code-423n4 / 2022-10-juicebox-findings

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QA Report #134

Open code423n4 opened 1 year ago

code423n4 commented 1 year ago


Non-Critical Issues

[N-01]: Function defines a named return variable but then it uses return statements


  1. return store.votingUnitsOf(address(this), _account); L39
  2. return _launchFundingCyclesFor(_projectId, _launchFundingCyclesData); L134
  3. return _reconfigureFundingCyclesOf(_projectId, _reconfigureFundingCyclesData); L177
  4. return store.balanceOf(address(this), _owner); L124


Choose named return variable or return statement. It is unnecessary to use both.

[N-02]: Wrong order of functions


  1. (constructor must be before all functions)
  2. (all external functions must be before all public functions)
  3. (all external functions must be before all public functions)
  4. (internal functions must be after all external and public functions)
  5., (all external functions must be before all public and all internal functions)


According official solidity documentation functions should be grouped according to their visibility and ordered:


Put the functions in the correct order according to the documentation.

[N-03]: NatSpec is missing

  1. JBTiered721FundingCycleMetadataResolver.sol
  2. @param tag and @return tag are missing in all 6 functions JBBitmap.sol
  3. NatSpec is missing in 4 functions JBIpfsDecoder.sol

[N-04]: Public function can be external




Public functions can be declared external if they are not called by the contract.


Declare these functions as external instead of public.

[N-05]: Typos


  1. @param _tokenId The id of the token for which voting units are being transfered. L48 (change transfered to transferred)
  2. JBOperatable: Several functions in this contract can only be accessed by a project owner, or an address that has been preconfifigured to be an operator of the project. L19 (change preconfifigured to preconfigured)
  3. The contract responsibile for deploying the delegate. L34 (change responsibile to responsible)
  4. @param _blockNumber the blocknumber to check the voting power at L100 (change blocknumber to block number)
  5. @param _tierId The ID of the tier for which voting units are being transfered. L209 (change transfered to transferred)
  6. @param _tierId The ID of the tier for which voting units are being transfered. L239 (change transfered to transferred)
  7. @param _tierId The ID of the tier for which voting units are being transfered. L269 (change transfered to transferred)
  8. @return balance The number of tokens owners by the owner accross all tiers. L121 (change accross to across)
  9. @param _interfaceId The ID of the interface to check for adherance to. L173 (change adherance to adherence)
  10. Sets the beneificiary of the reserved tokens for tiers where a specific beneficiary isn't set. L363 (change beneificiary to beneficiary)
  11. @param _beneficiary The default beneificiary of the reserved tokens. L368 (change beneificiary to beneficiary)
  12. // Keep a reference to the flag indicating if the transaction should revert if all provded funds aren't spent. L545 (change provded to provided)
  13. User the hook to register the first owner if it's not yet regitered. L717 (change regitered to registered)
  14. @param _tokenId The ID of the token being transfered. L721 (change transfered to transferred)
  15. // Transfered must not be paused when not minting or burning. L728 (change Transfered to Transferred)
  16. @param _tokenId The ID of the token being transfered. L757 (change transfered to transferred)
  17. @param _tokenId The ID of the token for which voting units are being transfered. L782 (change transfered to transferred)
  18. // Keep a referecen to the tier being iterated on. L230 (change referecen to reference)
  19. @return balance The number of tokens owners by the owner accross all tiers. L497 (change accross to across)
  20. @return The reserved token benficiary. L597 (change benficiary to beneficiary)
  21. // Keep a reference to the idex to iterate on next. L719 (change idex to index)
  22. @param _beneficiary The reservd token beneficiary. L852 (change reservd to reserved)
  23. @param _tierId The ID the tier being transfered L862 (change transfered to transferred)
  24. // Forward the recieved weight and memo, and use this contract as a pay delegate. L88 (change recieved to received)
  25. @param _interfaceId The ID of the interface to check for adherance to. L176 (change adherance to adherence)
c4-judge commented 1 year ago

Picodes marked the issue as grade-b