//@audit: 10000
98:                uint dampenedPrice = twoDayLow * 10000 / collateralFactorBps;

//@audit: 36
121:            uint8 decimals = 36 - feedDecimals - tokenDecimals;

//@audit: 10
122:            uint normalizedPrice = price * (10 ** decimals);

//@audit: 10000
134:            uint newBorrowingPower = normalizedPrice * collateralFactorBps / 10000;

//@audit: 10000
137:                uint dampenedPrice = twoDayLow * 10000 / collateralFactorBps;


//@audit: 365 days
122:        uint accrued = (block.timestamp - lastUpdated[user]) * debt / 365 days;

//@audit: 365 days
135:        uint accrued = (block.timestamp - lastUpdated[user]) * debt / 365 days;

//@audit: 365 days
148:        uint accrued = (block.timestamp - lastUpdated[user]) * debt / 365 days;

//@audit: 365 days
287:        uint accrued = (block.timestamp - lastUpdated[user]) * debt / 365 days;

//@audit: 10000
330:        uint replenishmentCost = amount * replenishmentPriceBps / 10000;

Public functions not called by the contract should be declared external instead

Contracts are allowed to override their parents' functions and change the visibility from external to public. Functions marked by external use call data to read arguments, where public will first allocate in local memory and then load them.

File: /src/Market.sol
118:    function setOracle(IOracle _oracle) public onlyGov { oracle = _oracle; }

124:    function setBorrowController(IBorrowController _borrowController) public onlyGov { borrowController = _borrowController; }

130:    function setGov(address _gov) public onlyGov { gov = _gov; }

136:    function setLender(address _lender) public onlyGov { lender = _lender; }

142:    function setPauseGuardian(address _pauseGuardian) public onlyGov { pauseGuardian = _pauseGuardian; }

149:    function setCollateralFactorBps(uint _collateralFactorBps) public onlyGov {

161:    function setLiquidationFactorBps(uint _liquidationFactorBps) public onlyGov {

172:    function setReplenismentIncentiveBps(uint _replenishmentIncentiveBps) public onlyGov {

183:    function setLiquidationIncentiveBps(uint _liquidationIncentiveBps) public onlyGov {

194:    function setLiquidationFeeBps(uint _liquidationFeeBps) public onlyGov {

212:    function pauseBorrows(bool _value) public {

267:    function depositAndBorrow(uint amountDeposit, uint amountBorrow) public {

370:    function getWithdrawalLimit(address user) public view returns (uint) {

422:    function borrowOnBehalf(address from, uint amount, uint deadline, uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s) public {

486:    function withdrawOnBehalf(address from, uint amount, uint deadline, uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s) public {

520:    function invalidateNonce() public {

546:    function repayAndWithdraw(uint repayAmount, uint withdrawAmount) public {

578:    function getLiquidatableDebt(address user) public view returns (uint) {

File: /src/Oracle.sol
44:    function setPendingOperator(address newOperator_) public onlyOperator { pendingOperator = newOperator_; }

61:    function setFixedPrice(address token, uint price) public onlyOperator { fixedPrices[token] = price; }

66:    function claimOperator() public {

File: /src/Fed.sol
48:     function changeGov(address _gov) public {

57:    function changeSupplyCeiling(uint _supplyCeiling) public {

66:    function changeChair(address _chair) public {

75:    function resign() public {

86:    function expansion(IMarket market, uint amount) public {

103:    function contraction(IMarket market, uint amount) public {

131:    function takeProfit(IMarket market) public {

Open todos

File: /src/escrows/INVEscrow.sol
35:        xINV = _xINV; // TODO: Test whether an immutable variable will persist across proxies

Missing friendly revert strings

require()/revert() statements should have descriptive reason strings.

File: /src/Fed.sol
93:        require(globalSupply <= supplyCeiling);

Missing event for critical initialize function

Events help non-contract tools to track changes, and events prevent users from being surprised by changes.

File: /src/escrows/GovTokenEscrow.sol
30:    function initialize(IERC20 _token, address _beneficiary) public {

36:    }

File: /src/escrows/INVEscrow.sol
44:    function initialize(IERC20 _token, address _beneficiary) public {

52:    }

File: /src/escrows/SimpleERC20Escrow.sol
25:    function initialize(IERC20 _token, address) public {

29:    }

Missing events for setters

File: /src/Market.sol
118:    function setOracle(IOracle _oracle) public onlyGov { oracle = _oracle; }

124:    function setBorrowController(IBorrowController _borrowController) public onlyGov { borrowController = _borrowController; }

130:    function setGov(address _gov) public onlyGov { gov = _gov; }

136:    function setLender(address _lender) public onlyGov { lender = _lender; }

142:    function setPauseGuardian(address _pauseGuardian) public onlyGov { pauseGuardian = _pauseGuardian; }

149:  function setCollateralFactorBps(uint _collateralFactorBps) public onlyGov {
150:        require(_collateralFactorBps < 10000, "Invalid collateral factor");
151:        collateralFactorBps = _collateralFactorBps;
152:    }

161:    function setLiquidationFactorBps(uint _liquidationFactorBps) public onlyGov {
162:        require(_liquidationFactorBps > 0 && _liquidationFactorBps <= 10000, "Invalid liquidation factor");
163:        liquidationFactorBps = _liquidationFactorBps;
164:    }

172:    function setReplenismentIncentiveBps(uint _replenishmentIncentiveBps) public onlyGov {
173:        require(_replenishmentIncentiveBps > 0 && _replenishmentIncentiveBps < 10000, "Invalid replenishment incentive");
174:        replenishmentIncentiveBps = _replenishmentIncentiveBps;
175:    }

183:    function setLiquidationIncentiveBps(uint _liquidationIncentiveBps) public onlyGov {
184:        require(_liquidationIncentiveBps > 0 && _liquidationIncentiveBps + liquidationFeeBps < 10000, "Invalid liquidation incentive");
185:        liquidationIncentiveBps = _liquidationIncentiveBps;
186:    }

194:    function setLiquidationFeeBps(uint _liquidationFeeBps) public onlyGov {
195:        require(_liquidationFeeBps > 0 && _liquidationFeeBps + liquidationIncentiveBps < 10000, "Invalid liquidation fee");
196:        liquidationFeeBps = _liquidationFeeBps;
197:    }

File: /src/Oracle.sol
44:     function setPendingOperator(address newOperator_) public onlyOperator { pendingOperator = newOperator_; }

53:    function setFeed(address token, IChainlinkFeed feed, uint8 tokenDecimals) public onlyOperator { feeds[token] = FeedData(feed, tokenDecimals); }

61:    function setFixedPrice(address token, uint price) public onlyOperator { fixedPrices[token] = price; }

File: /src/BorrowController.sol
26:     function setOperator(address _operator) public onlyOperator { operator = _operator; }

File: /src/DBR.sol
53:    function setPendingOperator(address newOperator_) public onlyOperator {

62:    function setReplenishmentPriceBps(uint newReplenishmentPriceBps_) public onlyOperator {

Lack of event emission after critical functions

File: /src/Fed.sol
48:     function changeGov(address _gov) public {

57:    function changeSupplyCeiling(uint _supplyCeiling) public {

66:    function changeChair(address _chair) public {

Inconsistency in using uint vs uint256

uint is simply an alias for uint256 . Throughout the code , the use of uint seems to be the preference.

File: /src/Market.sol
58:    mapping (address => uint) public debts; // user => debt
59:    mapping(address => uint256) public nonces; // user => nonce

Since majority of the code is utilizing uint we should utilize this in all the codebase for consistency

Code Structure Deviates From Best-Practice

The best-practice layout for a contract should follow the following order: state variables, events, modifiers, constructor and functions. Function ordering helps readers identify which functions they can call and find constructor and fallback functions easier. Functions should be grouped according to their visibility and ordered as: constructor, receive function (if exists), fallback function (if exists), external, public, internal, private. Some constructs deviate from this recommended best-practice: Modifiers are in the middle of contracts. External/public functions are mixed with internal/private ones.

In the following, events are declared at the end of the file.

We have internal functions coming before public ones

Recommendation: Consider adopting recommended best-practice for code structure and layout.


c4-judge commented 2 years ago

0xean marked the issue as grade-b