Closed code423n4 closed 1 year ago
Unprotected call to a function sending Ether to an arbitrary address. This can be exploited by attackers .
function finalize() public { Sale memory temp = sale; require(block.number >= temp.endTime, "TOO SOON"); ISaleFactory(factory).feeReceiver().transfer(address(this).balance / 20); _end(temp); }
Slither Echidna Mythx
Use .call() instead of .transfer() . consider using block.number instead of block.timestamp.
berndartmueller marked the issue as unsatisfactory: Insufficient proof
Lines of code
Vulnerability details
Unprotected call to a function sending Ether to an arbitrary address. This can be exploited by attackers .
Proof of Concept
function finalize() public { Sale memory temp = sale; require(block.number >= temp.endTime, "TOO SOON"); ISaleFactory(factory).feeReceiver().transfer(address(this).balance / 20); _end(temp); }
Tools Used
Slither Echidna Mythx
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Use .call() instead of .transfer() . consider using block.number instead of block.timestamp.