code-423n4 / 2022-11-redactedcartel-findings

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Reward tokens mismanagement can cause users losing rewards #271

Open code423n4 opened 1 year ago

code423n4 commented 1 year ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


A user (which can also be one of the autocompounding contracts, AutoPxGlp or AutoPxGmx) can loss a reward as a result of reward tokens mismanagement by the owner.

Proof of Concept

The protocol defines a short list of reward tokens that are hard coded in the claimRewards function of the PirexGmx contract (PirexGmx.sol#L756-L759):

rewardTokens[0] = gmxBaseReward;
rewardTokens[1] = gmxBaseReward;
rewardTokens[2] = ERC20(pxGmx); // esGMX rewards distributed as pxGMX
rewardTokens[3] = ERC20(pxGmx);

The fact that these addresses are hard coded means that no other reward tokens will be supported by the protocol. However, the PirexRewards contract maintains a different list of reward tokens, one per producer token (PirexRewards.sol#L19-L31):

struct ProducerToken {
    ERC20[] rewardTokens;
    GlobalState globalState;
    mapping(address => UserState) userStates;
    mapping(ERC20 => uint256) rewardStates;
    mapping(address => mapping(ERC20 => address)) rewardRecipients;

// Producer tokens mapped to their data
mapping(ERC20 => ProducerToken) public producerTokens;

These reward tokens can be added (PirexRewards.sol#L151) or removed (PirexRewards.sol#L179) by the owner, which creates the possibility of a mismanagement:

  1. the owner can mistakenly remove one of the reward tokens hard coded in the PirexGmx contract;
  2. the owner can add reward tokens that are not supported by the PirexGmx contract.

Such mismanagement can cause users to lose rewards for two reasons:

  1. reward state of a user is updated before their rewards are claimed;
  2. it's the reward token addresses set by the owner of the PirexRewards contract that are used to transfer rewards.

In the claim function:

  1. harvest is called to pull rewards from GMX (PirexRewards.sol#L377):
  2. claimReward is called on PirexGmx to pull rewards from GMX and get the hard coded lists of producer tokens, reward tokens, and amounts (PirexRewards.sol#L346-L347):
    (_producerTokens, rewardTokens, rewardAmounts) = producer
  3. rewards are recorded for each of the hard coded reward token (PirexRewards.sol#L361):
    if (r != 0) {
        producerState.rewardStates[rewardTokens[i]] += r;
  4. later in the claim function, owner-set reward tokens are read (PirexRewards.sol#L386-L387):
    ERC20[] memory rewardTokens = p.rewardTokens;
    uint256 rLen = rewardTokens.length;
  5. user reward state is set to 0, which means they've claimed their entire share of rewards (PirexRewards.sol#L391), however this is done before a reward is actually claimed:
    p.userStates[user].rewards = 0;
  6. the owner-set reward tokens are iterated and the previously recorded rewards are distributed (PirexRewards.sol#L396-L415):

    for (uint256 i; i < rLen; ++i) {
        ERC20 rewardToken = rewardTokens[i];
        address rewardRecipient = p.rewardRecipients[user][rewardToken];
        address recipient = rewardRecipient != address(0)
            ? rewardRecipient
            : user;
        uint256 rewardState = p.rewardStates[rewardToken];
        uint256 amount = (rewardState * userRewards) / globalRewards;
        if (amount != 0) {
            // Update reward state (i.e. amount) to reflect reward tokens transferred out
            p.rewardStates[rewardToken] = rewardState - amount;

In the above loop, there can be multiple reasons for rewards to not be sent:

  1. one of the hard coded reward tokens is missing in the owner-set reward tokens list;
  2. the owner-set reward token list contains a token that's not supported by PirexGmx (i.e. it's not in the hard coded reward tokens list);
  3. the rewardTokens array of a producer token turns out to be empty due to a mismanagement by the owner.

In all of the above situations rewards won't be sent, however user's reward state will still be set to 0.

Also, notice that calling claim won't revert if reward tokens are misconfigured, and the Claim event will be emitted successfully, which makes reward tokens mismanagement hard to detect.

The amount of lost rewards can be different depending on how much GMX a user has staked and how often they claim rewards. Of course, if a mistake isn't detected quickly, multiple users can suffer from this issue. The autocompounding contracts (AutoPxGlp and AutoPxGmx) are also users of the protocol, and since they're intended to hold big amounts of real users' deposits (they'll probably be the biggest stakers), lost rewards can be big.

Tools Used

Manual review

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Consider having one source of reward tokens. Since they're already hard coded in the PirexGmx contract, consider exposing them so that PirexRewards could read them in the claim function. This change will also mean that the addRewardToken and removeRewardToken functions won't be needed, which makes contract management simpler. Also, in the claim function, consider updating global and user reward states only after ensuring that at least one reward token was distributed.

c4-judge commented 1 year ago

Picodes marked the issue as primary issue

c4-judge commented 1 year ago

Picodes marked the issue as selected for report

c4-sponsor commented 1 year ago

drahrealm marked the issue as disagree with severity

drahrealm commented 1 year ago

To make sure this won't be an issue, we will add the whenNotPaused modifier to claimUserReward method in PirexGmx. Also, as migrateRewards is going to be updated to also set the pirexRewards address to 0, it will defer any call to claim the rewards

c4-judge commented 1 year ago

Picodes marked the issue as satisfactory

Picodes commented 1 year ago

To make sure this won't be an issue, we will add the whenNotPaused modifier to claimUserReward method in PirexGmx. Also, as migrateRewards is going to be updated to also set the pirexRewards address to 0, it will defer any call to claim the rewards

Seems to be the mitigation for #249