code-423n4 / 2022-10-juicebox-findings

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Gas Optimizations #10

Open code423n4 opened 1 year ago

code423n4 commented 1 year ago as >= is more expensive than < Change the code to the following:

if (_blockNumber < block.number) return _totalTierCheckpoints[_tier].getAtBlock(_blockNumber);
else revert BLOCK_NOT_YET_MINED(); change the argument from memory data to calldata to save gas No need to cache it into _data, user the _setTierDelegatesData calldata variable directly. change _tier to a calldata argument to save gas change codeOrigin, store, fundingCycleStore, prices, pricingCurrency, pricingDecimals, creditsOf to immmutable or possiblly private too since they will set once by the constructor to save gas check !=0 is cheaper than checking change 240 to : if (_pricing.tiers.length != 0) _store.recordAddTiers(_pricing.tiers); First of all, change memory _mintReservesForTiersData to calldata _mintReservesForTiersData to save gas since the argument will never be updated. Second, no need to cache it to _data in 273, read each field from _mintReservesForTiersData directly to save gas. First of all, change memory _mintForTiersData to calldata _mintForTiersData to save gas since the argument will never be updated. Second, no need to cache it to _data in 300, read each field from _mintForTiersData directly to save gas. since it is a storage variable, it can save gas by changing self[_depth] |= uint256(1 << (_index % 256)); to self[_depth] = self[_depth] | uint256(1 << (_index % 256));
if the function is called within another write transaction if function _toBase58 will be called in another write transaction, then there would be several gas-saving opportunities:

similar for loop optimization can be done for lines 68, 76, and 84. _array can be changed to a calldata variable as it is never updated in the function _input can be changed to a calldata variable as it is never updated in the function _indices can be changed to a calldata variable as it is never updated in the function change the forloop to iterate from zero to save the first assignment gas

At the end of B721TieredGovernenance, the _add and _subtract functions are not necessary, simply using SafeMath or compiler version > 8.0 will take care of overflow/underflow issues, and if that is not a concern, simply used unchecked{}.

For function payParams in contract JB721Delegate, the returned value delegateAllocations has no dependency on the input, the function can be simplified to save gas change _name and _symbol to calldata to save gas for the _initialize function

drgorillamd commented 1 year ago

the _add and _sub function are not equivalent to safemath (as they are unsafe if used in solc < 0.8). They are declared so a pointer to them can be use in the OZ Checkpoints logic (see ln296)

Picodes commented 1 year ago

Some valid findings, especially regarding calldata vs memory

Some invalid stuffs as well: payParams is designed like this to follow an interface, and add and sub are used as pointers

Please make your reports more readable

c4-judge commented 1 year ago

Picodes marked the issue as grade-b