Function finishFailedMinipoolByMultisig() did not transfer any funds or doing any data change, only updating state of minipool to Finished. In the comment, it said that it used to finish error pool.
However, if minipool is at state Error, it still has AVAX stored in Vault. If it just update state to Finished, this amount of AVAX is locked and cannot return to owner.
Even though this issue is loss of funds but since it can only happen by Rialto calling so I put it in Low.
Allowing Rialto to withdraw funds and maybe return to owner later.
Judge has assessed an item in Issue #653 as 2 risk. The relevant finding follows:
Detail Function finishFailedMinipoolByMultisig() did not transfer any funds or doing any data change, only updating state of minipool to Finished. In the comment, it said that it used to finish error pool. However, if minipool is at state Error, it still has AVAX stored in Vault. If it just update state to Finished, this amount of AVAX is locked and cannot return to owner.
Even though this issue is loss of funds but since it can only happen by Rialto calling so I put it in Low.
Recommendation Allowing Rialto to withdraw funds and maybe return to owner later.