code-423n4 / 2022-12-tessera-findings

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Users that send funds at a price lower than the current low bid have the funds locked #31

Open code423n4 opened 1 year ago

code423n4 commented 1 year ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details

If a user contributes funds after there is no more supply left, and they don't provide a price higher than the current minimum bid, they will be unable to withdraw their funds while the NFT remains unbought.


Ether becomes stuck until and unless the NFT is bought, which may never happen

Proof of Concept

When making a contribution, the user calls the payable contribute() function. If the supply has already been filled (fillAtAnyPriceQuantity is zero), the bid isn't inserted into the queue, so the new bid is not tracked anywhere. When the function reaches processBidsInQueue()...:

// File: src/modules/GroupBuy.sol : GroupBuy.contribute()   #1

99         function contribute(
100            uint256 _poolId,
101            uint256 _quantity,
102            uint256 _price
103 @>     ) public payable {
104            // Reverts if pool ID is not valid
105            _verifyPool(_poolId);
106            // Reverts if NFT has already been purchased OR termination period has passed
107            (, uint48 totalSupply, , , ) = _verifyUnsuccessfulState(_poolId);
108            // Reverts if ether contribution amount per Rae is less than minimum bid price per Rae
109            if (msg.value < _quantity * minBidPrices[_poolId] || _quantity == 0)
110                revert InvalidContribution();
111            // Reverts if ether payment amount is not equal to total amount being contributed
112            if (msg.value != _quantity * _price) revert InvalidPayment();
114            // Updates user and pool contribution amounts
115            userContributions[_poolId][msg.sender] += msg.value;
116            totalContributions[_poolId] += msg.value;
118            // Calculates remaining supply based on total possible supply and current filled quantity amount
119            uint256 remainingSupply = totalSupply - filledQuantities[_poolId];
120            // Calculates quantity amount being filled at any price
121            uint256 fillAtAnyPriceQuantity = remainingSupply < _quantity ? remainingSupply : _quantity;
123            // Checks if quantity amount being filled is greater than 0
124 @>         if (fillAtAnyPriceQuantity > 0) {
125                // Inserts bid into end of queue
126                bidPriorityQueues[_poolId].insert(msg.sender, _price, fillAtAnyPriceQuantity);
127                // Increments total amount of filled quantities
128                filledQuantities[_poolId] += fillAtAnyPriceQuantity;
129            }
131            // Calculates unfilled quantity amount based on desired quantity and actual filled quantity amount
132            uint256 unfilledQuantity = _quantity - fillAtAnyPriceQuantity;
133            // Processes bids in queue to recalculate unfilled quantity amount
134 @>         unfilledQuantity = processBidsInQueue(_poolId, unfilledQuantity, _price);
136            // Recalculates filled quantity amount based on updated unfilled quantity amount
137            uint256 filledQuantity = _quantity - unfilledQuantity;
138            // Updates minimum reserve price if filled quantity amount is greater than 0
139            if (filledQuantity > 0) minReservePrices[_poolId] = getMinPrice(_poolId);
141            // Emits event for contributing ether to pool based on desired quantity amount and price per Rae
142            emit Contribute(
143                _poolId,
144                msg.sender,
145                msg.value,
146                _quantity,
147                _price,
148                minReservePrices[_poolId]
149            );
150:       }

...if the price isn't higher than the lowest bid, the while loop is broken out of, with pendingBalances having never been updated, and the function does not revert:

// File: src/modules/GroupBuy.sol : GroupBuy.processBidsInQueue()   #2

291        function processBidsInQueue(
292            uint256 _poolId,
293            uint256 _quantity,
294            uint256 _price
295        ) private returns (uint256 quantity) {
296            quantity = _quantity;
297            while (quantity > 0) {
298                // Retrieves lowest bid in queue
299                Bid storage lowestBid = bidPriorityQueues[_poolId].getMin();
300                // Breaks out of while loop if given price is less than than lowest bid price
301 @>             if (_price < lowestBid.price) {
302 @>                 break;
303 @>             }
305                uint256 lowestBidQuantity = lowestBid.quantity;
306                // Checks if lowest bid quantity amount is greater than given quantity amount
307                if (lowestBidQuantity > quantity) {
308                    // Decrements given quantity amount from lowest bid quantity
309                    lowestBid.quantity -= quantity;
310                    // Calculates partial contribution of bid by quantity amount and price
311                    uint256 contribution = quantity * lowestBid.price;
313:                   // Decrements partial contribution amount of lowest bid from total and user contributions

In order for a user to get funds back, the amount must have been stored in pendingBalances, and since this is never done, all funds contributed during the contribute() call become property of the GroupBuy contract, with the user being unable to withdraw...:

// File: src/modules/GroupBuy.sol : GroupBuy.withdrawBalance()   #3

274        function withdrawBalance() public {
275            // Reverts if caller balance is insufficient
276 @>         uint256 balance = pendingBalances[msg.sender];
277 @>         if (balance == 0) revert InsufficientBalance();
279            // Resets pending balance amount
280            delete pendingBalances[msg.sender];
282            // Transfers pending ether balance to caller
283            payable(msg.sender).call{value: balance}("");
284:       }

...until the order has gone through, and they can claim() excess funds, but there likely won't be any, due to the separate MEV bug I raised:

// File: src/modules/GroupBuy.sol : GroupBuy.contribution   #4

228        function claim(uint256 _poolId, bytes32[] calldata _mintProof) external {
229            // Reverts if pool ID is not valid
230            _verifyPool(_poolId);
231            // Reverts if purchase has not been made AND termination period has not passed
232            (, , , bool success, ) = _verifySuccessfulState(_poolId);
233            // Reverts if contribution balance of user is insufficient
234 @>         uint256 contribution = userContributions[_poolId][msg.sender];
235            if (contribution == 0) revert InsufficientBalance();
237            // Deletes user contribution from storage
238            delete userContributions[_poolId][msg.sender];

Tools Used

Code inspection

Recommended Mitigation Steps

revert() if the price is lower than the min bid, and the queue is already full

HickupHH3 commented 1 year ago

A more detailed version of #26, although seemingly different. This issue elaborates on the case where the supply has already been filled, while #26 elaborates on the case where there is some supply remaining.

The effect is the same though: unintentionally locking up users' funds in userContributions, and the user has to wait till the purchase is made before being able to call claim() to claw back their funds.

c4-judge commented 1 year ago

HickupHH3 marked the issue as duplicate of #26

c4-judge commented 1 year ago

HickupHH3 marked the issue as selected for report

trust1995 commented 1 year ago

Well spotted!

IllIllI000 commented 1 year ago

@HickupHH3 I don't think they are the same. This one excludes the case where supply has not been filled yet, intentionally, because when it's not filled, withdrawBalance() can immediately be used to withdraw, so #26 seems like separate QA issue

HickupHH3 commented 1 year ago

@IllIllI000 I don't see where pendingBalances is incremented in the case where supply has not been filled for the caller.

IllIllI000 commented 1 year ago

@HickupHH3 lines 317 and 331 increment it. If the user has a partial fill, they'll have been added to the queue on line 126, and then the check on line 301 will pass since it's either the min, or there's a price lower. The price must be lower, which can only happen if it isn't inserted

c4-judge commented 1 year ago

HickupHH3 marked the issue as not a duplicate

c4-judge commented 1 year ago

HickupHH3 marked the issue as primary issue

c4-sponsor commented 1 year ago

stevennevins marked the issue as sponsor confirmed

stevennevins commented 1 year ago