While i'm assuming there are checks for this on UI or off-chain, this wasn't mentioned in the docs or the comments, so its worth flagging and possibly implementating the mitigation step as a precaution since it is also cheap on gas.
The price can theoritically drop below the sale.startprice which can lead to getPrice() function call to always revert which will in turn always revert a buy function call under these conditions.
More specifically on line 125 of the code above:
priceDropPerSec * timeElapased can be larger than start price.
There is no steps taken in code to check or mitigate it and hence this can be potential source of DoS.
Proof of Concept
The below test using forge fails due to revert
function test_LPDABug() public {
lpdaSale = LPDA.Sale({
currentId: uint48(0),
finalId: uint48(10),
edition: address(edition),
startPrice: uint80(uint256(1 ether)),
finalPrice: uint80(uint256(0.1 ether)),
dropPerSecond: uint80(uint256(1.1 ether) / 1 days),
startTime: uint96(block.timestamp),
saleReceiver: payable(address(69)),
endTime: uint96(block.timestamp + 1 days)
// make the lpda sales contract
sale = LPDA(lpdaSales.createLPDASale(lpdaSale));
// authorize the lpda sale to mint tokens
edition.grantRole(edition.MINTER_ROLE(), address(sale));
vm.warp(block.timestamp + 1 days);
Tools Used
Forge for test
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Updating the return statement of line 125 of LDPA.sol to something like the below to return final price incase the price drop ends up being bigger than start price
Lines of code
Vulnerability details
While i'm assuming there are checks for this on UI or off-chain, this wasn't mentioned in the docs or the comments, so its worth flagging and possibly implementating the mitigation step as a precaution since it is also cheap on gas.
The price can theoritically drop below the sale.startprice which can lead to getPrice() function call to always revert which will in turn always revert a buy function call under these conditions.
More specifically on line 125 of the code above:
priceDropPerSec * timeElapased can be larger than start price.
There is no steps taken in code to check or mitigate it and hence this can be potential source of DoS.
Proof of Concept
The below test using forge fails due to revert
Tools Used
VSCode Forge for test
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Updating the return statement of line 125 of LDPA.sol to something like the below to return final price incase the price drop ends up being bigger than start price