code-423n4 / 2022-11-looksrare-findings

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Trade does not reverts even if isAtomic flag is set, when calling non-existent proxy. #233

Closed code423n4 closed 1 year ago

code423n4 commented 1 year ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


Buyers can set the bool flag isAtomic to disable partial executions. But if the proxy address doesn't exist (e.g a previously approved valid proxy was selfdestructed or owner aproved the wrong address by mistake), the delegatecall to this non-existent proxy will return true (delegatecall does not rethrow exceptions to their caller), therefore even if isAtomic is set to true the execute function will not revert and partial executions will go through.

Proof of Concept

The following test expects a revert as we are calling execute with a valid trade, isAtomic flag set, but on a non-existent proxy. But as discussed above, it does not revert and test fail.

diff --git a/LooksRareAggregatorTrades.t.sol.orig b/LooksRareAggregatorTrades.t.sol
index d1dcf91..7216706 100644
--- a/LooksRareAggregatorTrades.t.sol.orig
+++ b/LooksRareAggregatorTrades.t.sol
@@ -108,4 +108,43 @@ contract LooksRareAggregatorTradesTest is

+    function testAtomicExecuteOnNonExistentContract() public {
+        vm.createSelectFork(vm.rpcUrl("mainnet"), 15_320_038);
+        aggregator = new LooksRareAggregator();
+        LooksRareProxy looksRareProxy = new LooksRareProxy(LOOKSRARE_V1, address(aggregator));
+        aggregator.addFunction(address(looksRareProxy), LooksRareProxy.execute.selector);
+        // Since we are forking mainnet, we have to make sure it has 0 ETH.
+, 0);
+        bytes memory empty;
+        // Same as calling selfdestruct.
+        vm.etch(address(looksRareProxy), empty);
+        TokenTransfer[] memory tokenTransfers = new TokenTransfer[](0);
+        BasicOrder[] memory validOrders = validBAYCOrders();
+        BasicOrder[] memory orders = new BasicOrder[](1);
+        orders[0] = validOrders[0];
+        bytes[] memory ordersExtraData = new bytes[](1);
+        ordersExtraData[0] = abi.encode(orders[0].price, 9550, 0, LOOKSRARE_STRATEGY_FIXED_PRICE);
+        ILooksRareAggregator.TradeData[] memory tradeData = new ILooksRareAggregator.TradeData[](1);
+        tradeData[0] = ILooksRareAggregator.TradeData({
+            proxy: address(looksRareProxy),
+            selector: LooksRareProxy.execute.selector,
+            value: orders[0].price,
+            maxFeeBp: 0,
+            orders: orders,
+            ordersExtraData: ordersExtraData,
+            extraData: ""
+        });
+, orders[0].price);
+        vm.prank(_buyer);
+        vm.expectRevert();
+        aggregator.execute{value: orders[0].price}(tokenTransfers, tradeData, address(0), _buyer, true);
+    }

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Please consider adding a check for proxy existence before calling delegatecall.

Picodes commented 1 year ago

In case the proxy is self destructed or an error is made by the owner, the call should do nothing. Also there is already a check here assuming the owner behaves correctly

c4-judge commented 1 year ago

Picodes changed the severity to QA (Quality Assurance)

c4-sponsor commented 1 year ago

0xhiroshi marked the issue as sponsor disputed

c4-judge commented 1 year ago

Picodes marked the issue as grade-c