code-423n4 / 2023-01-canto-identity-findings

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Attacker can forge remove data event with arbitrary Subprotocol NFT ID #165

Closed code423n4 closed 1 year ago

code423n4 commented 1 year ago

Lines of code

Vulnerability details

The remove function present in the CidNFT contract can be used to dissociate a subprotocol NFT from a CID. This function takes a _nftIDToRemove parameter that is useful for the case of AssociationType.ACTIVE in order to look for the position in the underlying array that needs to be deleted. However, this parameter is wrongly used in the other two association type cases to emit events, and allows a bad actor to emit arbitrary data.

if (_type == AssociationType.ORDERED) {
    // We do not have to check if ordered is supported by the subprotocol. If not, the value will not be unset (which is checked below)
    uint256 currNFTID = cidData[_cidNFTID][_subprotocolName].ordered[_key];
    if (currNFTID == 0)
        // This check is technically not necessary (because the NFT transfer would fail), but we include it to have more meaningful errors
        revert OrderedValueNotSet(_cidNFTID, _subprotocolName, _key);
    delete cidData[_cidNFTID][_subprotocolName].ordered[_key];
    nftToRemove.safeTransferFrom(address(this), msg.sender, currNFTID);
    emit OrderedDataRemoved(_cidNFTID, _subprotocolName, _key, _nftIDToRemove);
} else if (_type == AssociationType.PRIMARY) {
    uint256 currNFTID = cidData[_cidNFTID][_subprotocolName].primary;
    if (currNFTID == 0) revert PrimaryValueNotSet(_cidNFTID, _subprotocolName);
    delete cidData[_cidNFTID][_subprotocolName].primary;
    nftToRemove.safeTransferFrom(address(this), msg.sender, currNFTID);
    emit PrimaryDataRemoved(_cidNFTID, _subprotocolName, _nftIDToRemove);
} else if (_type == AssociationType.ACTIVE) {

In both AssociationType.ORDERED and AssociationType.PRIMARY cases, the code will remove the current associated subprotocol NFT ID (currNFTID) but will emit the event using the _nftIDToRemove parameters, which is user controlled.


This can be used by an attacker to forge the remove event data and set an arbitrary subprotocol NFT ID when emitting the log. This may eventually lead to other consequences as this event is likely used by off-chain indexers.


In the following, an attacker uses Alice's subprotocol NFT ID to call the remove function. The PrimaryDataRemoved event will be emitted using her subprotocol id.

contract Note is ERC20 {
    constructor() ERC20("Note", "NOTE", 18) {}

    function mint(address account, uint256 amount) external {
        _mint(account, amount);

contract AuditTest is DSTest {
    Vm internal immutable vm = Vm(HEVM_ADDRESS);

    string internal constant BASE_URI = "tbd://base_uri/";

    address feeWallet;
    address alice;
    address bob;
    address attacker;

    Note note;
    SubprotocolRegistry subprotocolRegistry;
    CidNFT cidNFT;
    SubprotocolNFT sub1;
    SubprotocolNFT sub2;
    AddressRegistry addressRegistry;

    event PrimaryDataRemoved(uint256 indexed cidNFTID, string indexed subprotocolName, uint256 subprotocolNFTID);

    function test_CidNFT_ForgeRemoveEvent() public {, 100 * (10**18));

        // Setup

        // Alice registers subprotocol
        note.approve(address(subprotocolRegistry), type(uint256).max);

        // Mints CidNFT bytes[](0));
        uint256 cidNFTID = 1;
        assertEq(cidNFT.ownerOf(cidNFTID), alice);

        // Alice mints subprotocol NFT and adds it to the CidNFT
        uint256 aliceSubprotocolNFTID = 7;, aliceSubprotocolNFTID);

        sub1.approve(address(cidNFT), aliceSubprotocolNFTID);


        // Attack

        // Attacker mints his own CidNFT bytes[](0));
        uint256 attackerCidNFTID = 2;
        assertEq(cidNFT.ownerOf(attackerCidNFTID), attacker);

        // Attacker mints his subprotocol NFT
        uint256 attackerSubprotocolNFTID = 11;, attackerSubprotocolNFTID);

        // Adds it to his CID
        sub1.approve(address(cidNFT), attackerSubprotocolNFTID);

        // Now the attacker removes the NFT but using Alice's token id. The event will be emitted using Alice's subprotocol NFT.
        vm.expectEmit(true, true, true, true);
        emit PrimaryDataRemoved(attackerCidNFTID, "sub1", aliceSubprotocolNFTID);
        cidNFT.remove(attackerCidNFTID, "sub1", 0, aliceSubprotocolNFTID, CidNFT.AssociationType.PRIMARY);



In the cases of AssociationType.PRIMARY and AssociationType.ORDERED, the remove function should emit the corresponding event using the actual stored subprotocol NFT ID (currNFTID) instead of the _nftIDToRemove passed as an argument.

function remove(
    uint256 _cidNFTID,
    string calldata _subprotocolName,
    uint256 _key,
    uint256 _nftIDToRemove,
    AssociationType _type
) public {
    SubprotocolRegistry.SubprotocolData memory subprotocolData = subprotocolRegistry.getSubprotocol(
    address subprotocolOwner = subprotocolData.owner;
    if (subprotocolOwner == address(0)) revert SubprotocolDoesNotExist(_subprotocolName);
    address cidNFTOwner = ownerOf[_cidNFTID];
    if (
        cidNFTOwner != msg.sender &&
        getApproved[_cidNFTID] != msg.sender &&
    ) revert NotAuthorizedForCIDNFT(msg.sender, _cidNFTID, cidNFTOwner);

    ERC721 nftToRemove = ERC721(subprotocolData.nftAddress);
    if (_type == AssociationType.ORDERED) {
        // We do not have to check if ordered is supported by the subprotocol. If not, the value will not be unset (which is checked below)
        uint256 currNFTID = cidData[_cidNFTID][_subprotocolName].ordered[_key];
        if (currNFTID == 0)
            // This check is technically not necessary (because the NFT transfer would fail), but we include it to have more meaningful errors
            revert OrderedValueNotSet(_cidNFTID, _subprotocolName, _key);
        delete cidData[_cidNFTID][_subprotocolName].ordered[_key];
        nftToRemove.safeTransferFrom(address(this), msg.sender, currNFTID);
        emit OrderedDataRemoved(_cidNFTID, _subprotocolName, _key, currNFTID);
    } else if (_type == AssociationType.PRIMARY) {
        uint256 currNFTID = cidData[_cidNFTID][_subprotocolName].primary;
        if (currNFTID == 0) revert PrimaryValueNotSet(_cidNFTID, _subprotocolName);
        delete cidData[_cidNFTID][_subprotocolName].primary;
        nftToRemove.safeTransferFrom(address(this), msg.sender, currNFTID);
        emit PrimaryDataRemoved(_cidNFTID, _subprotocolName, currNFTID);
    } else if (_type == AssociationType.ACTIVE) {
        IndexedArray storage activeData = cidData[_cidNFTID][_subprotocolName].active;
        uint256 arrayPosition = activeData.positions[_nftIDToRemove]; // Index + 1, 0 if non-existant
        if (arrayPosition == 0) revert ActiveArrayDoesNotContainID(_cidNFTID, _subprotocolName, _nftIDToRemove);
        uint256 arrayLength = activeData.values.length;
        // Swap only necessary if not already the last element
        if (arrayPosition != arrayLength) {
            uint256 befSwapLastNFTID = activeData.values[arrayLength - 1];
            activeData.values[arrayPosition - 1] = befSwapLastNFTID;
            activeData.positions[befSwapLastNFTID] = arrayPosition;
        activeData.positions[_nftIDToRemove] = 0;
        nftToRemove.safeTransferFrom(address(this), msg.sender, _nftIDToRemove);
        emit ActiveDataRemoved(_cidNFTID, _subprotocolName, _nftIDToRemove);
c4-judge commented 1 year ago

berndartmueller marked the issue as primary issue

c4-sponsor commented 1 year ago

OpenCoreCH marked the issue as disagree with severity

OpenCoreCH commented 1 year ago

Valid finding, will be changed.

However, I do not see any direct impact and think that wrong events have been historically marked as QA. But I leave that to the judge.

berndartmueller commented 1 year ago

I agree with the sponsor. According to the C4 judging criteria, I consider downgrading it to QA (NC).

QA (Quality Assurance) Includes both Non-critical (code style, clarity, syntax, versioning, off-chain monitoring (events, etc)

c4-judge commented 1 year ago

berndartmueller changed the severity to QA (Quality Assurance)

c4-judge commented 1 year ago

berndartmueller marked the issue as grade-b