code-423n4 / 2022-12-tigris-findings

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Margin can't be totally removed in `removeMargin` #583

Closed code423n4 closed 1 year ago

code423n4 commented 1 year ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details

Margin can't be totally removed in removeMargin


Margin can't be removed totally because of revert

Proof of Concept

As we can see in the added tag @audit line 1: uint256 _newMargin = _trade.margin - _removeMargin; //@audit line 1 What means that _newMargin = to actual trade.margin - _removeMargin, that is the amount of margin to remove. This shouldn't be an issue, but the problem is that divisions by 0 revert, if we try to removed all the margin: uint256 _newLeverage = _trade.margin * _trade.leverage / _newMargin;//@audit line 2 We can see that it will divide by _newMargin that is 0, and therefore, removing all the margin is not possible.


 function removeMargin(
        uint256 _id,
        address _stableVault,
        address _outputToken,
        uint256 _removeMargin,
        PriceData calldata _priceData,
        bytes calldata _signature,
        address _trader
        _checkOwner(_id, _trader);
        _checkVault(_stableVault, _outputToken); 
        IPosition.Trade memory _trade = position.trades(_id); 
        if (_trade.orderType != 0) revert(); //IsLimit 
        IPairsContract.Asset memory asset = pairsContract.idToAsset(_trade.asset); 

        uint256 _newMargin = _trade.margin - _removeMargin; //@audit line 1
        uint256 _newLeverage = _trade.margin * _trade.leverage / _newMargin;//@audit line 2 

        if (_newLeverage > asset.maxLeverage) revert("!lev"); 
        (uint _assetPrice,) = tradingExtension.getVerifiedPrice(_trade.asset, _priceData, _signature, 0);
        (,int256 _payout) = TradingLibrary.pnl(_trade.direction, _assetPrice, _trade.price, _newMargin, _newLeverage, _trade.accInterest);
        unchecked {
            if (_payout <= int256(_newMargin*(DIVISION_CONSTANT-liqPercent)/DIVISION_CONSTANT)) revert LiqThreshold();
        position.modifyMargin(, _newMargin, _newLeverage); 
        _handleWithdraw(_trade, _stableVault, _outputToken, _removeMargin);
        emit MarginModified(, _newMargin, _newLeverage, false, _trader);

Recommended mitigation steps

Add an if path to handle case where margin is removed to 0 by calling removeMargin

TriHaz commented 1 year ago

That would happen only if a user tried to remove all margin, which would revert anyway here:

No impact so will dispute.

c4-sponsor commented 1 year ago

TriHaz marked the issue as sponsor disputed

GalloDaSballo commented 1 year ago

With the information that I have, in lack of a POC, I believe that rightfully the margin of a position cannot be set to 0 (otherwise you're getting a position with infinite leverage / a position with a payout but no cost)

For this reason, with the sponsor disputing and not much else to use to defend the report, am closing for lack of proof.

I highly recommend adding a coded POC next time to have your report withstand basic scrutiny

c4-judge commented 1 year ago

GalloDaSballo marked the issue as unsatisfactory: Insufficient proof