code-423n4 / 2022-12-forgeries-findings

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Draw organizer can rig the draw to favor certain participants such as their own account. #272

Open code423n4 opened 1 year ago

code423n4 commented 1 year ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


In RandomDraw, the host initiates a draw using startDraw() or redraw() if the redraw draw expiry has passed. Actual use of Chainlink oracle is done in _requestRoll:

request.currentChainlinkRequestId = coordinator.requestRandomWords({
    keyHash: settings.keyHash,
    subId: settings.subscriptionId,
    minimumRequestConfirmations: minimumRequestConfirmations,
    callbackGasLimit: callbackGasLimit,
    numWords: wordsRequested

Use of subscription API is explained well here. Chainlink VRFCoordinatorV2 is called with requestRandomWords() and emits a random request. After minimumRequestConfirmations blocks, an oracle VRF node replies to the coordinator with a provable random, which supplies the random to the requesting contract via fulfillRandomWords() call. It is important to note the role of subscription ID. This ID maps to the subscription charged for the request, in LINK tokens. In our contract, the raffle host supplies their subscription ID as a parameter. Sufficient balance check of the request ID is not checked at request-time, but rather checked in Chainlink node code as well as on-chain by VRFCoordinator when the request is satisfied. In the scenario where the subscriptionID lacks funds, there will be a period of 24 hours when user can top up the account and random response will be sent:

"Each subscription must maintain a minimum balance to fund requests from consuming contracts. If your balance is below that minimum, your requests remain pending for up to 24 hours before they expire. After you add sufficient LINK to a subscription, pending requests automatically process as long as they have not expired."

The reason this is extremely interesting is because as soon as redraws are possible, the random response can no longer be treated as fair. Indeed, Draw host can wait until redraw cooldown passed (e.g. 1 hour), and only then fund the subscriptionID. At this point, Chainlink node will send a TX with the random response. If host likes the response (i.e. the draw winner), they will not interfere. If they don't like the response, they can simply frontrun the Chainlink TX with a redraw() call. A redraw will create a new random request and discard the old requestId so the previous request will never be accepted.

function fulfillRandomWords(
    uint256 _requestId,
    uint256[] memory _randomWords
) internal override {
    // Validate request ID
      // <---------------- swap currentChainlinkRequestId --->
    if (_requestId != request.currentChainlinkRequestId) {
//<------ redraw swaps currentChainlinkRequestId --->
request.currentChainlinkRequestId = coordinator.requestRandomWords({
    keyHash: settings.keyHash,
    subId: settings.subscriptionId,
    minimumRequestConfirmations: minimumRequestConfirmations,
    callbackGasLimit: callbackGasLimit,
    numWords: wordsRequested

Chainlink docs warn against this usage pattern of the VRF -"Don’t accept bids/bets/inputs after you have made a randomness request". In this instance, a low subscription balance allows the host to invalidate the assumption that 1 hour redraw cooldown is enough to guarantee Chainlink answer has been received.


Draw organizer can rig the draw to favor certain participants such as their own account.

Proof of Concept

Owner offers a BAYC NFT for holders of their NFT collection X. Out of 10,000 tokenIDs, owner has 5,000 Xs. Rest belong to retail users.

  1. owner subscriptionID is left with 0 LINK balance in coordinator
  2. redraw time is set to 2 hours
  3. owner calls startDraw() which will initiate a Chainlink request
  4. owner waits for 2 hours and then tops up their subscriptionID with sufficient LINK
  5. owner scans the mempool for fulfillRandomWords()
  6. If the raffle winner is tokenID < 5000, it is owner's token
    1. Let fulfill execute and pick up the reward
  7. If tokenID >= 5000
    1. Call redraw()
    2. fulfill will revert because of requestId mismatch
  8. Owner has 75% of claiming the NFT instead of 50%

Note that Forgeries draws are presumably intended as incentives for speculators to buy NFTs from specific collections. Without having a fair shot at receiving rewards from raffles, these NFTs user buys could be worthless. Another way to look at it is that the impact is theft of yield, as host can freely decrease the probability that a token will be chosen for rewards with this method.

Also, I did not categorize it as centralization risk as the counterparty is not Forgeries but rather some unknown third-party host which offers an NFT incentive program. It is a similar situation to the distinction made between 1st party and 3rd party projects here

Tools Used

Manual audit Chainlink docs Chainlink co-ordinator code

Recommended Mitigation Steps

The root cause is that Chainlink response can arrive up to 24 hours from the most request is dispatched, while redraw cooldown can be 1 hour+. The best fix would be to enforce minimum cooldown of 24 hours.

c4-judge commented 1 year ago

gzeon-c4 marked the issue as satisfactory

c4-judge commented 1 year ago

gzeon-c4 marked the issue as primary issue

c4-sponsor commented 1 year ago

iainnash marked the issue as sponsor confirmed

gzeoneth commented 1 year ago

This issue weaponized and to violate the fairness requirement of the protocol. Downgrading this to Med because the

  1. Difficulty of attack is high; you need to a) front-run the fulfillRandomWords call and b) own a meaningful % of the collection

  2. Require to use an underfunded subscription This will flag the raffle is fishy, since the owner might as well never fund the subscription.

  3. 3rd party can mitigate this by funding the subscription

There is another case where the chainlink node wait almost 24 hours before fulfilling the request, but I don't think that is the normal behavior and is out of the attacker's control.

c4-judge commented 1 year ago

gzeon-c4 changed the severity to 2 (Med Risk)

trust1995 commented 1 year ago

Would like to respectfully state my case and why this finding is clearly HIGH impact. Manipulation of RNG is an extremely serious impact as it undermines assumption of fairness which is the main selling point of raffles, lotteries etc. As proof one can view Chainlink's BBP which lists "Predictable or manipulable RNG that results in abuse of downstream services" as a critical impact, payable up to $3M.

I would like to relate to the conditions stated by the judge:

  1. Difficulty of attack is high; you need to a) front-run the fulfillRandomWords call and b) own a meaningful % of the collection

frontrunning is done in practically every block by MEV bots proving it's practical and easy to do on mainnet, where the protocol is deployed. Owning a meaningful % of the collection is not necessary, as:

  1. Even with 1 / 10,000 NFTs, owner is still multiplying their chances which is a breach of fair random.
  2. The exploit can be repeated in every single raffle, exponentially multiplying their edge across time. This also highlights that the frontrunning does not have to be work every time (even though it's high %) in order for the exploitation to work.
  3. The draw is chosen by ownership of _settings.drawingToken, which is a project-provided token which is already likely they have a large amount of. It is unrelated to the BAYC collection / high value NFT being given out.
  4. It is easy to see attacker can easily half the chances of any unwanted recipient to win the raffle - they would have to have the winning ticket in both rounds. Putting the subscriber's boosted win chances aside, it's a clear theft of user's potential high value prize.
  • Require to use an underfunded subscription This will flag the raffle is fishy, since the owner might as well never fund the subscription.
  • 3rd party can mitigate this by funding the subscription

It is unrealistic to expect users of the protocol to be savvy on-chain detectives and also anticipate this specific attack vector. Even so, the topping-up of the subscription is done directly subscriber -> ChainlinkVRFCoordinator, so it's not visible by looking at the raffle contract.

To summarize, the characteristics of this finding are much more aligned to those of High-severity, than those of Med-severity.

gzeoneth commented 1 year ago

The difficulty arise when only the raffle creator can perform the front running, not any interested MEV searcher. For sure, this is only 1 of the reason I think the risk of this issue is not High.

As the project seems to be fine with a raffle being created, but never actually started; I think when the attack require a chainlink subscription to be underfunded to begin with also kinda fall in to the "creator decided not to start raffle" category.

The argument of judging this apart from that is the raffle would looks like completed but might not be fair, which I think is a very valid issue. However, I don't see this as High risk given the relative difficulty as said and we seems to agree that it is fine if the raffle creator decided not to start the raffle. The end state would basically be the same.

trust1995 commented 1 year ago

The end states are in my opinion very different. In order to understand the full impact of the vulnerability we need to understand the context in which those raffles take place. The drawing tokens are shilled to give users a chance to win a high valued item. Their worth is correlated to the fair chance users think they have in winning the raffle. The "fake raffle" on display allows the attacker to keep profiting from ticket sales while not giving away high value. I think this is why @iainnash agreed this to be a high risk find.

I've also listed several other justifications including theft of user's chances of winning which is high impact. I'd be happy to provide additional proof of why frontrunning is easily high enough % if that is the source of difficulty observed.

gzeoneth commented 1 year ago

The drawing tokens are shilled to give users a chance to win a high valued item. Their worth is correlated to the fair chance users think they have in winning the raffle.

That's my original thought, but you and the sponsor tried to convince me the raffle is permissioned by design considering startDraw.

If we think we need to guarantee the raffle token can get something fairly, we will also need to guarantee the raffle will, well, start. So I would say these are very similar since the ticket would be already sold anyway.

I think I might either keep everything as-is, or I am going to reinstate those other issue that I invalidated due to assuming the permissioned design, and upgrading this to High. Would love to hear more from the sponsor before making the final call.

trust1995 commented 1 year ago

Mind sharing your thoughts, @iainnash ?

Regarding your smart observation @gzeoneth , I think the idea is clearly to make the draw methods decentralized in the future, but owner controlled as a first step. However they were not aware of this exploit, which from day 1 allows to put on a show and drive draw token prices up.

c4-judge commented 1 year ago

gzeon-c4 changed the severity to 3 (High Risk)

gzeon-c4 commented 1 year ago

c4-judge commented 1 year ago

gzeon-c4 marked the issue as selected for report