code-423n4 / 2022-12-tigris-findings

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Chainlink price feed is not sufficiently validated and can return stale price #655

Open code423n4 opened 1 year ago

code423n4 commented 1 year ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


As mentioned by, "Prices provided by the oracle network are also compared to Chainlink's public price feeds for additional security. If prices have more than a 2% difference the transaction is reverted." The Chainlink price verification logic in the following TradingLibrary.verifyPrice function serves this purpose. However, besides that IPrice(_chainlinkFeed).latestAnswer() uses Chainlink's deprecated latestAnswer function, this function also does not guarantee that the price returned by the Chainlink price feed is not stale. When assetChainlinkPriceInt != 0 is true, it is still possible that assetChainlinkPriceInt is stale in which the Chainlink price verification would compare the off-chain price against a stale price returned by the Chainlink price feed. For a off-chain price that has more than a 2% difference when comparing to a more current price returned by the Chainlink price feed, this off-chain price can be incorrectly considered to have less than a 2% difference when comparing to a stale price returned by the Chainlink price feed. As a result, a trading transaction that should revert can go through, which makes the price verification much less secure.

    function verifyPrice(
        uint256 _validSignatureTimer,
        uint256 _asset,
        bool _chainlinkEnabled,
        address _chainlinkFeed,
        PriceData calldata _priceData,
        bytes calldata _signature,
        mapping(address => bool) storage _isNode
        external view
        if (_chainlinkEnabled && _chainlinkFeed != address(0)) {
            int256 assetChainlinkPriceInt = IPrice(_chainlinkFeed).latestAnswer();
            if (assetChainlinkPriceInt != 0) {
                uint256 assetChainlinkPrice = uint256(assetChainlinkPriceInt) * 10**(18 - IPrice(_chainlinkFeed).decimals());
                    _priceData.price < assetChainlinkPrice+assetChainlinkPrice*2/100 &&
                    _priceData.price > assetChainlinkPrice-assetChainlinkPrice*2/100, "!chainlinkPrice"

Based on, the followings can be done to avoid using a stale price returned by the Chainlink price feed.

  1. The latestRoundData function can be used instead of the deprecated latestAnswer function.
  2. roundId and answeredInRound are also returned. "You can check answeredInRound against the current roundId. If answeredInRound is less than roundId, the answer is being carried over. If answeredInRound is equal to roundId, then the answer is fresh."
  3. "A read can revert if the caller is requesting the details of a round that was invalid or has not yet been answered. If you are deriving a round ID without having observed it before, the round might not be complete. To check the round, validate that the timestamp on that round is not 0."

Proof of Concept

The following steps can occur for the described scenario.

  1. Alice calls the Trading.initiateMarketOrder function, which eventually calls the TradingLibrary.verifyPrice function, to initiate a market order.
  2. When the TradingLibrary.verifyPrice function is called, the off-chain price is compared to the price returned by the Chainlink price feed for the position asset.
  3. The price returned by the Chainlink price feed is stale, and the off-chain price has less than a 2% difference when comparing to this stale price.
  4. Alice's Trading.initiateMarketOrder transaction goes through. However, this transaction should revert because the off-chain price has more than a 2% difference if comparing to a more current price returned by the Chainlink price feed.

Tools Used


Recommended Mitigation Steps can be updated to the following code.

            (uint80 roundId, int256 assetChainlinkPriceInt, , uint256 updatedAt, uint80 answeredInRound) = IPrice(_chainlinkFeed).latestRoundData();
            require(answeredInRound >= roundId, "price is stale");
            require(updatedAt > 0, "round is incomplete");
c4-judge commented 1 year ago

GalloDaSballo marked the issue as primary issue

c4-sponsor commented 1 year ago

GainsGoblin marked the issue as sponsor acknowledged

GainsGoblin commented 1 year ago

We don't want a trader's trade to revert just because the chainlink feed is a round behind.

GalloDaSballo commented 1 year ago

The Warden has pointed out to a possible risk related to the price oracle returning stale data.

Alternatively to checking for latest round, a check for updatedAt to not be too far in the past should also help mitigate the risk of offering an incorrect price which can lead to value extraction or unintended behaviour.

Because of the risk, I do agree with Medium Severity

c4-judge commented 1 year ago

GalloDaSballo marked the issue as selected for report

GainsGoblin commented 1 year ago


c4-sponsor commented 1 year ago

GainsGoblin marked the issue as sponsor confirmed