Prior to solidity version 0.8.0, hitting an assert consumes the remainder of the transaction’s available gas rather than returning it, as require()/revert() do. assert() should be avoided even past solidity version 0.8.0 as its documentation states that “The assert function creates an error of type Panic(uint256). … Properly functioning code should never create a Panic, not even on invalid external input. If this happens, then there is a bug in your contract which you should fix”.use require/revert
1.Non-library/interface files should use fixed compiler versions, not floating ones
2.Natspec errors
There are 9 instances of this issue:
file: L1ArbitrumMessenger.sol
1.functions can be easily overriden when testing - overridden* 1.
file: L2ArbitrumMessenger.sol
2..functions can be easily overriden when testing - overridden* 2.
file: Curation.sol
3.Staking contract and will do the bookeeping - bookkeeping* 3.
4.Subgraph deployment curation poool - pool* 4.
file: GNS.sol
5.The contract implements a multicall behaviour - behavior 5.
file: DisputeManager.sol
6.Re-entrancy - Reentrancy* 6.
7.for incorrect behaviour. - behavior* 7.
file: Staking.sol
8.private key for the allocationID adddress - address* 8.
9.Then we call collect() to do the transfer bookeeping - bookkeeping* 9.
3.Constants should be named in all caps
There are 2 instances of this issue:
file: BancorFormula.sol
1.uint16 public constant version = 6; 1.
file: GNS.sol
2.uint32 private constant defaultReserveRatio = 1000000; 2.
Each event should use three indexed fields if there are three or more fields
There are 2instances of this issue: =================
file: IBridge.sol
2.event BridgeCallTriggered( address indexed outbox, address indexed destAddr, uint256 amount, bytes data ); 2.
file: IOutbox.sol
5.Require() should be used instead of assert()
Prior to solidity version 0.8.0, hitting an assert consumes the remainder of the transaction’s available gas rather than returning it, as require()/revert() do. assert() should be avoided even past solidity version 0.8.0 as its documentation states that “The assert function creates an error of type Panic(uint256). … Properly functioning code should never create a Panic, not even on invalid external input. If this happens, then there is a bug in your contract which you should fix”.use require/revert
file: GraphProxy.sol
1.assert(ADMIN_SLOT == bytes32(uint256(keccak256("eip1967.proxy.admin")) - 1)); 2.assert(IMPLEMENTATION_SLOT == bytes32(uint256(keccak256("eip1967.proxy.implementation")) - 1) ); 3.assert(PENDING_IMPLEMENTATION_SLOT == bytes32(uint256(keccak256("eip1967.proxy.pendingImplementation")) - 1)
1. 2. 3.
file: L2GraphTokenGateway.sol
1.public payable override notPaused nonReentrant returns (bytes memory) { 1.
2.external payable override notPaused onlyL1Counterpart nonReentrant { 2.