The user can lost his rewards if the reward token is removed from the producerTokens[producerToken].rewardTokens list. If the reward token is removed, the rewardToken length is going to be zero, the user rewards going to be zero and the for statement will never enter so the user will lost his rewards for this token and the global state rewards will save inaccurate information.
Proof of Concept
Add user pxGMX token an accrue his rewards
Remove rewardToken
The user won't get his rewards even if the reward token is added again
I did a test for this situation:
// test/PirexRewards.t.sol
function testClaimRewardsWithRemovedToken(
uint32 secondsElapsed,
uint8 multiplier,
bool useETH
) external {
vm.assume(secondsElapsed > 10);
vm.assume(secondsElapsed < 365 days);
vm.assume(multiplier != 0);
vm.assume(multiplier < 10);
address userX = testAccounts[0];
uint256 gmxAmount = 100e18;
_mintApproveGmx(gmxAmount, address(this), address(pirexGmx), gmxAmount);
pirexGmx.depositGmx(gmxAmount, userX);
assertEq(weth.balanceOf(userX), 0);
vm.warp(block.timestamp + secondsElapsed);
// Add reward token and harvest rewards from Pirex contract
pirexRewards.addRewardToken(pxGmx, weth);
pirexRewards.userAccrue(pxGmx, userX);
(, , uint256 globalRewardsBeforeClaimPxGmx) = _getGlobalState(
(, , uint256 userRewardsBeforeClaimPxGmx) = pirexRewards
.getUserState(pxGmx, userX);
// Sum of reward amounts that the user is entitled to
uint256 expectedClaimAmount = ((pirexRewards.getRewardState(
) * _calculateUserRewards(pxGmx, userX)) /
// Remove WETH from pxGMX
vm.expectEmit(true, false, false, true, address(pirexRewards));
emit RemoveRewardToken(pxGmx, 0);
pirexRewards.removeRewardToken(pxGmx, 0);
// vm.expectEmit(true, false, false, false, address(pirexGmx));
// emit ClaimUserReward(userX, address(0), 0, 0, 0); // this emit is not called
vm.expectEmit(true, true, false, true, address(pirexRewards));
emit Claim(pxGmx, userX);
pirexRewards.claim(pxGmx, userX);
(, , uint256 globalRewardsAfterClaimPxGmx) = _getGlobalState(pxGmx);
(, , uint256 userRewardsAfterClaimPxGmx) = pirexRewards.getUserState(pxGmx, userX);
globalRewardsBeforeClaimPxGmx - userRewardsBeforeClaimPxGmx,
assertEq(0, userRewardsAfterClaimPxGmx);
// Owner weth balance has not changed. It is still zero.
// userX has not received their rewards
assertEq(weth.balanceOf(userX), 0);
assertTrue(expectedClaimAmount != weth.balanceOf(userX));
// Add again the rewardToken
pirexRewards.addRewardToken(pxGmx, weth);
// userX balance rewards is still zero
pirexRewards.claim(pxGmx, userX);
assertEq(weth.balanceOf(userX), 0);
Tools used
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Add a check if the reward token exists or not so the p.userStates[user].rewards is not zero if the reward token was removed:
ERC20[] memory rewardTokens = p.rewardTokens;
uint256 rLen = rewardTokens.length;
// Claim should be skipped and not reverted on zero global/user reward
if (globalRewards != 0 && userRewards != 0 && rLen != 0) {
// Update global and user reward states to reflect the claim
p.globalState.rewards = globalRewards - userRewards;
p.userStates[user].rewards = 0;
Lines of code
Vulnerability details
The user can lost his rewards if the reward token is removed from the
list. If the reward token is removed, the rewardToken length is going to be zero, the user rewards going to be zero and the for statement will never enter so the user will lost his rewards for this token and the global state rewards will save inaccurate information.Proof of Concept
I did a test for this situation:
Tools used
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Add a check if the reward token exists or not so the
is not zero if the reward token was removed: