code-423n4 / 2022-11-size-findings

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Auction can be cancelled after being finalized #162

Closed code423n4 closed 2 years ago

code423n4 commented 2 years ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


The SizeSealed contract's cancelAuction() function can be called after auction has been finalized, thereby allowing the seller to withdraw both quoteToken during finalization and baseToken after finalization.

This is possible by bypassing the if ( != type(uint128).max) statement by allowing to be set to type(uint128).max during the finalize() call where clearingQuote and clearingBase are user controlled. With the control of these arguments in the clearing price calculation during finalize(), the seller can manipulate the final data.previousQuotePerBase value by using a different address to place the last bid such that the bid's quoteAmount would pass all checks.

With all this inputs provided, it would be possible for a seller to finalize the auction, receive quoteTokens for the auction, then call cancelAuction() to receive back the baseTokens deposited for the auction, leaving bidders rugged.

Proof of Concept

  1. Alice sets up an auction
  2. Just before the end of the bid, Alice places the last bid using another address with a crafted bid quiteAmount.
  3. Auction ends and Alice calls finalize() with user supplied input for clearingQuote set to type(uint128).max and clearingBase set to an appropriate number.
  4. Where no overflow reverts occur, finalize() is completed successfully with Alice receiving the calculated amount of quoteTokens for the auction.
  5. Alice then calls cancelAuction() right away.
  6. Since the is set to type(uint128).max , the if-statement is bypassed and Alice receives back the baseToken she deposited for the auction.

Tools Used

Manual review

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Apply a logic that checks the Auction State, the atState modifier could be applied to ensure the auction is in the AcceptingBids state for the call.

trust1995 commented 2 years ago

Dup of #164 , same warden.

0xean commented 2 years ago

using #164 as wardens report for

c4-judge commented 2 years ago

0xean marked the issue as nullified