code-423n4 / 2022-10-juicebox-findings

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QA Report #198

Open code423n4 opened 1 year ago

code423n4 commented 1 year ago

Table of Contents

Low Risk

[L-01] JBTiered721Delegate.tokenURI should throw an error if _tokenId is not a valid NFT


According to EIP-721 and specifically, the metadata extension, the tokenURI function should throw an error if _tokenId is not a valid NFT. Contrary, the current implementation returns an empty string.



function tokenURI(uint256 _tokenId) public view override returns (string memory) {
  // A token without an owner doesn't have a URI.
  if (_owners[_tokenId] == address(0)) return ''; // @audit-info Should throw instead of returning an empty string

  // Get a reference to the URI resolver.
  IJBTokenUriResolver _resolver = store.tokenUriResolverOf(address(this));

  // If a token URI resolver is provided, use it to resolve the token URI.
  if (address(_resolver) != address(0)) return _resolver.getUri(_tokenId);

  // Return the token URI for the token's tier.
      store.encodedTierIPFSUriOf(address(this), _tokenId)

Recommended mitigation steps

Consider throwing an error if _tokenId is not a valid NFT.

[L-02] Decoding an IPFS hash using a fixed hash function and length of the hash


An IPFS hash specifies the hash function and length of the hash in the first two bytes of the hash. The first two bytes are 0x1220, where 12 denotes that this is the SHA256 hash function and 20 is the length of the hash in bytes (32 bytes).

Although SHA256 is 32 bytes and is currently the most common IPFS hash function, other content could use a hash function that is larger than 32 bytes. The current implementation limits the usage to the SHA256 hash function and a hash length of 32 bytes.



function decode(string memory _baseUri, bytes32 _hexString)
  returns (string memory)
  // Concatenate the hex string with the fixed IPFS hash part (0x12 and 0x20)
  bytes memory completeHexString = abi.encodePacked(bytes2(0x1220), _hexString);

  // Convert the hex string to an hash
  string memory ipfsHash = _toBase58(completeHexString);

  // Concatenate with the base URI
  return string(abi.encodePacked(_baseUri, ipfsHash));

Recommended mitigation steps

Consider using a more generic implementation that can handle different hash functions and lengths and allow the user to choose.

[L-03] The tier id can potentially surpass 16 bits leading to token id collisions


The token id is composed of the given tier id _tierId and the number of the token _tokenNumber in the tier. The tier id is limited to 16 bits, which means that there can theoretically only exist 65,535 tiers (this is very unlikely as this would have more serious consequences on other parts of the system and will cause a serious denial of service caused by unbounded loops. Still, theoretically, it's possible and there is no check in place).

If more than 65,535 tiers exist, the 16 bits reserved for the tier id will be surpassed and overwritten by _tokenNumber. This will lead to token id collisions with other tiers with a lower tier id.



function _generateTokenId(uint256 _tierId, uint256 _tokenNumber)
  returns (uint256 tokenId)
  // The tier ID in the first 16 bits.
  tokenId = _tierId;

  // The token number in the rest.
  tokenId |= _tokenNumber << 16;

Recommended mitigation steps

Consider reverting if the _tierId is > 16 bits.

drgorillamd commented 1 year ago

L01: Doc L02: Mitigated by a custom uri resolver (if/when ipfs hashes change their length and/or algo) L03: Mitigated

c4-judge commented 1 year ago

Picodes marked the issue as grade-a

c4-judge commented 1 year ago

Picodes marked the issue as selected for report