code-423n4 / 2022-12-tigris-findings

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Precision Loss #602

Closed code423n4 closed 1 year ago

code423n4 commented 1 year ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


As a result of operator precedence (division is done before multiplication, and multiplication before addition and subtraction), use of paranthesis is a must to avoid loss of precision. This is because if two values are divided first and are rounded down in case of incomplete division (solidity default behaviour), the final value (after multiplication and other operations) is lesser than what it would have been had all other requisite operations been done before division (as per the calculation requirements).

Following are explanations of the issues where there were found in the repository.


  1. In createLock, the share calculation is done in the follwing manner:

uint shares = _amount * _period / 365

Since the division will be done first, and given that solidity always rounds down, there is loss of precision here. This leads to a lower share amount for a given lock amount.

It is recommended to change the share calculation so the multiplication happens first:

uint shares = (_amount * _period) / 365

  1. In extendLock(), the shares calculation uint shares = (bond.amount + _amount) * (bond.period + _period) / 365; loses precision by dividing the second parentheses first and then multipliying th result by the first parentheses. This causes the shares be a lower number.

Instead, it should changed so that all multiplication is done before the division:

uint shares = ((bond.amount + _amount) * (bond.period + _period)) / 365;

Similarly, the bondPaid calculation should be chenged likewise:

bondPaid[_id][bond.asset] = (accRewardsPerShare[bond.asset][epoch[bond.asset]] * _bond.shares) / 1e18;

  1. In claim(_id, _claimer), the calculation for incrementing accRewardsPerShare loses precision by dividing 1e18 by totalShares[bond.asset] first. Instead, it should be changed to the following:

accRewardsPerShare[bond.asset][epoch[bond.asset]] += (_pendingDelta*1e18)/totalShares[bond.asset];

  1. In distribute(_tigAsset, _amount), on this line:

accRewardsPerShare[_tigAsset][aEpoch] += _amount * 1e18 / totalShares[_tigAsset];

The accRewardsPerShare is incremented by a lower share amount due to loss of precision and rounding down. This should be changed to:

accRewardsPerShare[_tigAsset][aEpoch] += (_amount * 1e18) / totalShares[_tigAsset];

  1. In idToBond(_id), the calculation:

bond.pending = bond.shares * _accRewardsPerShare / 1e18 - bondPaid[_id][bond.asset];

Here, the amount calculated is ultimately smaller due to the divising and rounding down first, and then the shares being miltiplied by the result. This leads to a lesser bond.pending (pending rewards) amount being reported than it actually is. Other functions/ external protocols depending on this function would therefore get a false picture of the user bond. This should be changed to prioritise mutiplication before division:

bond.pending = (bond.shares * _accRewardsPerShare) / 1e18 - bondPaid[_id][bond.asset];


  1. In lzReceive(_srcChainId, _srcAddress, _nonce, _payload), in the excessivelySafeCall call, consider the following arithmetic which calculates the gas to be sent in the call: [...]gasleft()*4/5, 150,[...] Since solidity rounds down by defauly, 4/5 = 0.8 which rounded down is 0. This means, that the gas sent in the call will always be 0, leading to the excessivelySafeCall always failing, and this function becoming unusable.

It is recommended to change the arithmetic so that the multiplication is done before the division by 5:

[...](gasleft()*4)/5, 150,[...]

Proof of Concept

  1. Use calculations without regard for operator precision.
  2. Incur precision loss, leading to calculations being smaller.
  3. Result in loss to the user and/or the protocol over time.

Tools Used

Recommended Mitigation Steps

GalloDaSballo commented 1 year ago

Premise is incorrect, multiplication and division have the same precedence, a basic remix test would have avoided this report

c4-judge commented 1 year ago

GalloDaSballo marked the issue as unsatisfactory: Insufficient proof