Comparison Of Different Types Might Lead to Inconsistent Behavior
Proof of Concept
The comparison here compares two different types , i.e. uint88 (withdrawReserve) and uint256 withdrawBalance. This type of mismatched might induce unwanted behavior (If a bug allowed old solidity somewhere in the code and uint88 will hold $309,485,009 which is achievable through flash loan , it may lead to overflow.unwanted behavior)
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Comparison Of Different Types Might Lead to Inconsistent Behavior
Proof of Concept
The comparison here compares two different types , i.e. uint88 (withdrawReserve) and uint256 withdrawBalance. This type of mismatched might induce unwanted behavior (If a bug allowed old solidity somewhere in the code and uint88 will hold $309,485,009 which is achievable through flash loan , it may lead to overflow.unwanted behavior)
Tools Used
Manual analysis
Recommended Mitigation Steps
Convert the withdrawBalance to uint88