Openzeppelin canceled support for compact signatures in the ECDSA library after version 4.7.3, that is, it no longer supports recovery of signatures with a length of 64
## 4.7.3
### Breaking changes
* `ECDSA`: `recover(bytes32,bytes)` and `tryRecover(bytes32,bytes)` no longer accept compact signatures to prevent malleability. Compact signature support remains available using `recover(bytes32,bytes32,bytes32)` and `tryRecover(bytes32,bytes32,bytes32)`.
And biconomy uses the openzeppelin library above version 4.7.3
In the VerifyingSingletonPaymaster.validatePaymasterUserOp function, the code indicates that the signature with a length of 64 is still supported, but actually when the user uses a signature with a length of 64 in EntryPoint.handleOps, recover will return 0 address, the require statement fails, and validatePaymasterUserOp cannot work.
function validatePaymasterUserOp(UserOperation calldata userOp, bytes32 /*userOpHash*/, uint256 requiredPreFund)
external view override returns (bytes memory context, uint256 deadline) {
bytes32 hash = getHash(userOp);
PaymasterData memory paymasterData = userOp.decodePaymasterData();
uint256 sigLength = paymasterData.signatureLength;
//ECDSA library supports both 64 and 65-byte long signatures.
// we only "require" it here so that the revert reason on invalid signature will be of "VerifyingPaymaster", and not "ECDSA"
require(sigLength == 64 || sigLength == 65, "VerifyingPaymaster: invalid signature length in paymasterAndData");
require(verifyingSigner == hash.toEthSignedMessageHash().recover(paymasterData.signature), "VerifyingPaymaster: wrong signature");
require(requiredPreFund <= paymasterIdBalances[paymasterData.paymasterId], "Insufficient balance for paymaster id");
return (userOp.paymasterContext(paymasterData), 0);
Lines of code
Vulnerability details
Openzeppelin canceled support for compact signatures in the ECDSA library after version 4.7.3, that is, it no longer supports recovery of signatures with a length of 64
And biconomy uses the openzeppelin library above version 4.7.3
In the VerifyingSingletonPaymaster.validatePaymasterUserOp function, the code indicates that the signature with a length of 64 is still supported, but actually when the user uses a signature with a length of 64 in EntryPoint.handleOps, recover will return 0 address, the require statement fails, and validatePaymasterUserOp cannot work.
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