code-423n4 / 2022-12-gogopool-findings

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Inaccurate estimation of validation rewards from function ExpectedRewardAVA in MiniPoolManager.sol #122

Open code423n4 opened 1 year ago

code423n4 commented 1 year ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


The validation rewards can be inaccuartedly displayed to user and the slahsed amount can be wrong when slashing happens.

Proof of Concept

note the function below:

    /// @notice Given a duration and an AVAX amt, calculate how much AVAX should be earned via validation rewards
    /// @param duration The length of validation in seconds
    /// @param avaxAmt The amount of AVAX the node staked for their validation period
    /// @return The approximate rewards the node should recieve from Avalanche for beign a validator
    function getExpectedAVAXRewardsAmt(uint256 duration, uint256 avaxAmt) public view returns (uint256) {
        ProtocolDAO dao = ProtocolDAO(getContractAddress("ProtocolDAO"));
        uint256 rate = dao.getExpectedAVAXRewardsRate();
        return (avaxAmt.mulWadDown(rate) * duration) / 365 days;

As outlined in the comment section, the function is intended to calculate how much AVAX should be earned via validation rewards

Besides display the reward, this function is also used in the function slash.

/// @notice Slashes the GPP of the minipool with the given index
/// @dev Extracted this because of "stack too deep" errors.
/// @param index Index of the minipool
function slash(int256 index) private {
    address nodeID = getAddress(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("minipool.item", index, ".nodeID")));
    address owner = getAddress(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("minipool.item", index, ".owner")));
    uint256 duration = getUint(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("minipool.item", index, ".duration")));
    uint256 avaxLiquidStakerAmt = getUint(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("minipool.item", index, ".avaxLiquidStakerAmt")));
    uint256 expectedAVAXRewardsAmt = getExpectedAVAXRewardsAmt(duration, avaxLiquidStakerAmt);
    uint256 slashGGPAmt = calculateGGPSlashAmt(expectedAVAXRewardsAmt);
    setUint(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("minipool.item", index, ".ggpSlashAmt")), slashGGPAmt);

    emit GGPSlashed(nodeID, slashGGPAmt);

    Staking staking = Staking(getContractAddress("Staking"));
    staking.slashGGP(owner, slashGGPAmt);

note the code:

uint256 expectedAVAXRewardsAmt = getExpectedAVAXRewardsAmt(duration, avaxLiquidStakerAmt);
uint256 slashGGPAmt = calculateGGPSlashAmt(expectedAVAXRewardsAmt);

the slashedGGPAmt is calculated based on the AVAX reward amount.

However, the estimation of the validation rewards is not accurate.

According to the doc:

Running a validator and staking with Avalanche provides extremely competitive rewards of between 9.69% and 11.54% depending on the length you stake for.

This implies that the staking length affect staking rewards, but this is kind of vague. What is the exact implementation of the reward calculation?

The implementation is linked below:

// Reward returns the amount of tokens to reward the staker with.
// RemainingSupply = SupplyCap - ExistingSupply
// PortionOfExistingSupply = StakedAmount / ExistingSupply
// PortionOfStakingDuration = StakingDuration / MaximumStakingDuration
// MintingRate = MinMintingRate + MaxSubMinMintingRate * PortionOfStakingDuration
// Reward = RemainingSupply * PortionOfExistingSupply * MintingRate * PortionOfStakingDuration
func (c *calculator) Calculate(stakedDuration time.Duration, stakedAmount, currentSupply uint64) uint64 {
    bigStakedDuration := new(big.Int).SetUint64(uint64(stakedDuration))
    bigStakedAmount := new(big.Int).SetUint64(stakedAmount)
    bigCurrentSupply := new(big.Int).SetUint64(currentSupply)

    adjustedConsumptionRateNumerator := new(big.Int).Mul(c.maxSubMinConsumptionRate, bigStakedDuration)
    adjustedMinConsumptionRateNumerator := new(big.Int).Mul(c.minConsumptionRate, c.mintingPeriod)
    adjustedConsumptionRateNumerator.Add(adjustedConsumptionRateNumerator, adjustedMinConsumptionRateNumerator)
    adjustedConsumptionRateDenominator := new(big.Int).Mul(c.mintingPeriod, consumptionRateDenominator)

    remainingSupply := c.supplyCap - currentSupply
    reward := new(big.Int).SetUint64(remainingSupply)
    reward.Mul(reward, adjustedConsumptionRateNumerator)
    reward.Mul(reward, bigStakedAmount)
    reward.Mul(reward, bigStakedDuration)
    reward.Div(reward, adjustedConsumptionRateDenominator)
    reward.Div(reward, bigCurrentSupply)
    reward.Div(reward, c.mintingPeriod)

    if !reward.IsUint64() {
        return remainingSupply

    finalReward := reward.Uint64()
    if finalReward > remainingSupply {
        return remainingSupply

    return finalReward

note the reward calculation formula:

// Reward returns the amount of tokens to reward the staker with.
// RemainingSupply = SupplyCap - ExistingSupply
// PortionOfExistingSupply = StakedAmount / ExistingSupply
// PortionOfStakingDuration = StakingDuration / MaximumStakingDuration
// MintingRate = MinMintingRate + MaxSubMinMintingRate * PortionOfStakingDuration
// Reward = RemainingSupply * PortionOfExistingSupply * MintingRate * PortionOfStakingDuration

However, in the current ExpectedRewardAVA, the implementation is just:

AVAX reward rate avax amount duration / 365 days.

ProtocolDAO dao = ProtocolDAO(getContractAddress("ProtocolDAO"));
        uint256 rate = dao.getExpectedAVAXRewardsRate();
        return (avaxAmt.mulWadDown(rate) * duration) / 365 days;

Clearly, the implementation of the avalanche side is more sophicated and accurate than the implemented ExpectedRewardAVA.

Tools Used

Manual Review

Recommended Mitigation Steps

We recommend the project make the ExpectedRewardAVA implementation match the implement

0xju1ie commented 1 year ago

Rialto is going to report the correct rewards rate to the DAO from Avalanche. Not sure if its a medium

emersoncloud commented 1 year ago

We felt comfortable with a static setting number because we are (initally) staking minipools for 2 week increments with 2000 AVAX, making the variability in rewards rates minimal.

We will develop a more complex calculation as the protocol starts handling a wider range of funds and durations

GalloDaSballo commented 1 year ago

The Warden has shown an incorrect implementation of the formula to estimate rewards.

The math would cause the slash value to be incorrect, causing improper yield to be distributed, for this reason I agree with Medium Severity

c4-judge commented 1 year ago

GalloDaSballo marked the issue as selected for report

c4-judge commented 1 year ago

GalloDaSballo marked the issue as primary issue

emersoncloud commented 1 year ago

Acknowledged. See comments above!