If the auctioneer decides not to reveal the private key, then bidders will waste their time and gas participating in the sealed bid auction.
Proof of Concept
There is no way to force auctioneers to call reveal or finalize their auction. If so, the bidder can call cancelBid and remove their funds after 24 hours since the auction ended since block.timestamp is greater than the end of the auction and block.timestamp is greater than a.timings.endTimestamp + 24 hours.
Tools Used
Manual Review
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Consider putting a penalty if auctioner doesn't call finalize by slashing some of their baseTokens when they call cancelAuction to retrieve their baseTokens.
Lines of code
Vulnerability details
If the auctioneer decides not to reveal the private key, then bidders will waste their time and gas participating in the sealed bid auction.
Proof of Concept
There is no way to force auctioneers to call reveal or finalize their auction. If so, the bidder can call cancelBid and remove their funds after 24 hours since the auction ended since block.timestamp is greater than the end of the auction and block.timestamp is greater than a.timings.endTimestamp + 24 hours.
Tools Used
Manual Review
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Consider putting a penalty if auctioner doesn't call finalize by slashing some of their baseTokens when they call cancelAuction to retrieve their baseTokens.